For whom is rhinoplasty a problem?

For whom is rhinoplasty a problem?

For whom is nose job dangerous and who should not do it?

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. In this article, we tried to examine the risks of nose surgery to find out for whom nose surgery is dangerous. be with us . If you are in perfect health, you are actually ready to have a nose job. But if there is an underlying disease and the problems that we will discuss below, you cannot perform this surgery.

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Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | How to brush teeth after nose surgery?

These are the characteristics of people for whom nose surgery is dangerous :

  • Minors

People who are under the legal age are not allowed to do this. Because the age of the bones is not complete and the shape of their nose may change after the operation. In fact, girls over 17 years old and boys over 18 years old are allowed to have a nose job.

  • People with high anemia

Rhinoplasty is generally not associated with much bleeding. But if you have acute anemia, treat it first and then do the nose job. In general, the anesthetic in nose surgery causes narrowing of the vessels and reduces the possibility of bleeding. In addition, due to bruising and swelling after nose surgery, the attending physician may prescribe certain medications.

Of course, there is nothing to worry about and before the operation you will do some tests, if your hemoglobin is less than 10, you will not be able to operate and you must start the treatment first..

  • Cardiovascular patients

In this case, some doctors believe that because of the anesthetic, the body may react and cause problems for those with cardiovascular disease.. But others believe that anesthesia in nose surgery can be useful for cardiovascular patients. Therefore, you can decide to perform the operation by consulting your doctor and the information he provides.

  • Diabetic patients

Another thing that can be the answer to the question of nose job is for whom it is dangerous. It is that people with diabetes cannot do nose job because they have heart and kidney problems. Also, diabetic wounds heal later and as a result, the possibility of wound infection is very high in these people.

  • Respiratory problems

People who have respiratory problems such as asthma and shortness of breath are not suitable for this procedure because they may suffer serious problems due to anesthetics..

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | بهترین جراح بینی اصفهان

  • severe obesity

People who are overweight are not at all suitable for nose surgery because when the anesthetic enters their body, they cause problems such as shortness of breath.. Also, after the operation, with the possibility of slimming, the shape of these people's nose will change and they will not have the desired result..

  • Smoking and alcohol consumption

As you know, smoking and drinking alcohol cause a lot of damage to the body, such as shortness of breath, cardiovascular problems, lung problems, etc.. Therefore, due to the occurrence of serious problems, people who are addicted to such substances are not suitable for nose surgery.

If you are one of the sensitive and perfectionist people, it is better not to do this procedure, because the nose shape you want may not be created by performing a cosmetic procedure.. You may also decide to undergo a reconstructive procedure before one year, which will cause a lot of damage to your body..

  • Athletes

In athletes, the possibility of injury and deviation of the nose is high. In addition, they may have this problem after the operation. Therefore, it is better not to do nose surgery, but if they do nose surgery, after problems and injuries, they must go to their doctor to do the repair work immediately..

The difference between men's and women's nose surgery from the words of Dr. Majid Rasti

The difference between men's and women's nose surgery from the words of Dr. Majid Rasti

The difference between men's and women's nose surgery

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Use of Gentex ointment for nose surgery

Use of Gentex ointment for nose surgery

Use of Gentex ointment for nose surgery

Gentex ointment | Taking care of the nose after cosmetic surgery is very important and should be done correctly according to the doctor's instructions. One of the care issues is the use of drugs prescribed by the doctor, one of which is Gentex ointment. Join us here to get to know the application of Gentex ointment for nose surgery completely and accurately :

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Tetracycline ointment after rhinoplasty

Use ointments and creams after rhinoplasty

Among the drugs used after nose surgery is the use of ointments and creams, which are used according to the doctor's prescription. Ointment and cream are used after nose surgery to relieve pain and reduce swelling and bruising. Also, the use of this medicine causes the stitches to disappear faster and your nose to heal.

Some of the most important and main ointments and creams prescribed by the doctor after nose surgery are:: Gentex, Zinc Oxide, Tetracycline Ointment, Vitamin A D, Stratamod, Strataderm, Cicalfit and...

Use of Gentex ointment for nose surgery

One of the main ointments prescribed to patients after nose surgery; Gentex ointment. This ointment is used to treat some skin infections. Gentex ointment prevents the growth of infectious skin bacteria and improves the disease, so this medicine cannot be used to treat viral and fungal diseases.. In fact, Gentex ointment is included in the category of aminoglycoside antibiotic drugs.

How to use Gentex ointment

In the above section, you learned about the use of Gentex ointment. Now you know what this ointment is and what it does. In this section, we would like to explain to you, friends, how to use Gentex ointment :

  1. First, it is necessary to carefully read the brochure inside the Gentex ointment box.
  2. Before using Gentex ointment, it is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly.
  3. Completely dry the parts of the nose where Gentex ointment is to be applied.
  4. Now you have to apply a thin layer of this ointment on the damaged area to repair it.
  5. After applying Gentex ointment on the skin surface, it is better to cover the desired area with sterile gauze.
  6. Gentex ointment should be used 3 to 4 times a day after nose surgery.
  7. While using this ointment, be careful not to get into your eyes and mouth. If it gets into your eyes, wash it immediately.
  8. The amount of use and duration of Gentex ointment should be according to the doctor's instructions. Because excessive use is not only not good for you but also harmful.
  9. Keep Gentex ointment away from moisture and out of the reach of children.

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  How to use Gentex ointment

Benefits of using Gentex ointment after nose surgery

The benefits of using Gentex ointment after nose surgery In this section, we introduce the benefits of using Gentex ointment after nose surgery. :

  • Gentex ointment reduces inflammation after nose surgery.
  • The moisture of Gentex ointment prevents dryness of the nose after surgery.
  • Gentex ointment contains some painkillers that will help you reduce pain.
  • Gentex ointment is included in the category of aminoglycoside antibiotic drugs, which prevent infection.
  • Gentex ointment also helps to reduce the effects after surgery such as burning, itching and redness.
  • This ointment prevents germs and bacteria by cleaning the nose.
How many times a day should we use the repair cream for nose surgery stitches?

To remove the stitch marks after nose surgery, it is necessary to use a repair cream daily, but the frequency of use depends on the type of cream and the doctor's opinion.. Usually, the frequency of using the cream is two or three times a day.

When is it necessary to use ear cartilage and ribs for nose surgery?

When is it necessary to use ear cartilage and ribs for nose surgery?

When is it necessary to use ear cartilage and ribs?

Dr. Majid Rasti's explanation for the need to use ear cartilage and ribs for rhinoplasty :

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Does allergy worsen after nose surgery?

Does allergy worsen after nose surgery?

Does allergy worsen after nose surgery?

Allergy is one of the most annoying issues in every person's life. Some of us ask if allergies worsen after nose surgery. or not. Some people think that they can get rid of their nasal allergies using surgery forever, and therefore they decide to undergo rhinoplasty.. This belief is completely wrong and it is not possible to get rid of nasal allergy forever with surgery.

But in some people, it is observed that the presence of nasal deviation or enlargement of the lower nostrils causes the exacerbation of allergies.. In this case, the operation of the nose will eliminate the factors that aggravate the allergy. Therefore, the amount of allergy decreases after surgery.

Of nose surgery | The issue of seasonal allergies is a very broad and controversial issue

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Does allergy worsen after nose surgery?

In general, nose surgery has nothing to do with allergies, and surgery does not aggravate it. Nasal allergies often depend on the body's white blood cells, and the nose actually plays no role in nasal allergies. Therefore, performing nose surgery cannot cause the exacerbation of allergies. Rhinoplasty not only does not cause allergies to worsen, but in some cases it completely eliminates factors that aggravate allergies, such as nasal deviation or enlargement of the lower nostrils, and reduces the severity of your allergies..

What is the cause of sneezing after nose surgery? Nasal allergy may occur in a person at a different age. Some people have allergies from birth, and others develop nasal allergies from the age of 30. If you have a severe allergy after nose surgery, you know that the allergy has recently developed in your body and has nothing to do with the nose surgery..

What is the cause of sneezing after nose surgery?

Usually, after nose surgery, when a tampon or silicone is placed in the nose, a person feels sneezing. If a person has allergies, this feeling will be more. Usually, people who have had a nose job sneeze 20 times a day. Sneezing after nose surgery is not good at all and causes the shape of the nose to be messed up. Of course, if you sneeze properly, there will be no danger to your nose.

If you experience sneezing and coughing after nose surgery, it is better to discuss this issue with your doctor so that he can teach you the correct way to sneeze.. Also, your doctor will help you to reduce the amount of sneezing and coughing by prescribing the necessary medicines.

جراح بینی اصفهان |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Treatment of allergies with rhinoplasty | جراح بینی اصفهانOf nose surgery

The correct way to sneeze after nose surgery

As you know, sneezing is an uncontrollable and involuntary process. After rhinoplasty, you may sneeze like many other people, which causes damage to the nose.

Of course, this issue is not too worrying. Because you can prevent damage to your nose by controlling sneezing. Controlling sneezing does not mean stopping sneezing. Suffocating a sneeze is not only not recommended, it can also be very harmful to you. Sneezing has a high amount of energy that must be discharged.

To release the energy of the sneeze, just discharge it with a longer range so that you don't bleed. To reduce the force of sneezing, it is better to leave your mouth open so that some of its energy is released through your mouth. Also, opening the mouth during sneezing reduces the pressure on the nose. Sneezing is only important for 2 weeks after surgery, and after that you can sneeze as you feel comfortable..

What should be done to prevent coughing after nose surgery?

To prevent coughing after nose surgery, it is better to always keep your throat moist and avoid sour fruits.. Also, include the consumption of vitamins E and C in your meals.

How is nose surgery for elongated faces?

How is nose surgery for elongated faces?

Rhinoplasty for elongated faces

What amount of changes will be suitable for your face in rhinoplasty is a factor that is determined by a doctor's examination. This is generally determined according to the doctor's experience and during examinations such as the angle of the upper lip and nose, the columella of the nose and a series of other cases, and people finally decide to perform surgery after consulting a doctor and observing the results of similar surgeries..

This issue is important because sometimes it is seen that clients are only interested in having fancy noses and are unaware of the effect of their facial bones and shape as a result of surgery.. In these cases, the result of the surgery may not be to the person's liking, they may even be forced to perform reconstructive surgeries. This issue is generally informed to people in counseling sessions.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Necessary care for all types of nose surgery

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The importance of face shape in rhinoplasty

The type of nose surgery applicants are interested in having fancy noses and they decide to have nose surgery based on the image they have in their minds.. As mentioned, in some cases, the insistence on performing such surgeries does not lead to favorable results for people, and for this purpose, the doctor explains the main criteria for diagnosing the nose that is suitable for each person's face in the consultation sessions..

The most important issue in diagnosing a suitable nose is to pay attention to the fact that we should not look at the nose as a separate part of our face and imagine its shape in accordance with other parts of the face..

For example, for people who have a face with large bones and prominent cheeks and lower jaw, a small and upturned nose will never be seen as beautiful.! Because it makes the fit of the person's face go wrong. The suitable nose model for each person's face is generally by checking parameters such as: Facial redness, face width, nose width standard, beautiful nose line, lip width, angle of the upper lip and tip of the nose, diagnostic endoscopy of the nose and rhinomanometry are determined..

How to recognize the right nose for people

As mentioned, in the pre-operative examinations, one of the factors that the doctor pays special attention to is the shape of the person's face.. For this, doctors usually divide the length of a person's face into three parts and examine the condition of each person's face based on the following parameters. :

  1. The distance between the hairline and the eyebrow
  2. The distance between the eyebrow and the tip of the nose
  3. The distance between the bottom of the nose and the chin

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Correcting the shape of the nose with fancy nose surgery

The nose is suitable for elongated faces

People whose facial bones appear elongated and who are looking for information about the condition of the nose suitable for their face, should consider some tips for surgery.. These tips are as follows :

  • It is better not to insist on having fancy noses or so to speak a doll with a big arch.
  • The nose of people with elongated faces should have an angle of 90 to 105 degrees.
  • The line that goes past the arch of the nose and intersects with the person's chin should have an angle of 30 to 40 degrees in elongated and bony faces. .
  • The angle of the starting point of the nose from the forehead should not be less than or more than 120 degrees.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of nose job in elongated faces?

The benefits of this procedure include improving the shape of the nose, facial balance, and even a positive effect on a person's mood. By performing this surgery, while achieving your desired beauty, you can be more confident in social gatherings and raise your spirits..

One of the disadvantages of this practice is its relatively high cost. Also, nose surgery on an elongated face may be associated with more problems and complications due to the higher risk in some people. Possible side effects include infection, bleeding, pain, change in sense of smell, etc. Most of the mentioned disadvantages will not be noticed if rhinoplasty is performed by an experienced and skilled doctor.

Male nose surgery with Dr. Majid Rasti

Male nose surgery with Dr. Majid Rasti

The result of male nose surgery Dr. Majid Rasti, Isfahan nose surgeon

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The cause of breathing problems after nose surgery

The cause of breathing problems after nose surgery

What is the cause of breathing problems after nose surgery?

In this section of Dr. Majid Rasti's website, the cause of breathing problems after nose surgery is discussed, stay with us :

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Is nose surgery possible during period?

Is nose surgery possible during period?

Can nose surgery be done during period?

period period | Knowing about the conditions of performing cosmetic surgeries, such as rhinoplasty, because of the effect it can have on the beauty of people's faces. . It is very attractive to different applicants. This surgery is generally performed with the aim of correcting the cartilage of the nose . And depending on the amount of changes made on the nose, different methods are used by the surgeon.

One of the things that doctors always recommend to different clients to get the right result . Pay attention to the dos and don'ts of surgery. This point includes many topics and generally refers to the physical condition and health of the person before the operation.

For example, performing nose surgery (رینوپلاستی) It is one of the issues during menstruation and possible problems . which should be very careful. In this article we intend to . To introduce you to the effects and complications of nose surgery during menstruation. Please stay with us for further reading.

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Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Is nose surgery possible during period?

Nose surgery during period

Generally because of what is called bleeding during period . This idea is formed in some people who lost a lot of blood during surgery . And they may have long-term complications. To answer these ambiguities, we must point out . In general, menstruation before rhinoplasty does not interfere with surgery.

In few cases, the patients had very painful periods . or have relatively severe bleeding, nose surgery is possible . It affects their mental condition and makes the recovery process of the patient a little difficult. Therefore, it is always one of the recommendations of doctors and beauty experts to evaluate the condition of a person during the menstrual period.

As if you feel that you have a hard and painful period . Postpone your rhinoplasty surgery to another time. Of course, you should pay attention to the fact that you are bleeding during the uterine period, it does not mean this . At this time, your blood coagulation will become difficult and the doctor will have problems for your surgery.

Who is not recommended to perform nose surgery during menstruation?

As we mentioned, nose surgery during period is safe and there is no problem in doing it. However, in some cases, it is recommended that some people postpone their surgery to a later time, as a precaution. Examples of these conditions include the following :

  1. People who feel severe pain in their back and lower abdomen. The pain and discomfort of the menstrual period, in cases where it becomes unbearable, causes mental damage and stress in the patient and is recommended. . During this period, cosmetic surgery should be avoided.
  2. People who experience unusual and heavy bleeding. These people should postpone their nose surgery to another time due to their unfavorable mental and physical conditions. Because they may have problems during cosmetic surgery.

How to control bleeding on the day of surgery

According to the statistics of bleeding after rhinoplasty, in women who are around ovulation . It is seen more than women who are menstruating. Of course, this point has no negative effect on the results of surgery . And it is mostly related to the short-term side effects of nose surgery.

It is recommended to schedule your surgery in a way to control possible complications . Don't have period stress and go through your surgery safely.

Complications of nose surgery during menstruation

Performing nose surgery during menstruation may lead to the following complications :

  • خونریزی: During menstruation, nosebleeds may be more intense and last longer. This may increase the risk of infection and blood clot formation in the surgical area.
  • Hormonal changes: During menstruation, the body's hormone levels change, which may affect fluid and electrolyte balance, inflammation, and wound healing..
  • Increased risk of infection: During menstruation, the level of estrogen decreases significantly, which reduces the anti-infection effects of the body. This may increase the risk of infection after surgery.
  • Delayed recovery: Due to hormonal changes and menstrual complications, recovery time after rhinoplasty may be longer during this period.
  • General complications: During your period, you may feel tired, bloated, nauseous, and nauseous, which may affect the recovery process after surgery..
    Before deciding to undergo rhinoplasty during menstruation, it is better to consult your doctor and get the necessary guidance in this field..

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | What is the style of semi-fantasy nose operation?

What drugs are not recommended before rhinoplasty surgery?

If you are applying for rhinoplasty, it is better to know that one of the main steps before rhinoplasty is knowing the categories of drugs that are harmful to you.. Medicines that should not be taken before the procedure are divided into three categories, which are: :

  1. Prescriptive referees : Taking medicines prescribed by the doctor cause blood thinning and coagulation disorders.
  2. Non-prescription drugs : Also, non-prescription drugs, such as those related to colds, do not cause any side effects to the body, but can have an effect on the body for several weeks..
  3. Herbal Medicines: Herbal medicines also include fish oil, vitamin E, garlic extract, sorghum (Echinacea angustifolia) and ginger

In the long term, these drugs may cause serious and irreparable side effects for people.

The effect of anesthesia in nose surgery on menstruation

Anesthetic drugs on menstruation (period) They do not affect, but the stress of surgery and the recovery period can delay the occurrence of the next period. Of course, doctors believe that this issue does not apply to all women, and younger women face this problem less.. However, it is better to pay more attention to why and how anesthesia affects menstruation. You can talk to your doctor about these effects and share your concerns with him.

Dr. Majid Rasti, nose surgeon, one year after nose surgery

Dr. Majid Rasti, nose surgeon, one year after nose surgery

One year after nose surgery Dr. Majid Rasti, Isfahan nose surgeon

One year after nose surgery :

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