Who can do semi-fantasy rhinoplasty?

Who can do semi-fantasy rhinoplasty?

For whom is semi-fantasy nose surgery suitable?

The main purpose of this semi-fantasy nose surgery model is to fix the appearance defects and maintain the natural state of the nose. Usually, people who are looking for a more shapely nose, but do not like artificial and doll faces, go for semi-fantasy nose surgery.. The skin around the nose, the shape of the bone and the cartilage of the nose are considered to be influential factors in choosing the type of rhinoplasty surgery.. That's why semi-fantasy nose job cannot be prescribed for everyone.

People who have strong nasal cartilage with thin skin are the best candidates for this type of rhinoplasty, who neither want a very doll nose nor like a natural and unchanged nose..

Stay with us with interesting and readable content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery و فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان :

Of nose surgery | Men's semi-fantasy nose _ female

Semi-fantasy nose surgery is not suitable for whom?

People with thick nose skin and thin cartilage will not be candidates for fantasy and semi-fantasy nose surgery.. Due to the reduction in the size of the nose and relatively large arch, it can be said that men are not a suitable option, of course, the patient's taste and desire also have an effect on the choice of the operation model..

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For whom is rhinoplasty dangerous?

It is better to ask this question to the doctor during the consultation to make sure you are a suitable candidate for cosmetic surgery. Some diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes, eliminate the possibility of cosmetic surgery.

What kind of half-fantasy nose does it look like?

The main characteristic of a semi-fantasy nose, which is a state between a doll nose and a natural one, is the shrinking and upturning of the nose tip. Therefore, naturally, this model is more suitable for delicate and small faces and does not suit large faces, because the operated nose must be in proportion with other parts of the face..

The main criterion for selecting a nose model is face shape and Nose structure. So people who tend to look like a singer or an actor make a big mistake. Everyone’s nose pattern should be chosen only in comparison to his or her whole face

The main criterion for choosing a nose model is the shape of the face and the structure of the nose. So people who want to look like a singer or an actor are making a big mistake. The nose pattern of each person should be selected only in comparison with his whole face.

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The cost of a semi-fantasy nose job

Depending on whether you have a bony or fleshy nose and what type of operation you want, the specialist and clinic you choose for surgery, and the geographic location are all factors that affect the cost of a semi-fantasy nose job..

The best semi-fantasy rhinoplasty surgeon

The choice of the surgeon is the most important factor in the satisfaction of the final result of the surgery. While choosing a rhinoplasty doctor, be sure to pay attention to the expertise and skill, experience and high level of satisfaction of the patients. Do not forget that the doctor who has the highest rate of cosmetic surgery or the lowest price is not necessarily the best nose surgery doctor. حتما این فاکتورها را حین جستجو برای جراح بینی درنظر داشته باشید تا بتوانید با خیال راحت بهترین دکتر عمل بینی نیمه فانتزی را انتخاب کنید.


common questions

Can men also do semi-fantasy nose surgery?
There is no prohibition to perform semi-fantasy nose surgery in men, but since the appearance of the nose becomes smaller and relatively doll-like compared to the natural state, it will not be proportionate to the other parts of the male face, which are almost large.. But again, everything depends on the individual's taste and of course the opinion of the surgeon.

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Is a natural nose better or semi-fantasy?
Choosing the type of nose surgery depends on the person's nose model, face and personal taste. In some people, according to the appearance of the face, a natural nose will be better, but in some people who have a more delicate face, they can be a better option for the semi-fantasy type..

At what age can half-fantasy nose surgery be performed?
The most suitable age for semi-fantasy nose surgery is 18 to 50 years old, because at a young age, the bones and parts of the face are still growing and it may affect the result of the operation.. At the age of over 50, the result may not be very pleasant due to the loosening of the skin.

How to take a bath after half-fantasy nose surgery?
For a semi-fantasy nose job bath, sit on a chair and tilt your head back. Ask someone to gently wash your hair with lukewarm water and a hand shower. It is better not to get moisture and water in the nose for a week.

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