Changes in the nose during puberty

Changes in the nose during puberty

Investigating the reasons for the enlargement and reduction of the nose in adulthood | دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery

Changes in the nose during puberty | Changing the size of the nose is one of the concerns of men and women at different ages. This happens for various reasons, the main reasons being broken nose due to accidents, skin diseases, and cosmetic surgery complications..

The size or smallness of the nose has an undeniable effect on the beauty of a person's face . And you can avoid unwanted changes in its appearance by following some important points . In the continuation of this article, we are going to investigate this issue further . So please stay with us until the end of this article.

Stay with us with interesting and readable content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery و فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان :

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Face changes after rhinoplasty .

Effective factors in the formation of the appearance of the nose

Changes in the nose during puberty | In general, a set of genes are effective in shaping the appearance of the nose. Your genetics play an incredible role in this and you can find out by comparing the nose shape of your family members..

It is interesting to know that the researchers in their latest research identified a specific category of genes that affect the appearance of the nose . reached and classified them. These genes are effective in determining the width, size and even shape of the tip of the nose . In this context, we can mention the DCHS2 gene, which plays an important role in changing the shape of the nasal cartilage at different ages . Or we can refer to the PAX1 gene, which is effective in changing the shape of the nasal cavities.

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Getting to know the main reasons for increasing the size of the nose

  • Completely blocked nose

People who are unable to inhale and exhale normally through their nose due to diseases such as third tonsil or respiratory diseases.. Their nasal muscles are not fully developed, especially during childhood and adolescence until puberty . Their noses should remain small. It is possible due to the narrowness of the nasal cartilage . The tip of these people's nose should look a little bigger and make the person's face look elongated.

  • Relatively blocked nose

Muscles that are stressed during breathing and aerobic exercises may lead to an increase in the size of the nasal cavities in the long term.. When you exercise and your metabolism increases, some of these muscles are stressed and expand in the long term.. The expansion of these muscles leads to making the nose appear wider and increasing its size, and you will see this in the increase in the size of the nasal cavities..

  • nose breaking

Accidents such as accidents and injuries to the nasal cartilage, especially during childhood, cause over time . The crooked nasal bones grow and we see the formation of an asymmetric shape on our face. These cases are related to nose correction surgery . And with the help of rhinoplasty, these problems can be solved.

  • Continuous blockage of one of the nasal passages

Congestion of one side of the nose during puberty at older ages can lead to a change in the size of the nasal cavities and sinuses on both sides of the face.. in such a way that half of one side (صورت) to appear larger or smaller than the other half of the face to the audience. Of course, we have to note that the non-redness of the face is a point that can be seen in almost all people.

  • Nasal polyps

Nasal polyps are a kind of protective coating on the nasal mucosa . which is sometimes provoked by reasons such as allergies or surgical complications . cause problems for the patient. It should be noted that if this complication is not treated and continues to grow, it can fill the nasal cavity and with the pressure applied to the inner wall of the nose. . It causes the bones to slowly grow outward and make the nose look wider.

  • The effect of aging on nose size

Cartilage forms the framework of the nose, and over time, these parts sag and appear wider.. On the other hand, a hump may also appear on the bridge of the nose. As a result, the nose looks downward and the glands in the skin of the nose, especially in the area of ​​the tip, become larger over time.. These changes cause the tip of the nose to become droopy and in some extreme cases, the tip of the nose enters the upper lip area.

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A nose that was large and well-shaped in youth becomes very large, rounded or elongated in middle age.. This nose will be different from what you saw in the mirror when you were young. Even the function of the nose may change. When the shape of the nose changes, the pattern of entering and exiting the air stream will also be different.

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Changes in the nose during puberty

Nose changes after cosmetic surgery

Changes in the nose during puberty | As we mentioned, one of the reasons for changing the shape of the nose in different people is the complications of the surgery. For example, a person's nose after performing rhinoplasty or rhinoplasty surgery due to the expansion of damaged nerves in the nose becomes swollen for a while and looks bigger than its actual size..

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These cases are generally resolved during the surgical recovery period. We recommend for more information . Read the article on the reasons for changing the size and enlargement of the nose after cosmetic surgery. In the following, we mention some examples of the reasons for changing the size of the nose after surgery :

Normal surgical swelling

The natural swelling of the surgery appeared as a bruise on the patient's face up to a week after the operation . And depending on the type of surgery, recovery may take up to two months. The tissues of the nose are swollen in this state and we will see a change in the size of the nose.

Doctors recommend surgery for faster recovery of the patient during the recovery period . with care and constant washing of the nose (with a special head) Avoid inflammation of the surgical area.

Chronic swelling of surgery

This type of swelling rarely happens and during which the interstitial fluid is deposited under the skin after the operation and turns into tissue.. Fixing this extra tissue on both sides of the nose may take several months.

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