Common breathing problems that occur after rhinoplasty :

Common breathing problems that occur after rhinoplasty :

Common breathing problems after rhinoplasty

Breathing problems after nose surgery | In some cases, the patient may have breathing problems after nose surgery. Of course, in most cases, these problems are resolved some time after the nose job and there is nothing to worry about.

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The following problems cause breathing problems after nose surgery :

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After the surgery, the nose will be swollen for some time, and this swelling occurs inside the nose in addition to the external area of ​​the nose.. Swelling inside the nose causes the volume of the natural space in the nose for breathing to decrease, and as a result, the patient suffers from nasal congestion due to the narrowing and blocking of the nasal airway.. Of course, nose surgery is performed by an experienced surgeon, and if such a condition occurs after the operation, it will be resolved within a maximum of 1 month..

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whistling nose

This complication is not as scary as nasal congestion for the patient; But it can cause a whistling sound when the patient inhales and exhales. Over-shrinking of the nostrils during surgery is one of the most important causes of this problem. Because the air passing through the narrow respiratory tract can make a whistling sound. Nasal polyps, allergies and sensitivities, and inflammation of the lungs or sinuses are other causes of whistling when breathing after nose surgery..

Shortness of breath

Usually, the occurrence of shortness of breath in most people who have had a nose job is temporary and after 2-3 weeks this problem is resolved.. The presence of blood clots in the nose, swelling of tissues inside the nose, and inflammation of the nasal mucosa are natural causes of shortness of breath in the patient.. Of course, in cases where shortness of breath is caused by non-professional nose surgery, usually a reconstructive nose surgery is needed to fix it..

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How long does the breathing problem last after nose surgery?

As you know, breathing is a bit difficult and annoying for patients after the nose job due to the presence of the splint and also the swelling and inflammation of the internal tissues, so people are looking to know how long these types of problems will last. has it.

In response to the question, how long does breathing problem last after nose surgery? It can be said that breathing problems after closed rhinoplasty may be completely different from problems caused by open rhinoplasty.. Depending on various factors such as surgical method, age, physical characteristics, degree of swelling and inflammation, and such cases, the recovery time of respiratory complications after rhinoplasty is different for each person and may last up to three weeks or even more..

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Are breathing problems dangerous after nose surgery?

Although breathing hard after rhinoplasty can be very annoying, there are different ways to treat them.. It cannot be said that breathing problems are dangerous, but since they reduce the level of oxygen in the body's blood, it may lead to danger.. If breathing problems persisted after rhinoplasty and did not improve by following medical recommendations, you must visit جراح بینی Go to him and ask him for treatment.

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In the end, wounding and changes in the main structure of the nose also cause breathing problems, which by choosing the best Of nose surgery which is skillful and powerful, such issues can be prevented.

Considering that rhinoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic procedures in our country, most of the applicants only pay attention to the appearance of the nose and the cost of the procedure, and to more important issues such as choosing an expert doctor, surgical procedure and the relevant clinic. In fact, it is a guarantee of no complications after the operation, they do not pay much attention. Therefore, with more research and accuracy, you can be protected from possible dangers.

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