The result of rhinoplasty surgery one year after the operation

The result of rhinoplasty surgery one year after the operation

One year after rhinoplasty and the result of good rhinoplasty

The following picture is the result of nose surgery by Dr. Majid Rasti, a nose surgeon in Isfahan, after one year of nose surgery :

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  One year after nose surgery

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The problem of swelling of the lips after nose surgery

The problem of swelling of the lips after nose surgery

The cause and method of solving the problem of swelling of the lips after nose surgery

Lip swelling after nose surgery | Every day, many nose surgeries are performed for cosmetic or medical purposes. This surgery causes significant changes in the face. And it even has the ability to affect other parts of the face such as the shape and appearance of the cheeks or lips..

For these reasons, a large number of people are afraid of performing nose surgery or have doubts about its consequences..

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Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Cost of rhinoplasty

Does nose surgery affect the shape of the lips?

In fact, after nose surgery, people's lips are swollen and they feel afraid of this problem. But there is no need to worry at all and the effect of nose surgery on the lips is short-term and temporary. After the care after nose surgery, this swelling will improve and the patient's lips will return to normal.. In fact, the upper lip is one of the parts that swells more than the lower lip.

After the nose operation, the numbness of the upper lip also indicates that the upper lip is very effective from this operation. For complete recovery, upper lip swelling and the nose itself need 1 year. Of course, it should be noted that during the first 6 months, this swelling recovers very quickly, and for the person in the second six months, its changes are not even noticeable..

What can we do to quickly treat swollen lips and nose?

To treat the swelling quickly, following the care tips after nose surgery is the most important thing prescribed to you by your nose surgeon.. Be careful that if you do not take these things seriously, it is possible that the swelling of your lips and nose will not be resolved or you will face new complications such as nose drooping.. We have mentioned the things that cause swelling of the lips and nose :

use of ice compresses; Ice compress is one of the most effective ways to quickly treat swelling. You can apply an ice pack on the swollen area for a few minutes every day. By repeating this several times every day, you will speed up your healing process. Of course, be careful that the use of ice compresses is done only with the doctor's prescription.
The use of some painkillers has the ability to reduce swelling after nose surgery to a great extent. Of course, the use of painkillers must be done with the prescription of a nose surgeon and the arbitrary use of painkillers should be avoided.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Closed or open nose surgery???

Does nose surgery affect the smile design?

In fact, a large number of people feel that their smile design has changed and they will have more beautiful smiles after performing rhinoplasty.. In fact, according to experts, rhinoplasty has no effect on people's smiles, and the type of laughter these people have and the shape and form of their smiles are the same before and after the operation..

How nose job affects laughing

In fact, there is a muscle in the human nose that pulls the nose down when laughing. This will make your smile not attractive and beautiful enough. During rhinoplasty, the surgeon has the ability to make a secret incision inside the nose, and with that, the muscle that pulls the nose down does not work.. In short, you will have a more attractive and beautiful smile.

How does nose surgery change the voice?

How does nose surgery change the voice?

Voice change after nose job

voice change | If you have recently had a rhinoplasty, you may have noticed changes in your voice in addition to your appearance. Although rhinoplasty has the ability to do this . which improves the shape and appearance of the nose and also makes breathing easier in many sick people, but it may cause subtle changes in the voice.

For people who use their voice professionally, it is possible for them to worry about voice changes after rhinoplasty.. In this article, we want to discuss the effects of nose surgery on voice:

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | What is the style of semi-fantasy nose operation?

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Does your voice change after rhinoplasty?

This situation is not necessarily a bad thing. Some people perform nose surgery to open the nasal passages to make breathing easier. This action has the ability to do this . which has a positive effect on their singing voice . And sometimes nasal voice improves them sometimes.

In general, the risks of rhinoplasty that will change your voice in a negative way are very low . But each case is unique and if the voice change is a concern for you . You need to talk to your surgeon about it.

A recent study about voice changes after nose surgery has asked patients about their voice problems or changes. About a quarter of these sick people used their voice professionally. While some patients saw changes in their voice . Most of them have not noticed any change in surgery.

And their voice was recorded before and after the surgery and they were requested . Listen to the recording to determine if a real change has occurred. They did not know which recording they were listening to. But the majority of patients expressed a slight increase in hoarseness due to minor changes due to narrowing of the nasal passages.

How does nose surgery change the voice?

When nose surgery is performed . Although the outside of the nose is being treated, the inside is also affected. For most patients, rhinoplasty involves narrowing the nasal passages . If it is possible for some sick people . Fixing the deviation of the nose and making the ways on both sides of the nose equal. Due to the increase in air flow resistance, these changes increase sound absorption. In addition, the sound range is reduced.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | The success rate of rhinoplasty surgery

Despite these changes, most of the patients, even if they notice voice changes after performing nose surgery . They will not experience any impact on their professional life. Nose surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia . which includes intubation. A breathing tube is inserted through the nose during intubation . and passes through the vocal chords. This causes damage to the vocal chords.

This means being sure of the experience and knowledge of your specialist and surgeon . that you can expect safe and smooth tubing. If this is a big concern for you . You are able to talk about different methods such as anesthesia with sedation . To prevent the intubation method.

During the consultation, it is necessary to express any concerns about the effect of rhinoplasty on your voice. The surgeon has the ability to describe possible risks . and hopefully dispel any concerns. Before performing nose surgery, you should pay attention . To be fully aware of all possible effects and aspects of this practice.

It should be noted that nose surgery does not affect the tone of voice to a great extent. Narrowing of the airway in the nose is the most common cause of voice changes due to nose surgery.

What changes the tone of voice more in nose surgery?

Narrowing of the airway in the nose is the most common cause of voice changes due to nose surgery.

What should be done with a sore throat after nose surgery?

What should be done with a sore throat after nose surgery?

Treatment of sore throat after nose surgery

The most unpleasant pain after surgery is sore throat, which is caused by irritation of the throat by the anesthetic tube. Of course, these symptoms are temporary and transitory. You can contact us with the following items to cure sore throat.

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Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan | . What should be done with a sore throat after nose surgery? .

Is sore throat normal after surgery?

Sore throat is a normal and expected problem after surgery, especially in cases of general anesthesia. Having this pain after surgery is nothing to worry about unless the patient is unable to speak or the pain is unbearable.. As mentioned, this pain is more for patients who have general anesthesia, but for patients who have procedures such as sedation or spinal anesthesia, they do not experience throat pain..

Having a headache and sore throat after rhinoplasty is a common symptom, and the patient may feel like he has a cold after rhinoplasty.. Of course, some patients also feel pain or swelling in the tooth or around it, as well as numbness in the upper lip.

Causes of sore throat after nose surgery

Usually, sore throat after nose surgery can be due to the following 4 reasons.

1. Placing the breathing tube in the mouth

During general anesthesia, intubation is used in which a tracheal tube is placed in the mouth and down the throat and connected to a ventilator to improve oxygenation during surgery..

2. Breathing through the mouth

Another reason for sore throat after nose surgery is breathing through the mouth. Because after nose surgery, it is difficult to breathe through the nose due to the presence of dressings or nasal tampons, internal splints, swelling and inflammation of the nose, for this reason patients breathe through their mouths and this causes dry throat and ultimately sore throat..

3. Lack of water in the body

The pain caused by the surgery may be due to the lack of water in the body because the patient is not allowed to drink anything before the surgery and after the operation he is given a minimum of fluids, which in this case is relieved by drinking fluids..

4. Throat infection

Other causes of sore throat include infection in the throat. These infections may be caused by cold viruses or upper respiratory tract infections before or after surgery.. Of course, the infection caused by a cold after rhinoplasty is not a concern and usually improves with medical treatment, but in some rare cases, there may be an infection after rhinoplasty, which is usually accompanied by a severe sore throat. And bad breath is associated for a long time.

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan | What should be done with a sore throat after nose surgery? .

Treatment of sore throat after rhinoplasty surgery

To treat a sore throat, minimal care is required, including talking less, drinking more fluids, and medication under the supervision of a doctor. The doctor may prescribe drugs such as acetaminophen and promethazine as pain relievers, as well as a series of anti-allergic drugs.. It is necessary to comply with the following to reduce the sore throat caused by surgery :

  • Sucking citrus flavored candy, including lemon, can make the throat smoother and reduce pain.
  • Drinking fluids is also effective in keeping the throat moist and thus reducing the pain.
  • The patient should not be exposed to polluted air as much as possible.
  • Avoid eating salty and spicy foods to prevent throat irritation.
  • As long as the sore throat has not improved, use glazed and soft foods as well as soup.
  • Refrain from smoking until the end of the healing period.

When should you visit your nose surgeon?

Permanent damage to the throat or vocal cords is one of the risks of anesthesia, and timely treatment can reduce this damage to some extent and make a significant difference in the final result.. In most cases, the sore throat goes away within three or four days after the surgery, and the patient has no problem eating and drinking.

In cases where the sore throat lasts for more than a week or your voice is affected, contact your surgeon, and if you encounter speech problems, be sure to see your surgeon.. In some cases, the sore throat is not related to the surgery, for example, a person may undergo surgery with a mild sore throat, and in the days after the surgery, he will have strep throat, which can be treated with antibiotics..

Physical activity after rhinoplasty

Physical activity after rhinoplasty

Sitting and lying down after rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is performed to eliminate the angle, deviation and correction of the cartilage walls, as well as lift the tip of the nose.. During this surgery, the surgeon can remove all defects in the structure of the nose and its wings according to the individual's opinion.. Despite the many merits of this surgery, depending on the amount of changes that occur on the nose structure, the expertise of the surgeon, and the type of nose surgery, it may be associated with complications..

Doctors generally recommend doing certain sports to increase the blood circulation of a person after rhinoplasty and also to recover faster from some of the complications of this surgery..

It is generally possible for a person to do light sports two weeks after rhinoplasty and the doctor informs the person about the type of movements, duration, etc. It can be done after rhinoplasty, we will pay, stay with us.

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Sitting and lying down after rhinoplasty

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What exercises can be done in the first ten days of rhinoplasty?

Doctors usually recommend taking light walks at regular intervals. Because being active during the recovery period of this surgery improves blood circulation in the body and can play a positive role in the process of getting rid of bruises and swelling around the eyes.. In the first week of rhinoplasty, it is usually recommended to include light sports such as slow walking, shoulder and joint exercises, and consult your doctor before doing them..

Slow walking is done to prevent blood clots in the surgical area .

Beginning of sit-up exercises after rhinoplasty

On average, it takes about 7 weeks for the swollen tissue and nerves of the nose to return to their original state, and as a result, the physical condition of the person is suitable for performing daily activities.. For this reason, after 7-8 weeks of rhinoplasty (Depending on the surgical method) You can start stretching exercises.

Sitting up is one of the most popular home exercises that people should consult with their doctor to do it and ask how to perform the movements and more importantly the amount of pressure allowed on different parts of the body while performing the movements.. One of the most important benefits of sitting after rhinoplasty is the following:

  1. Improve body metabolism
  2. More body balance and endurance
  3. Reduce the risk of back pain
  4. Improve blood circulation in the body
  5. Diaphragm reinforcement

It is recommended that at the beginning of work and starting exercises such as sitting, aerobics and other stretching exercises, if you feel very uncomfortable or if you notice a tingling sensation in your nose, stop the exercise quickly..

Generally, when after nose surgeon in Isfahan |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Rhinoplasty beginners can do stretching and sitting?

Generally, after rhinoplasty, when can one start stretching and sitting?

According to doctors' advice, there should be at least 7-8 weeks between rhinoplasty and the resumption of stretching exercises. It is better to tell your doctor how and when to perform the movements and perform these movements according to his advice.

Try to do the exercises in short intervals at first. Never do sit-ups on hard ground. When you feel the skin on your face turn red and your body temperature rises, stop the exercises for a few minutes. Do not hook your hands behind your head while doing a sit-up. Breathe in every time you lower your body to the floor.

In the first ten days of rhinoplasty, it is usually recommended to include light sports such as slow walking, shoulder and joint exercises, and consult your doctor before doing them..

Starting bodybuilding after nose surgery

Starting bodybuilding after nose surgery

Bodybuilding after rhinoplasty

body building | The nose is one of the most common facial features that appear . Both men and women are equally unhappy. Whether it is large or very small, crooked, drooping, or anything else in between, it can negatively affect how a person feels about their overall appearance.. Nose surgery (nose plastic surgery) It can be a life changing procedure . Having a perfectly balanced face increases a person's self-confidence.

For athletes, nose surgery is very challenging . Because exercising after surgery is an important question . Can we exercise after surgery? How long will we be able to exercise after surgery?

Although exercise will not have a negative effect on your bottom line . But it may cause more swelling immediately after exercise . which will subside in the next few hours. Most rhinoplasty patients return to their regular exercise program within 3-4 weeks after surgery.

In this article, we are going to talk about post-rhinoplasty bodybuilding exercise so that dear athletes can have rhinoplasty without any worries with complete information..

جراح بینی اصفهان |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Bodybuilding after rhinoplasty | جراح بینی اصفهانOf nose surgery

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Time to start bodybuilding after rhinoplasty

A common question among nose job applicants is this . When can I resume bodybuilding after rhinoplasty? Since not all sports are the same and not all rhinoplasty surgeries are the same, this article is intended as a general guide..

The first week after nose surgery, patients are limited to walking at a slow speed. Hypertension is critical here; Because it can cause epitaxy, swelling and displacement of the nose.

The second week after nose surgery, the patient can do limited exercise, focusing on weights. Patients should do 25% of their usual weight training and 25% of their exercise repetitions. Special care should be taken to limit heart rate. You should avoid inversions in activities such as dog down in yoga. Cardiovascular activity should be limited at this stage.

در هفته سوم بعد از عمل بینی می توان وزنه برداری را تا ۵۰٪ تکرار ورزش ها به ۵۰٪ از وزنه های تمرینی معمول افزایش داد. Cardiovascular activity can be resumed at a rate of 50% while the heart rate remains limited. At this stage, patients should avoid shaking their noses and running.

Time to start bodybuilding after rhinoplasty

In the fourth week you can increase weightlifting to 75% of normal weights and now up to 75% of repetitions.. Patients can start inversion in yoga like a downward dog and progress if there is no swelling in the nose..

Your activity can be increased to 75% of your regular workouts while you still have to avoid running at this point.. Patients should pay attention to the swelling to see if there will be swelling in the nose after exercise, and avoid doing these activities until next week..

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Fifth week after rhinoplasty

Fifth week after rhinoplasty

Weightlifting can now be done with natural weights and repetitive exercises to the level before surgery. Weightlifting can now be done with natural weights and repetitive exercises to the level before surgery. You can resume most physical activities as before surgery . And you may be able to run slowly at this stage.

Patients should relate the degree of swelling to work. Working increases blood flow in the nose . But it helps patients relieve some of the swelling by encouraging venous flow and lymphatic drainage . And it normally balances the amount of inflation that was previously observed.

Contact sports should be avoided for at least 6 months . And for athletes who participate in sports with the possibility of potential contact such as football, basketball, etc. . They must use the mask with their doctor's permission.

The effect of bodybuilding drugs for nose surgery

Drugs used in bodybuilding . Most of them are supplements and hormones that help build muscle in the body. Some of these drugs can interfere with blood coagulation and cause bleeding during nose surgery. For this reason, it is better to stop bodybuilding drugs two weeks before nose surgery . And stop taking them two weeks before the operation to two weeks after the operation . Of course, you should do all this process with the doctor's knowledge.

Is rhinoplasty possible for diabetics?

Is rhinoplasty possible for diabetics?

How is rhinoplasty for diabetics?

Rhinoplasty for diabetics | Diabetes and rhinoplasty is one of the frequently asked questions that due to the increasing number of these types of patients, which are common nowadays and involve people of all age groups, it can lead to complications and limitations.. Most diabetics who visit or call us want to know if this procedure is possible for diabetics. Or how to do it?

There is a possibility of certain problems in diabetic people, that's why most applicants with this disease are reluctant to do it. If you have diabetes and want to perform this procedure, be sure to discuss it with your surgeon during the consultation session and inform the surgeon of your medical records and medications.. If you have low blood sugar, the surgeon will perform the necessary controls.

In the following, we will talk completely about rhinoplasty and diabetics. If you have diabetes and want to have a nose job, read this article carefully to get answers to all your questions.

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Rhinoplasty for diabetics

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Are there restrictions on rhinoplasty for diabetics?

Despite knowing that any type of surgery in diabetics can carry the risk of more complications . But this does not mean that surgery is not possible for these people. These people should perform this surgery with the help and advice of their doctor due to having high blood sugar during or before the operation.. Accordingly, there is no limit to performing nose surgery with the help of a specialist doctor.

What are the risks of rhinoplasty for diabetics?

One of the biggest risks that people with diabetes can face . This is that the blood sugar level of these people will rise and cause problems in the performance of surgery.

Also, the healing time for scars and swelling in these people will be long due to high blood sugar. These people need more time to heal wounds caused by nose surgery due to diabetes or blood sugar . And they should not worry about their scars healing later . Also, swelling of the nose in these people will require a little more time than normal people.

Therefore, if you can control your blood sugar well with medication or insulin, your recovery will not be long . And like normal people, your nose surgery incisions and wounds will heal. Taking care of high blood sugar can save you from the risks of rhinoplasty.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | The effect of dental orthodontics and nose surgery

The best solution for rhinoplasty in diabetics

Diabetics should always consult their doctor for nose surgery. These people should take blood sugar and the necessary tests on it according to the request of their specialist doctor.

Rhinoplasty for diabetics can be done in two ways, open and closed, and these people do not have any problems because of this. Therefore, diabetics can perform rhinoplasty by knowing their blood sugar level like normal people, and if they have a history of drug use, they should discuss all the cases with their doctor..

High blood sugar after nose surgery

The increase in blood sugar level of people depends on various factors . But stress has a significant effect on increasing blood sugar levels. When a person is under a lot of stress, his body starts to produce more glucose. Knowing this, any type of surgery can be stressful . and by itself make the person suffer from high blood sugar.

Nose surgery can also cause mental and physical stress in a person and affect the blood sugar of a diabetic person. Normally when the source of stress is removed . Hormones return to normal . And the blood sugar level also returns to normal.

When a person is known as a diabetic patient . And he is exposed to high blood sugar, he should be taken care of by a specialist doctor in terms of medicine or diet after nose surgery. . So that scars and cuts heal well and in a short period of time.

So, giving calm and strength to the patient by the doctor and also having a plan for the person after nose surgery can have a significant impact on his recovery process. . and control the person's blood sugar as much as possible . Because stress and high blood sugar do not return the condition to the state before the nose surgery . And the excess sugar produced is not absorbed by the body and as a result blood sugar rises. Be sure to follow all the recommendations and prescriptions of the specialist before or after nose surgery.

Stress management before rhinoplasty

Stress management before rhinoplasty

Stress control before nose surgery

Rhinoplasty stress | the fear, استرس Anxiety before rhinoplasty is normal. این استرس It should not be exceeded because it may affect the result of the surgery, continue to investigate the cause استرس Before nose surgery, we have provided effective solutions to relieve stress before nose surgery, so stay with us until the end of this article..

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Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Stress before rhinoplasty

The cause of stress before rhinoplasty

The cause of stress before rhinoplasty may be due to the following reasons :

  1. Worry about the outcome of surgery: Some people may worry that the result of their rhinoplasty will not be as desired, and this will cause stress and intensify anxiety.
  2. Previous bad experiences: People who have had a negative or painful experience with a previous surgery may experience stress before rhinoplasty.
  3. Complications and problems after surgery: Some people may worry about complications and problems after rhinoplasty, such as bleeding, infection, inflammation and severe wrinkling.
  4. Worry or stress other problems: Everyday stress due to other problems may increase stress before rhinoplasty.
  5. Worry about surgery: Some people may be concerned about their surgery, including the administration of sedatives during the procedure or the administration of post-operative medications..
  6. Worry about recovery time: Some people may worry about the recovery time after rhinoplasty, which can cause stress and worry about how long it will take to get back to normal..
  7. Mental stress and social relationships: Psychological stress, such as work pressure, family or relationship problems, may cause stress before rhinoplasty.

The mentioned cases are the most common causes of stress before rhinoplasty.

How can I reduce my stress before rhinoplasty?

A successful surgery depends on your pre- and post-operative care. For this reason, the surgeon emphasizes these cares. One of the most important things in pre-operative care is to avoid stress and anxiety because they affect your general health. There are many ways to reduce this stress, which we will discuss below . These solutions include :

you worry! Get good advice .

Are you worried about the surgery and the uncertainties in your mind? Consult your doctor, maybe your worry is unnecessary. The surgeon is obliged to answer your questions.

Talk to friends or family

Before your rhinoplasty, talk to friends or family about your concerns. This method will help you share and reduce stress.

help yourself .

Yes, sometimes the only person who can help you is yourself. Do a variety of stress management methods with a simple internet search. Do this right now or you can contact our consultants in this field.

Deep breathing

Before nose surgery, breathe deeply and slowly. By focusing on your breathing and delaying your exhalation, you can reduce stress.

Don't forget relaxation techniques .

Stress affects the physical health of the body, so you have to control it. The easiest thing is to use relaxation methods. These methods include: Yoga, deep breathing, meditation and massage.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Stress before rhinoplasty 1

Negative energy is prohibited !

Get rid of negative energy and don't think about the outcome of the surgery. If you are going to be operated, it means that you are a good candidate for this operation, so there is no need to worry. If you want to operate, be sure to find a good surgeon and trust his skills and experience.

Use relaxation techniques

Before rhinoplasty, use relaxation techniques such as listening to soft music, reading a book, or doing relaxing activities..

Get information.

When you know enough about something then you will not be stressed. Learn about the surgical process and what will happen during the surgery.

Doing sports exercises

Before nose surgery, exercise. Because exercise produces happy hormones and reduces stress.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Control of nasal skin fat

Do not be afraid of recovery .

Some people may be afraid of recovery even if they are going to be operated by a reputable surgeon. The recovery time is between 2 and 4 hours, and this time is different for each person, and it may take time for your nose to reach its final form..

Your nose may react more slowly to the rhinoplasty and it may take longer. So there is no need to worry and try to update and complete your information in this field to reduce your stress.

Anti-stress pills before nose surgery

Pre- and post-operative care is effective in the healing process and the result of the surgery, so the use of anti-stress and anxiety pills can sometimes produce negative results in the surgical process, so it is better to consult with your doctor about the use of these drugs. Do not take any medicine arbitrarily.

Wounds and surgical incisions in rhinoplasty

Wounds and surgical incisions in rhinoplasty

Wounds and incisions in rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty surgical incisions | In the process of nose surgery, incisions may also be made in the skin of the nose. Since fleshy noses have thick skin, it is necessary to deal with remaining scars and scars after surgery.. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully observe the care points and use restorative creams with the doctor's advice so that no stitches remain..

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Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Mandatory care after nose surgery

Is it possible to leave stitches after the operation?

It doesn't matter what kind of stitches they are; What is important is to take care of the external sutures or intranasal sutures after the operation. Failure to comply with post-operative care or manipulation of the nose may cause tearing of nasal sutures, infection, or leaving suture marks.. Among them, there are a series of factors that are very effective in staying or losing the rhinoplasty suture :

مهارت جراح

The first factor that should not be forgotten in the disappearance of stitches is the skill and finesse of the reconstructive nose surgeon. Because the cleaner the cuts and the finer and finer the stitches . It is much less possible to leave a stitch. So, in the first step, be very careful in choosing a doctor.

Follow the care tips after the operation

Rhinoplasty surgical incisions | The duration of the rhinoplasty procedure is 4 or 5 hours, and after a few hours of recovery, the patient goes home and returns to his normal life after a week.. What is important after the operation and plays an essential role in achieving the desired result is observing the points that must be followed from the recovery period to a few months after the operation.. By observing these points, we can hope that not only will there be no trace of the suture inside the nose after the operation; But the nose will also take a beautiful shape.

Regarding stitches after rhinoplasty, there are a series of care tips, the most important of which are as follows. :

  1. Avoid removing the bandages on the nose and wait for the doctor to do this.
  2. until the wound bandage is completely removed, change the sterile gauze every day and sterilize according to the doctor's advice.
  3. Avoid manipulating and removing intranasal sutures.
  4. Sneeze or cough with your mouth open and avoid fanning.
  5. Keep the nose dry until absorbable sutures are absorbed and non-absorbable sutures are removed.
  6. Avoid direct sunlight for at least three months after surgery.
  7. Under your doctor's supervision, use a cream or ointment to remove the stitches.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Answers to all questions about rhinoplasty

The nasal fins should be very careful to prevent excess meat after rhinoplasty

Another important factor that plays a role in removing the stitches on the nose after surgery is the type of skin, its color and thickness. The darker the skin color, the more likely it is that stitches will remain. Also, those whose skin is thicker, the stitches disappear later.

When should you see a doctor?

If the intranasal suture continues to bleed or become red after the operation, or if you have symptoms such as infection or fever, see a doctor immediately.. You can also talk to your nose surgeon to find out the cause of the burning of the nasal suture site or the suture remaining inside the nose..

Positive aspects and benefits of rhinoplasty

Positive aspects and benefits of rhinoplasty

Benefits of rhinoplasty

Benefits of rhinoplasty may include the following :

  1. Modify rest settings : Bone rhinoplasty can help adjust and change the alignment and shape of the nasal bones. It helps to fine-tune the width of the nose, the length of the nasal bones and the overall shape of the nose.
  2. Improve respiratory function : Bone nose surgery can improve breathing and nasal air flow. It can correct the defects of the bone structure of the nose and make it easier for air to pass.
  3. Modifying the results of damage caused by blows and concussions : If the nose is damaged as a result of blows, accidents, and concussions, rhinoplasty can correct problems such as bone cracks, nasal deviation, or weak points in the nose..
  4. Changing the shape of the nose based on aesthetic preferences : Some people may want to change the shape of their nose in a particular way to match their aesthetic preferences. Bone nose surgery can provide this possibility.

It is important to say as a warning that surgery is not a solution and there may be problems and risks related to surgery.. For complete certainty and better decision-making, it is important to consult with your doctor about the details and possible conditions related to Isfahan rhinoplasty..

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Choosing the best nasal bone surgeon

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Positive aspects of rhinoplasty

Among the obvious advantages of bone nose surgery, the following can be mentioned :

  1. Correction of the bridge and tip of the nose: If you are not satisfied with the shape of the tip of your nose or the bridge of your nose and you are looking for a solution to correct them, rhinoplasty is the best option to solve these problems..
  2. Balancing facial features: The nose significantly affects the beauty of the face. If the nose is crooked or asymmetrical, the face may appear asymmetrical. With rhinoplasty, a better balance can be created in the face.
  3. Shrinking of the nose: If the nose looks too big and wide, it can be made smaller and more delicate with the help of rhinoplasty..
  4. Correction of anomalies: Nasal rhinoplasty is used to treat problems such as allergies that cause blocked nasal passages and breathing problems..
  5. درمان پولیپ بینی: For patients suffering from nasal polyps, rhinoplasty can be a good solution.
  6. Correction of deviated nasal septum: If the nasal septum is out of place, it can lead to breathing problems and frequent sinus infections.. In these cases, rhinoplasty can correct the deviated septum .

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Bone nose procedure

Procedures before bony nose surgery

The first step you should pay attention to after deciding to perform this operation is choosing a suitable surgeon . If you want to have a successful nose operation and a problem body, you need to follow all the recommendations of your doctor carefully before and after the operation. :

  • Stop taking painkillers such as ibuprofen for two weeks before the rhinoplasty .
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco such as cigarettes for two weeks before roaming .
  • If you are facing a particular problem or disease . which requires the use of special medication, be sure to share this with your doctor before the procedure and during the consultation session . to receive the necessary guidance from .
  • Be sure to go to the bathroom the night before rhinoplasty. Because you cannot take a bath for a while .
  • When performing this procedure, the person's stomach must be empty . Therefore, eat dinner the night before the procedure and avoid eating or drinking completely for 6 to 8 hours before the surgery .
  • Before going to the bone nose surgery place, be sure to do all the necessary tests, such as blood tests, that the surgeon asked you to do. . And give the answer and the result to the doctor .
  • On the day of the process, arrive at the designated place one hour before its start . so that there is no problem. Also keep in mind . which you have to coordinate with several relatives and acquaintances . to be with you when going back and forth; Because you need help and care .
  • جدا از آن با شخصی مورد اعتماد هماهنگ کنید . to be by your side and take care of you the night after the surgery .