How much does nasal resurfacing cost and how is it?

How much does nasal resurfacing cost and how is it?

Examination of nose scraping

Today, in this article, we would like to introduce you, dear friends, to the nose respinning method so that you know what this method is and what are its risks and complications or what are its benefits.. So we recommend that you follow us until the end of this article and get useful information. This method is called nose filing, which is standard and will remove the external and internal defects of the nose..

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Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan | How much does nasal resurfacing cost and how is it?

Nasal rasping

In this surgery, you will not feel pain during the operation, but after the anesthesia wears off, you will feel a little pain, which can be relieved by taking painkillers.. If you think that this will not cause you to have swelling or bruising, you are wrong because these symptoms are normal and will completely improve with time.. In this method, it is a tool like a nail file that has a similar function.

The file that is used is made of metal or tungsten, which has more power, and during the surgery, this file is moved up and down so that the blades and humps on the nose are completely smooth and uniform.. If a person's nose has a big hump, it cannot be fixed all of it with this method, and the nose must be broken and displaced..

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As you know, the surgery is performed in two ways, open and closed. In the nose filing method, the nose operation is performed in a closed manner. The surgery is very important because it is necessary to prevent inflammation in the tissues and perform the nose surgery as non-invasively as possible. Nasal filing is performed under general anesthesia in the surgery center clinic. Nasal filing has been used in rhinoplasty for a very long time, but recently new tools have been opened to make this procedure easier. Today, advanced files made with modern technology have made great progress in the field of nose surgery.

Nasal rasping is the removal of a slight hump, or in other words, the hump left over from nose surgery, which results in an improvement in the appearance of the face.. If your crooked nose makes you feel dissatisfied with yourself, there is no need to worry, because until now, suitable standard methods have been discovered that will finally make you happy with it.. بله! If your problem with your nose is just a hump or a small bump on it, you can easily solve your problem and regain your self-confidence by using this procedure..

Nasal rasping after surgery

People who have a cosmetic surgery on their nose and are not satisfied with the result, turn to nose resurfacing, which corrects the shape and form of the nose.. If the surgeon deems it appropriate to correct the shape of the nose, he will remove the hump or give it a proper arch. This procedure will be performed without fracture, and after the nasal osteotomy, the doctor will use the filing method.

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Maybe you have also seen many people who were dissatisfied with the shape of their nose and had a nose job, but after a while when the swelling disappeared and they spent the recovery period, they realized that it was not the shape they wanted. And again they seek to correct the shape of their nose. In such cases, when a person consults his specialist doctor, he will come across a term called nose resurfacing, the purpose of which is to correct defects after nose surgery..

Nasal rasping with numbness

In the operating room, as described above, local or general anesthesia is used to shave the hump of the nose, so that the patient does not feel pain, but he may have a little pain in the nose area after the surgery, which is completely normal because The effect of unconsciousness is gone. The pain that occurs is completely normal and will get better with time. The type of anesthesia depends on your doctor's diagnosis.

In local anesthesia, only the nose and the surrounding area are numbed, and the person feels all the events and even the vibration and pressure on his face and sees everything.. But in complete anesthesia, the person does not remember anything from the operating room. This method is dangerous for a person's health and it is better to use local anesthesia due to the short time of surgery.

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Nose rasping cost

The cost of nose surgery depends on your problem and the doctor you have visited. It is better to know that before the operation, you have the costs of CT scan, blood test and other related tests, which are separate from the cost of the operation itself.. To find out about the costs, you can go to the surgeon and ask the real rate according to your nose and its problems. Note that the rate is different for each type of nose problem.

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The price of nose resurfacing depends on the type of surgeon you choose. The nose file, which is the most important work tool, has different types that are suitable for the type of hump, that is, if its size is large, medium, or normal, it is different.. The method that is much more common than the closed method is the open method, in which small holes will be pierced on the nose and they will correct the hump from the inside..

During the operation, the anesthesiologist must start the anesthesia or anesthesia of the patients first so that the doctor can perform the surgery and the patient does not feel pain and discomfort. The cost of the anesthesiologist must be paid by the patient. It is a cost, and besides these issues, the person must participate in consultation sessions with the doctor before the operation, since the insurance premium is not paid for cosmetic surgeries, the entire cost of the operation must be calculated by the patient himself..

Nasal rasping has two types, an open method and a closed method. that the first method will be used more. The closed method is performed when the nose surgery is secondary and for the purpose of repair. Both of these are very safe and guaranteed, but it should be noted that the closed method should be used six months after the operation.

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