Tips for nose job

Tips for nose job

Who is not suitable for rhinoplasty?

meaty nose job | This procedure is very suitable for anyone who has a fleshy nose with very thick skin. However, some people have a series of problems and complications to perform this procedure. For example, if the tip of the nose is too wide or the cartilages of the nose are too weak, it may be a little difficult for them to have a nose job..

In addition, people whose nose skin pores are very large and have very active sebaceous glands, performing rhinoplasty is very difficult for these people, and the surgeon may first suggest a series of other treatment recommendations such as laser.. Also, since this operation is a little more complicated and sometimes more time-consuming, rhinoplasty may not be suitable for those who have underlying problems and cannot tolerate a heavy surgery or those who have severe anemia.. There is no possibility of nose surgery without anesthesia.

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Photos before and after nose surgery

The surgeon always takes pictures of the patient's nose from different angles before the operation and determines the best road map for the operation of the nose through a complete and comprehensive examination.. When you see the photos before and after the nose job, you will notice a lot of changes. In people with fleshy noses, fleshy nose rhinoplasty creates the greatest amount of change.

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The right age for nose job

Regarding rhinoplasty of fleshy noses, if a person does not have any particular problem and only intends to perform this operation for beauty and changing the shape of the nose, it is recommended to perform this operation after reaching the age of puberty and above 18 years.. The reason is the possibility of the bones and cartilages of the nose growing before this age and changing its shape. After the age of puberty, the growth of a person's nose is complete and all the changes have been made in this order. As a result, after the operation, there is little possibility that the shape of the nose will change again.

Preparation before rhinoplasty

The preparation conditions before nose surgery are the same as other operations. Scanning and imaging of the nose is another important task . which the surgeon does in advance to find the best fit for choosing the final shape by fully examining the shape of the nose and the conditions of the cartilages and bones.

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Preoperative tests are another part of preparation for rhinoplasty. On the other hand, one of the most important things to prepare for this surgery is to check the skin pores and fat on the skin of the nose. In some people, the surgeon may use methods to control sebaceous glands and close open pores on the skin of the nose before the operation..

Care after rhinoplasty surgery

After nose job, you should definitely avoid hitting the nose hard. Fleshy noses are more swollen and even bleed, and for this reason, to reduce bruising, you must place your head at a higher height while sleeping.. Nutrition is another important part of postoperative care. Consuming a lot of fluids after the operation helps to remove the anesthetic, and on the other hand, it is necessary to consume liquid foods for two weeks after the operation to prevent the occurrence of operation problems..

A cold compress should be used to reduce swelling and bruising after rhinoplasty. One of the main cares after the operation of fleshy noses is gluing. How long after nose surgery should I apply glue? The use of glue is more important in these operations, because the swelling is more and correct and regular glueing can play a very important role in shaping the nose as well as possible.. The duration of gluing depends on the opinion of the doctor. Finally, it is recommended to avoid alcohol and smoking after the operation.

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Nasal swelling after rhinoplasty

Regarding meaty noses, the amount of swelling is much higher than other noses. The reason is more manipulation that meat nose surgery requires. Rhinitis may even last up to a year. However, over the course of a year, depending on the initial shape of the nose and the operation process, the swelling will gradually decrease.

It is usually recommended to patients regarding nose job . Wait for a year to get the desired result. Regular use of cold compresses in the first days after the operation and observing the correct way of sleeping can help . It has a great effect on reducing the initial swelling.

Conclusion and guide to see a nose surgeon

Usually, rhinoplasty has the most demand among beauticians . The operation of this type of nose is much more difficult than bone nose surgery . And you should take extra care to reduce nasal swelling after that. By choosing a good surgeon and a careful examination before the operation, any deformity, inconsistency and prominence on the nose can be removed with rhinoplasty.. Of course, to see the final result, it is necessary to wait 6-12 months after the surgery.

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