Know the types of semi-fantasy nose surgery :

Know the types of semi-fantasy nose surgery :

What is the shape of the semi-fantasy nose job?

Semi-fantasy rhinoplasty | Semi-fantasy rhinoplasty is a type of interstitial rhinoplasty in which the shape of the nose is neither completely natural nor completely fantasy and doll-like.. In the semi-fantasy nose, the arch that the surgeon creates for the nose is less than the arch of the fantasy nose, but we will see a greater arch compared to the natural nose.. In general, people who do not like the appearance of a natural nose and do not like a fancy nose are more likely to request semi-fantasy nose surgery.. Stay with us to learn more about semi-fantasy nose surgery.

If you intend to do this surgery, be sure to consult the best and most skilled nose surgeons.

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Semi-fantasy rhinoplasty

In semi-fantasy nose surgery, the natural appearance of the nose is preserved, and at the same time, the surgeon changes the shape and size of the nose in accordance with other parts of the face, and the tip of the nose is higher than normal, and the arch of the nose is slightly increased.. In semi-fantasy rhinoplasty, a small arch is seen on the bridge of the nose, and the distance between the upper lip and the tip of the nose will be between 90 and 105 degrees..

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The important point in half-fantasy nose surgery is the proportion and concordance of changes in the nose with other parts of the face. People who do not like a natural nose and do not want to do a doll nose job, but at the same time are looking for a change in the appearance of their nose with a proportional arch, are considered the best option for a semi-fantasy nose job..

How is the semi-fantasy nose?

The semi-fantasy nose has the following features in terms of appearance :

  1. The nasal septum becomes thin.
  2. The nostrils are small.
  3. The tip of the nose is relatively upturned.
  4. The nasal arch is more than normal nose surgery.
  5. A semi-fantasy nose is more delicate and smaller than normal.

Types of semi-fantasy nose surgery

There are different types of semi-fantasy nose surgery, and each person can choose the desired option with the advice of a specialist surgeon depending on the conditions, taste and shape of his nose and face.. The types of semi-fantasy nose surgery are::

  • Semi fancy bony nose
  • fleshy semi-fantasy nose
  • Pointed semi-fantasy nose
  • Semi-fantasy nose with round tip
  • Male semi-fantasy nose
  • Semi-fantasy girly nose
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Semi-fantasy nose surgery by the nose surgeon of Isfahan
۱. Semi-fantasy bony nose

Depending on the thickness of the nasal skin, we have two types of bony and fleshy noses. Bony nose is the best model for semi-fantasy nose surgery, where the skin around the nose is thin and the nasal bone is strong. Since the probability of the tip of the nose returning and falling is less in the bone model, it can be considered the best option for semi-fantasy operation..

۲. fleshy semi-fantasy nose

People who have fleshy noses with weaker cartilage bones and thicker skin around the nose are by no means a good choice for semi-fantasy fleshy nose surgery because there is a possibility of nose tip drooping or reversibility in fleshy nose surgery..

۳. Pointed semi-fantasy nose

The most fans of the semi-fantasy pointy nose are women who like a delicate nose with a narrow point. In this type of rhinoplasty, the patient prefers to have the tip of the nose up and doll-like.

۴. Semi-fantasy round tip nose job

A round tip nose attracts a lot of attention and makes the beauty of the eyes less visible. There are different types of round nose tip, from cartilaginous round tip nose to restorative and racial round tip. In people who go for semi-fantasy round tip nose surgery, the lips, jaw and eyes will be seen more and many changes will be made in the person's appearance..

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۵. Semi-fantasy male nose job

Although usually women are more fans of fantasy and semi-fantasy rhinoplasty than men, men's semi-fantasy rhinoplasty is not less popular either.. Semi-fantasy nose surgery for men is a state between fantasy and natural nose surgery, where the nasal arch is more than a doll type.. Of course, most men who choose a semi-fantasy nose only want an arch on the nose and an upturned nose tip and do not like the other appearance features of this type of surgery..

Semi-fantasy nose Isfahan nose surgeon | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | surgery

۶. Semi-fantasy girly nose

The main audience of semi-fantasy nose models are women. As we mentioned, the semi-fantasy nose for girls has a larger nose arch than the natural model, and the tip of the nose is upturned and its size is very small.. Since the female face is more delicate, the semi-fantasy nose shape is more suitable for women.


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