In what cases is nasal respining used?

In what cases is nasal respining used?

Types of nasal respining

The nose rasping models are different according to the type of nose of the person . And for everyone, the model that fits the nose will be used, as determined by your surgeon . and offers you. Today, due to the progress of files, there is no worry or stress . And the person's nose problem will be easily solved and he will enjoy. It is necessary to know that osteotomy is different from rapping and do not confuse them. Osteotomy is performed before rapping and is another type of surgery.

For noses that have a very severe hump . And it cannot be fixed by filing, the surgeon is forced . It uses the osteotomy method or breaking the nasal bone. It is also used to correct crooked noses or narrow wide noses. . In this method, a very sharp tool is used to cut the bone . After cutting, nose file should be used for corrections and final shaping . Even in some cases, it is possible to use a graft to improve the shape at the discretion of the surgeon . But for noses that have a slight hump . Just filing is enough to shave off the small bump, no cutting or breaking is required.

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To find out about the costs and consultation to perform this procedure, you should refer to a nose resurfacing specialist. After doing the necessary files, finally, a soft file is used to straighten the nose. The recovery period is also very important and you can talk to a nutritionist about this . to guide you. Eating the right foods will have a significant impact on your recovery.

It is better to deal with nasal rasping problems in this section . So that every person who wants to do this is aware of them. Its problems include pain after surgery . And also the amount of its costs, which should be taken care of and thought about before, so that your mind is at ease about this.. This rhinoplasty surgery does not have any special complications, and more attention should be paid to its recovery period.

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Stay with us with interesting and readable content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery و فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان :

In what cases is raspinig or nose scraping used?

In cases where the nasal hump is very large, the bone cutting method is used to remove the nasal hump . But to shape the nose bone and create final elegance in the surgical results after the first stage, the rasping method is used.. In cases where the hump is very slight and requires little correction . From the beginning, a nose file is used to remove the hump of the nose.

In reconstructive nose surgery that is performed at least 6 months after the primary surgery . A nose file is used to correct the results of primary nose surgery and subtle changes in the shape of the nose.

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Nose rasping problems

In fact, it is unrealistic to imagine that all surgeries lead to favorable results . In fact, nose rasping is a kind of cosmetic surgery, after which you will see swelling and bruising caused by tissue irritation . برای از بین رفتن تورم بافت حدود نه ماه تا یک سال زمان لازم است گاهی ممکن است علی رغم تلاش های جراح بینی عوارض عمل بینی استخوانی چه از لحاظ عملکردی و چه زیبایی پیش آید . Although an experienced surgeon does not use a file to shave a large amount of nasal tissue . But the patient must do his best to get the desired result .

اگر پس از پیدا کردن جراح بینی ماهر سعی کنید مراقبت های پس از جراحی بینی را تمرین کنید . And have realistic expectations from the surgery, the probability of getting a successful result will be maximum . If you are dissatisfied with the result of the nose job or the failure of nose filing surgery, nose reconstruction surgery can be a suitable option.

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Types of nose file

Actually, the nose file is made of stainless steel or tungsten . And it contains very fine teeth. In general, there are three models of files, which are: :

  1. Needle files These types of files are used to smooth large edges.
  2. Coarse ivory file is used to correct medium humps.
  3. The soft file of this model is used to file the nose in the final stage.

Does nose resurfacing have high costs?

The cost of nose surgery depends on your problem and the doctor you have visited. It is better to know that before the operation you have the costs of CT scan and blood test and other related tests . which is apart from the cost of the operation itself. You can contact the surgeon to find out about the costs . And ask the real rate according to your nose and its problems.

Note that the rate is different for each type of nose problem . Of course, the price of nose resurfacing depends on the type of surgeon you choose. The nose file, which is the most important work tool, has different types that are suitable for the type of hump, that is, if its size is large, medium, or normal, it is different.. The method that is much more common than the closed method is the open method . in which they will pierce small holes on the nose and correct the hump from the inside.

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What is done in nose rasping and what is its use?

In this surgery, the nasal hump will be corrected, which is done using a special metal file, and the duration of the procedure is short, and it is one of the safe and standard methods that is performed using either local or complete anesthesia..

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Who are the right candidates for nose resurfacing and in what cases is it used?

People who have a cosmetic surgery on their nose . And they are not satisfied with the result, they resort to nasal respining . which corrects the shape of the nose. If the surgeon deems it appropriate, he will remove the hump to correct the shape of the nose . or gives it a proper arc. This procedure will be done without breakage . And after the nasal osteotomy, the doctor will use the filing method.

Maybe you have seen many people too . who were dissatisfied with the shape of their noses and started nose surgery, but after a while the swelling disappeared and they spent the recovery period . They realized that that form was not their desired form and they are looking for it again . to correct the shape of their nose. In such cases, when a person consults his specialist doctor . You will encounter a term called nose rasping . The purpose of this work is to correct defects after nose surgery.

What is the process of the above procedure?

In this method, it is a tool like a nail file that has a similar function. The file that is used is made of metal or tungsten, which has more power . And during surgery, this file is moved up and down . until the blades and humps on the nose are completely smooth and even. If a person's nose has a big hump, it cannot be fixed all of it with this method, and the nose must be broken and displaced.

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