Guaranteeing your health with 6 of the most important tests required before nose surgery

Guaranteeing your health with 6 of the most important tests required before nose surgery

6 of the most important tests required before nose surgery

Performing the necessary tests before nose surgery is one of the most important and influential parts of the final result of your operation! You can't go to the doctor's office one day and get your nose surgery done tomorrow without any health tests!!!

It's like trying to cook food without the necessary ingredients. Raw materials are a prerequisite for food preparation, just as pre-operative tests are a prerequisite for a safe and good surgery.! Tests before rhinoplasty show the health problems and conditions of your nose to the doctor.

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Why is it necessary to perform the necessary tests before nose surgery?

Some internal diseases prevent the operation, so you must do the pre-operation tests completely to protect your health.. Many people refuse to do these tests because of the costs! what a mistake! Now that you understand the necessity of conducting tests before nose surgery, we would like to introduce them to you completely..

What is the most necessary test before nose surgery?

Performing a test before nose surgery prevents possible risks to your health. Most rhinoplasty beauty seekers are strangely stressed as the day of rhinoplasty surgery approaches! We understand, it's completely normal how excited and anxious you are as the day of your surgery approaches, rhinoplasty will have a significant impact on your facial beauty for a lifetime..

But you should know that if you do all the following tests and are aware of your physical condition, you will have less stress and anxiety. Before rhinoplasty, it is necessary to perform all the tests below :

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Physical examination: The most important test before nose surgery!

If someone asks me: "What is the most important and necessary test before nose surgery?!Be sure, my answer is your doctor's physical examination! Physical examination is one of the preparation steps for rhinoplasty and has a direct impact on the final result of the surgery.

During the physical examination, the doctor examines the nasal valves, bone and cartilage disorders, skin thickness and fat glands.. In addition, your usual breathing pattern is checked to determine whether you breathe through your mouth or nose.. These pre-operative examinations help the doctor to plan an appropriate surgical plan. By performing such examinations, he finds out the condition of your nasal bone and after taking the photo, he makes the final decision..

Photography before rhinoplasty

The doctor, his assistant, or plastic surgery imaging centers take high-quality images of your nose from different angles.. These images help in post-operative evaluation and are also necessary to perform an optimal surgery. Images are usually taken from eight different angles :

  1. full face angle
  2. Full face angle laughing
  3. Left profile
  4. Right profile
  5. Angle under the nose
  6. Overhead angle
  7. Three right sides (Oblique angle from the right side)
  8. Three left sides (Oblique angle from the left)

Remember that you should not wear any kind of makeup or glasses while taking pictures. This will affect the final images. To predict the result of the operation, the doctor sometimes manipulates the images with the computer. You can talk to the doctor about your desired form at this stage.

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan | . Guarantee your health with 6 One of the most important tests required before nose surgery

HIV test before rhinoplasty

It is very important to do an AIDS test before nose surgery. AIDS is a disease of the immune system, in which the function of this system is significantly weakened. Sometimes AIDS reduces the power of patients against sudden doubts such as anesthesia, surgery, etc.

In addition, AIDS is transmitted through blood, so hospital staff and your doctor must be aware of this disease to protect themselves and others.. Never skip this test before surgery!

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CBC blood test before rhinoplasty

CBC blood test is the main test before rhinoplasty. This test is done with the aim of checking your physical condition and blood coagulation diseases. Things that are checked in the blood test include the following options:

  • Check HBS invoice

This factor indicates your fasting blood sugar. The high level of HBS in the blood causes problems during your nose surgery, that's why you should check this factor and control it before performing the operation..

  • Check PTT and PT factor

These two factors indicate the level of coagulation of your blood. If a part of the body is injured, these factors go to the bleeding site and slow down the bleeding by forming blood clots..

Too little or too much of these two factors in the blood cause fast or slow coagulation problems. Performing PTT and PT tests helps in early diagnosis and solving blood coagulation problems with specific drugs. During the surgery, the capillaries of the nose are torn, if the coagulation factors have a problem, the bleeding from the nose will not stop and there will be many risks for you..

Pregnancy test before rhinoplasty

Pregnancy tests are necessary for women before rhinoplasty. Anesthetics and painkillers have a bad effect on the fetus and are dangerous for his health. Rhinoplasty is not a suitable decision for pregnant women!

Blood group test before rhinoplasty

Rh type test (RH-Blood type) It is done with the purpose of detecting Rh positive or negative antigen. This antigen is a type of hereditary receptor and its presence causes positive and its absence causes negative. In addition to this, the blood group diagnosis test (THEY) It must also be done. Sometimes rhinoplasty is accompanied by bleeding, so your doctor should know your blood type and Rh type.

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Hemoglobin test before nose surgery

The test to detect the level of hemoglobin in the blood is very necessary, do you know why?! This test will show your doctor if you have anemia or just iron problems before rhinoplasty.

Hemoglobin is a type of protein in the blood, and its function is to transport the necessary oxygen from the lungs to other tissues and organs of your body.. A decrease in the level of this factor in the blood can have many reasons, including anemia, liver, lung or heart problems..

HCV Ab test before rhinoplasty

HCV Ab test is performed to detect the presence of hepatitis C virus in Zibajo's body. Hepatitis C is transmitted through the blood and causes problems such as failure, cancer or severe damage to the liver.

Testing helps to diagnose this disease in Zibajo. In this way, your health and the health of other people in the hospital will not be endangered. In addition to your liver, your kidneys should also be checked before a rhinoplasty.

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Measurement of kidney function from tests before nose surgery

The function of the kidneys is to purify the blood and remove waste from the body. Therefore, the correct functioning of this organ should be checked before any surgery. If the kidneys are not able to remove anesthetics from your body, you will have many problems.

To measure kidney function, blood and urine tests are performed. The measured factors tell your doctor a lot about your kidneys, each healthy kidney removes a number of harmful substances and prevents the excretion of other essential substances..

What is the right time for nose surgery tests?

Pre-nose surgery tests are performed with the aim of improving your physical condition and identifying your health problems. If you do these tests in the last week, you don't have enough time to take the medicine and improve your physical condition. The best time to do nose surgery pre-exams is between three weeks and one month before your surgery date. During this time, you can solve the possible internal problems of your body by taking the necessary medicines.

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