Fantasy style nose surgery

Fantasy style nose surgery

Fantasy style nose surgery

Fantasy style nose surgery | Natural nose It is accompanied by changes such as a very narrowing of the nasal structure, and an upturning of the tip of the nose. Now with these features and familiarity with بینی های گوشتی Do you think this style of nose shape has good results?

بینی گوشتی Because of its features. Undoubtedly, it also has some limitations . It is almost not recommended by doctors to perform doll or fantasy models on it. بینی گوشتی Due to having a thick skin, it will not be able to tolerate such changes. Consequently, if بینی گوشتی You have and desire to have your nose operated in a fancy way . It is better to listen only to the recommendations of your rhinoplasty doctor. to an excellent and satisfactory result Nasal nose surgery in Isfahan get a hand.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Cosmetic surgery of wide and fleshy nose

Stay with us with interesting and readable content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery و فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان :

The result of nose surgery in Isfahan

This beauty process in fleshy noses is one of the most complicated types of nose surgery . Because meaty noses have thick skin, tissue and weak cartilage . And this is the requirement to have a successful nose job . that by Isfahan nose surgeon, Dr. Majid Rasti be done . By strengthening the weak tissue and cartilage of the nose, it created favorable and lasting results. The result of the action بینی گوشتی Generally, the nose will be normal. And swelling of this type of nose compared to Bony noses Because of the thickness of their skin . More is the most important factor in the skin رینوپلاستی است.

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The best nose shape for men after rhinoplasty

نتیجه نهایی رینوپلاستی Meaty noses should be removed after one year when the swelling of the nose subsides . observed. People with fleshy noses . They are not suitable candida for performing fancy fleshy nose surgery . Because they cannot show the delicacy of the works that have been applied on the nose due to their thick skin. People with fleshy noses . They should have realistic expectations regarding the result of nose surgery in Isfahan . And don't expect the nostrils to shrink too much . and perform the process of changing the shape of your nose by trusting the doctor.

Is there a difference between men's and women's rhinoplasty?

The nose on women's faces is generally more delicate than the nose on men's faces. This feature makes the operation of fleshy nose more challenging in men than in women. However, a skilled and experienced rhinoplasty doctor, using his skills and expertise, can provide results for every patient who comes to him. . Brings.

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Rhinoplasty sample (10)

Regardless of the type of nose or gender of the patient, this is the main goal of the doctor . to create a beautiful and artistic nose that matches the patient's face . And be admirable. در میان این موارد جراح بینی ماهر می کوشد . to have an easy and comfortable breathing atmosphere in the way of creating a beautiful, beautiful face.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Do you need a nose job?

Why is rhinoplasty reversible?

Many applicants for nose surgery have fleshy nose shape; Therefore, they do not perform rhinoplasty . Because they think that the shape of fleshy noses is reversible and will droop after some time. This position is due to the cartilaginous structure and soft bones of fleshy noses . It existed in the past, but today, fortunately, with the advancement of science, the fleshy nose shape will not return after the operation.

Because after fleshy nose surgery in Isfahan, they almost turn into bony noses. If we want to explain more in this field, we must say that the cartilage and soft bones of fleshy noses are not strong enough to withstand the pressure on the nasal structure.. Therefore, after some time, soft cartilages and bones lose their endurance . and return to the pre-operative state. But this problem can be easily solved by strengthening the cartilages.

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An important measure for non-reversibility of fleshy noses

The stages of meat nose surgery are one more stage than the stages of bony nose. In the operation of meat noses, there is a stage in which, in addition to shaping the nose, the cartilages and bones of the nose are placed on top of each other and shaped.. They somehow increase the thickness . And after this increase in professional thickness, strength emerges.

And as you know, due to this strength, enough force is produced to withstand the pressure. This is why nose surgery in Isfahan is not reversible . And you can have a more beautiful and flawless nose by visiting a skilled and expert doctor without worry.

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