Choosing an expert nose surgeon for men's nose surgery

Choosing an expert nose surgeon for men's nose surgery

Choosing a specialist and experienced surgeon for men's nose surgery

Male nose surgeon | With the best surgeons, your nose in structure (Power and longevity), Form (Aesthetics) And performance (Maintain or promote proper breathing) improves. Your new nose will balance with the rest of your facial features; You will see the best results in your eyes, cheekbones and smile.

Experienced surgeons also make sure that your nose is good in profile and front view. The expert surgeon must ensure that all the details of the nose are coordinated, including the shape of the tip, the size of the nostril, the width of the bridge and other important factors.. With the perfect technique and correct diagnosis of the rhinoplasty surgeon, you will be sure that you will look like yourself, only a little better.

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Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Objectives of male rhinoplasty surgery

How to find the best male nose surgeon?

Men should look for a rhinoplasty specialist because rhinoplasty is one of the most complex plastic surgeries. Here's what you're looking for :

  • Find a surgeon you can relate to.

The important thing is that you must explain to the surgeon your goals for the results of the work and the surgeon must tell you whether the results you want will be achieved or not. Do not choose a surgery that confuses you or does not clearly explain the procedure to you and does not answer your questions..

  • Make sure your goals are realistic .

Unrealistic goals mean that you are not a good candidate for male rhinoplasty, so if you want to look exactly like your favorite actor, you will be disappointed.. If you are thinking of getting a job in your life, this is not an acceptable reason for rhinoplasty. Cosmetic surgery may help your business, but you can't count on it as a reliable tip for career advancement..

Another unreasonable reason for doing rhinoplasty in men is to be seen by others. The surgeon will probably tell you to be patient and give up on your decision..

  • Choose a surgeon with more than 10 years of experience in facial cosmetic surgery.

A surgeon who dedicates a significant part of his activity to performing nose surgery and is familiar with the challenging cases during nose surgery..

  • Find a surgeon with experience in reconstructive surgery .

When a surgeon has complete expertise in nose reconstruction, that means he has a deep understanding of facial anatomy and proper nasal function.

  • Look for a sense of beauty.

Make sure you and your surgeon are on the same page. Looking at photos of patients from specialists who have performed rhinoplasty before you shows that no one is in your current situation.. Photographs can only provide general ideas of medical knowledge about facial balance.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Knowing the operation of the nose

  • Choose a surgery that you trust.

You will get this feeling during the pre-operative consultation. Ideally, look for a rhinoplasty specialist who offers a free consultation.

Preparation for male rhinoplasty

Once you have decided to experience this exciting new change and undergo rhinoplasty, you should have a simple test that your doctor prescribes to check your general health.. Below are instructions on how to prepare for surgery.

Care after nose surgery for men

There is always a short period of swelling and sometimes bleeding after rhinoplasty surgery. You must carefully follow all the instructions given by the doctor in order to achieve the best results. Painkillers, strong antibiotics, and medication to reduce swelling should be started immediately after surgery. After completing the rhinoplasty surgery, the doctor places a splint on the nose to keep it safe.

The best advice is to rest in bed for two to three days. Approximately five to seven days after rhinoplasty surgery, the splint is removed and the color strip on the nose can be changed.. The doctor will tell you when you can return to your normal way of life.

Misconceptions of rhinoplasty from the words of Dr. Majid Rasti

Misconceptions of rhinoplasty from the words of Dr. Majid Rasti

Misconceptions about rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty misconception | In this section of Dr. Majid Rasti's website, nose surgeon of Isfahan, the issue of false belief in rhinoplasty is discussed :


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Signs and symptoms of danger after bony nose surgery

Signs and symptoms of danger after bony nose surgery

How long does dizziness and headache last after rhinoplasty?

Danger signs after nose surgery | Dizziness and headache after rhinoplasty are common due to the use of anesthetic, body weakness, changes in the structure of the nose, and are completely temporary.. Headache may last 5-10 days in some people. Usually, this pain can be controlled and relieved by resting and taking painkillers, and there is no need to worry. If your headaches do not subside with painkillers and medication, as well as resting, it is better to inform your doctor about this issue..

Those people who suffer from migraine headaches can use their special medicines with the doctor's advice to reduce their symptoms and pain.. If your headaches are caused by not eating or eating less food and body weakness, you should know that your headaches will continue until you do not consume nutritious and useful foods..

In many cases, due to the lack of water in the body, a person may experience a headache after the operation, so it is recommended to drink more water and fluids during the care after rhinoplasty..

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Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | How much do we know about rhinoplasty?

Dangerous signs and symptoms after bony nose surgery

Danger signs after nose surgery | If your rhinoplasty surgery is performed by a doctor who is skilled and specialized in this matter, the possibility of suffering from the complications of this surgery is greatly reduced.. Many patients may have a lot of worry and fear after performing rhinoplasty with rhinoplasty in Shiraz, and may experience anxiety and stress upon seeing any signs and symptoms.. In general, some side effects after the operation are normal and do not need to be worried, and they will improve within certain time periods..

But in the following, a list has been prepared that you should see a doctor if you encounter these symptoms :

  1. Heavy and frequent bleeding
  2. I feel bad
  3. Blackening of nasal tissue
  4. Severe dizziness
  5. Incidence of infection
Applicants for nose surgery and those interested in nose piercing should pay attention !

Applicants for nose surgery and those interested in nose piercing should pay attention !

Applicants for nose surgery and those interested in piercing should pay attention :

nose piercing | Maybe in the past, nose piercing was considered a strange thing and people were surprised by those who wore nose piercings, but with the passage of time, this issue has become normal and even in the eyes of many people, it is considered a thing of beauty..

Now, if you have operated on your nose, it is possible that you may have this question: can you put a piercing on the operated nose?

Rhinoplasty, as a cosmetic procedure, does not impose any restrictions on the person after it is performed; The only point here is that a person should perform other cosmetic procedures at the right time after nose surgery.

The surgeon's usual advice to patients regarding the use of piercings after nose surgery is to refrain from doing it for 3 months and allow the operated nose to fully heal during this period.. When the swelling and bruises are healed and you no longer need to tape the nose, we can say that it is the right time to use a piercing..

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Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan | nose piercing

مراحل جراحی بینی

Based on the scope of your needs, the surgeon will choose open or closed rhinoplasty for you. In open rhinoplasty, incisions are made inside your nose and a small incision is made under the nose between the two nostrils.. This type of nose job procedure is often used in complex cases. In closed rhinoplasty, incisions are made exclusively inside the nose. In both techniques of rhinoplasty, the scars left by the operation are rarely visible.

During the consultation session, the best doctor of cosmetic rhinoplasty in Isfahan will help you determine the best result to achieve your desired goals from rhinoplasty.. For example, if you want a significant change in the shape of your nose, the surgeon will usually recommend an open rhinoplasty. This technique allows the doctor to make very precise changes in your nose and can reach the basic structure of the nose to make these changes and treat a wide range of cosmetic and functional problems..

Having patience in hearing the patient's expectations is an important characteristic of a good rhinosurgeon

Rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia depending on the complexity of the procedure. The goal is to create conditions in which you feel relaxed during the nose job procedure. During the procedure, excess tissue, cartilage and bone will be removed from your nose as needed and your nose will be reshaped according to your individual needs..

So, if double procedures are needed to achieve your beauty goals, some other procedures such as eyebrow lift or lip prosthesis are also performed at the same time as the nose job.. Many surgeons in the past used the cookie-cutter model in nose surgery. In this achievement of nose surgery, regardless of the unique characteristics of the patient's nose, a pattern was implemented in all nose surgeries..

Isfahan nose surgeon, many of his colleagues, with full knowledge and understanding of today's developments in this field and complete mastery of new techniques, perform nose cosmetic surgery in a way that combines art and science in order to maintain unique qualities. attractive in every person's nose, its defects and defects should be fixed and treated.

What should be done for the hump after nose surgery?

What should be done for the hump after nose surgery?

Answers to important and frequently asked questions

What should be done for the hump after nose surgery? The answer to your frequent question from the words of Dr. Majid Rasti, nose surgeon of Isfahan :

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How many nose surgeries can a person do?

How many nose surgeries can a person do?

آیا دفعات جراحی بینی برای یک شخص محدودیت دارد ؟

دفعات جراحی بینی | اگر برای شما هم این سوال پیش آمده است که بپرسید یک فرد چه تعداد جراحی بینی می تواند انجام دهد ؟ از زبان فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان دکتر مجید راستی بشنوید :


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Objectives of male rhinoplasty surgery

Objectives of male rhinoplasty surgery

Objectives of a male rhinoplasty

Male rhinoplasty | Your nose is right in the center of your face. A variation of one millimeter in either direction can make a dramatic difference between a disastrous outcome and a glorious one. The ideal nose starts at the bridge or blade and continues in a neat path without a long post to the tip.. The tip of the nose itself must be intact, so that it is smooth and flawless with an angle of 90 to 105 degrees between the upper lip and the base of the nose..

For men, a pig-shaped nose and high head should never be created; At the same time, their nose should make them attractive and good-looking. The definition of the tip of the nose should be a little stronger in men than in women and should not look too skeletal or bony or spherical and misshapen..

Different ethnicities are associated with different nose problems. For example, the bridge of the nose can be almost flat with wide nostrils, as sometimes seen in African-American or Asian men.. Such defects can be corrected in men's rhinoplasty by narrowing the base of the nasal cavity and increasing the height of the bridge, as well as providing details to the tip of the nose..

One of the most important aspects of rhinoplasty in men is to preserve their masculinity in the shape of the nose and not make the nose look feminine.. If a portion of the nose needs to be reduced, the bridge or bridge of the nose must remain strong and firm to avoid a patchy, sloping appearance..

According to new studies based on the physiology of the body, male noses are approximately 10% larger than female noses, because men have more muscle mass and need more oxygen to grow and maintain muscle tissue..

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Get to know the abnormalities of the nose :

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Differences between male and female rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery for men is becoming more popular day by day, so that a recent survey showed that 1/3 of rhinoplasty operations are performed on men today.. However, it should be noted that there are certain considerations that should be taken into account during rhinoplasty surgery for men compared to rhinoplasty in women..

A male nose should not have a broken tip, which makes the appearance of the operated nose look unnatural. The angle of rotation of the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty in men should be between 90 and 100 degrees. Excessive tip rotation after surgery can result in a feminine tip with overly visible piercings..

The difference between the sexes can be seen in the general appearance of their faces. Doctors believe that a man's face should be cone-shaped, while women's faces should be delicate and heart-shaped. Just like the faces, the noses of men and women are also different in their beauty. Men's noses tend to be somewhat prominent and have a longer and wider transverse blade, especially in the middle of the nose, than elsewhere.. The skin on the nose is also different for men, as their skin is usually thicker than that of women. A woman's nose is usually more defined by a fine tooth along the blade, and the overall size of their nose should be slightly shorter than a man's.. There are also other differences in noses for men and women based on their ethnicity.

Common nose problems in men

There are many beauty issues in this regard. Some of the most common are: :

  1. A bony bump on the nose
  2. Large and spherical tip
  3. long nose
  4. The tip of the head is down(Especially when smiling)
  5. The holes are too big
  6. Excessively sunken nose
  7. Bridge too wide or too flat

Many issues, including a person's ethnicity and genetics, are related to aesthetic appearance. In addition to genetic issues, men suffer from wounds and broken noses due to sports injuries, and their noses become crooked.

A crooked nose can be considered as one of the common concerns for men who undergo rhinoplasty. A long or crooked nose is difficult to correct because it may be caused by elongated nasal bones, stretched cartilage, or deviated nasal cavities.. Cartilage and bone have so-called memory and tend to return to their original position after corrective surgery. Often, controlled bony fractures must be reconstructed and cartilage grafts must be used to correct the nose.. There may even be a need for nasal lobe surgery or septoplasty.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | The best nose shape for men after rhinoplasty

Respiratory problems in men

Many men have problems breathing with their noses, and their nasal airways should be considered in men's nose surgery. Correction of breathing problems due to cavities or deviated vanes, prolapsed breathing valve or hypertrophied turbinate can be done at the same time as rhinoplasty..

The best candidate for men's nose surgery

The best candidates for rhinoplasty are perfectly balanced; They are suitable in general and mental health and have realistic expectations. In that case, you are the perfect candidate to do your counseling.

The latest nose surgery method from Isfahan nose surgeon

The latest nose surgery method from Isfahan nose surgeon

The latest method of nose surgery From the words of Dr. Majid Rasti, a nose surgeon in Isfahan


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Everything you need to know about rhinoplasty !!!

Everything you need to know about rhinoplasty !!!

Everything you need to know about rhinoplasty :

Get the answers to everything you need to know about nose surgery in this video from Dr. Majid Rasti, a nose surgeon in Isfahan :


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Cartilage strengthening in meaty nose surgery

Cartilage strengthening in meaty nose surgery

Cartilage strengthening in meaty nose surgery

Cartilage strengthening | One of the main characteristics of fleshy noses is having weak cartilage. Usually, people with fleshy noses are not satisfied with the fleshy appearance and width of their noses. On the other hand, there is a rumor that fleshy noses return to their original form after surgery.

While in the new method of nose surgery, by strengthening the cartilages of the nose, it is possible to create a favorable shape and appearance in the nose, thus preventing the nose from returning to its original shape.. You may have the idea that for the operation of fleshy nose, the volume of the nasal cartilages should be reduced so that the nose becomes smaller and gets a desired shape, while removing too much of the nasal cartilages causes many complications in this form of noses. For this reason, there are limitations in shrinking fleshy noses, and until the tip of the nose is strengthened with cartilage, the tip of the nose will droop over time..

To strengthen the cartilage of fleshy noses, you can use the cartilage that is in the nose bone of the person himself. In cases where the patient does not have enough cartilage, this cartilage can be supplied from the area behind the ear or from the person's own rib.. Also, in some situations, the doctor may use artificial cartilage to strengthen the tip of the nose.

Of course, the use of artificial cartilage is not recommended; Because there is a possibility of rejection by the body or the occurrence of infection, therefore the best cartilage for transplanting and strengthening the nose is the cartilage of the person's own body..

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Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Cost of rhinoplasty

Tips and measures before rhinoplasty

One of the most important steps before performing rhinoplasty is choosing a skilled and expert nose surgeon. You can use different ways to choose a surgeon, but we emphasize that you must see examples of surgeries performed by him.. After reviewing his resume and education, visit his office for a consultation and entrust your nose to him after making sure to choose a skilled rhinoplasty surgeon..

  1. The night before nose surgery, be sure to take a bath and avoid cold.
  2. Eat a light dinner the night before rhinoplasty.
  3. Avoid eating and drinking 8 hours before surgery.
  4. On the day of surgery, be sure to fast and eat as little as possible.
  5. On the morning of surgery, you can use sweet liquids without pulp.
  6. Arrive at the surgery at least half an hour before the scheduled time.
  7. Having a companion on the day of surgery is enough.
  8. Women should not wear any makeup on the day of surgery, especially in the eye area.
  9. It is better for men to shave their beard and mustache before surgery.
  10. Wear loose and buttoned clothes so that you don't face any problems while putting on the clothes.
  11. If you are taking any special medicine, inform the rhinoplasty doctor.
  12. The use of blood thinners such as aspirin is prohibited for at least two weeks before surgery.
  13. Rakutan and Accutane tablets should also be stopped completely two months before surgery.
  14. Smoking and hookah is prohibited from one week before the operation and one week after the operation.
  15. If the day of the operation coincides with the first two days of your period, be sure to inform your doctor about this.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Rhinoplasty in men

What are the necessary cares after nose surgery?

  • Do not wear glasses : One of the most frequently asked questions in nose surgery is, when exactly can glasses be used? In order to prevent force and extra weight from entering the nose, the surgeon prohibits the use of glasses until 6 weeks after the operation, but you should know that if you have a splint on your nose, you can take off the glasses immediately after the operation. use. The last point is that the use of glasses in daily use is allowed if about 6 weeks to 3 months have passed since your rhinoplasty and you have fully recovered..
  • دور از آفتاب باشید از مهم ترین تاثیرات قرار گیری در معرض نور خورشید، تورم بیش از حد و به جا ماندن جای زخم است. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid excessive exposure to the sun for 6 months after rhinoplasty and use a brimmed hat and sunscreen creams as much as possible..
  • Don't fin : Since after rhinoplasty, the nasal mucosa is held together with only a few stitches, finning can greatly increase the possibility of tearing these stitches.. Also, the possibility of severe bleeding and perforation of the mucous membrane is another side effect of fining immediately after surgery. Therefore, the doctor usually recommends to avoid finning after three weeks to one month.