Objectives of male rhinoplasty surgery

Objectives of male rhinoplasty surgery

Objectives of a male rhinoplasty

Male rhinoplasty | Your nose is right in the center of your face. A variation of one millimeter in either direction can make a dramatic difference between a disastrous outcome and a glorious one. The ideal nose starts at the bridge or blade and continues in a neat path without a long post to the tip.. The tip of the nose itself must be intact, so that it is smooth and flawless with an angle of 90 to 105 degrees between the upper lip and the base of the nose..

For men, a pig-shaped nose and high head should never be created; At the same time, their nose should make them attractive and good-looking. The definition of the tip of the nose should be a little stronger in men than in women and should not look too skeletal or bony or spherical and misshapen..

Different ethnicities are associated with different nose problems. For example, the bridge of the nose can be almost flat with wide nostrils, as sometimes seen in African-American or Asian men.. Such defects can be corrected in men's rhinoplasty by narrowing the base of the nasal cavity and increasing the height of the bridge, as well as providing details to the tip of the nose..

One of the most important aspects of rhinoplasty in men is to preserve their masculinity in the shape of the nose and not make the nose look feminine.. If a portion of the nose needs to be reduced, the bridge or bridge of the nose must remain strong and firm to avoid a patchy, sloping appearance..

Study suggestion
Surgery to shrink the nostrils

According to new studies based on the physiology of the body, male noses are approximately 10% larger than female noses, because men have more muscle mass and need more oxygen to grow and maintain muscle tissue..

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Get to know the abnormalities of the nose :

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Differences between male and female rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery for men is becoming more popular day by day, so that a recent survey showed that 1/3 of rhinoplasty operations are performed on men today.. However, it should be noted that there are certain considerations that should be taken into account during rhinoplasty surgery for men compared to rhinoplasty in women..

A male nose should not have a broken tip, which makes the appearance of the operated nose look unnatural. The angle of rotation of the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty in men should be between 90 and 100 degrees. Excessive tip rotation after surgery can result in a feminine tip with overly visible piercings..

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The difference between the sexes can be seen in the general appearance of their faces. Doctors believe that a man's face should be cone-shaped, while women's faces should be delicate and heart-shaped. Just like the faces, the noses of men and women are also different in their beauty. Men's noses tend to be somewhat prominent and have a longer and wider transverse blade, especially in the middle of the nose, than elsewhere.. The skin on the nose is also different for men, as their skin is usually thicker than that of women. A woman's nose is usually more defined by a fine tooth along the blade, and the overall size of their nose should be slightly shorter than a man's.. There are also other differences in noses for men and women based on their ethnicity.

Common nose problems in men

There are many beauty issues in this regard. Some of the most common are: :

  1. A bony bump on the nose
  2. Large and spherical tip
  3. long nose
  4. The tip of the head is down(Especially when smiling)
  5. The holes are too big
  6. Excessively sunken nose
  7. Bridge too wide or too flat

Many issues, including a person's ethnicity and genetics, are related to aesthetic appearance. In addition to genetic issues, men suffer from wounds and broken noses due to sports injuries, and their noses become crooked.

Study suggestion
Definition of cosmetic surgery by Dr. Majid Rasti

A crooked nose can be considered as one of the common concerns for men who undergo rhinoplasty. A long or crooked nose is difficult to correct because it may be caused by elongated nasal bones, stretched cartilage, or deviated nasal cavities.. Cartilage and bone have so-called memory and tend to return to their original position after corrective surgery. Often, controlled bony fractures must be reconstructed and cartilage grafts must be used to correct the nose.. There may even be a need for nasal lobe surgery or septoplasty.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | The best nose shape for men after rhinoplasty

Respiratory problems in men

Many men have problems breathing with their noses, and their nasal airways should be considered in men's nose surgery. Correction of breathing problems due to cavities or deviated vanes, prolapsed breathing valve or hypertrophied turbinate can be done at the same time as rhinoplasty..

The best candidate for men's nose surgery

The best candidates for rhinoplasty are perfectly balanced; They are suitable in general and mental health and have realistic expectations. In that case, you are the perfect candidate to do your counseling.

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