Tricks to quickly fix the recovery period of nose surgery

Tricks to quickly fix the recovery period of nose surgery

همه چیز در رابطه با دوره نقاهت عمل بینی

دوران نقاهت جراحی بینی | بیشتر کسانی که برای دریافت مشاوره به Of nose surgery دکتر مجید راستی مراجعه می‌کنند، این سوال را دارند که : «دوران نقاهت عمل بینی چقدر طول می‌کشد ؟ عوارض این دوره چیست؟» بگذارید بگویم، عوارض دوران نقاهت بینی قابل‌پیش‌بینی و کنترل است.

You must have noticed side effects such as facial bruising in beauticians who have recently operated.. The recovery period of each complication is different. I had a friend who had a rhinoplasty about 2 months ago, and about 2 weeks later, he had no bruises on his face.!

One of the important points to reduce the complications and easy recovery period after nose job is to choose a good doctor, perform the operation in reputable centers and pay attention to the tips and care after the operation.. With this, the recovery period of rhinoplasty is shorter than the recovery period of nasal polyp surgery!!

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دوران نقاهت عمل بینی چگونه می‌گذر؟

دوران نقاهت جراحی بینی | All beauticians should be familiar with the details of their nose recovery process during the rhinoplasty recovery period. You can go home immediately after rhinoplasty. The bruising and swelling of your face will decrease every day. Remember, due to the thinness of the skin, swelling on the bridge and upper parts of the nose will go away faster.. It will probably take a little longer for the swelling of the tip of your nose to go down, as you know the skin in this area is thicker.. If your nose is deviated, the bruising and swelling of your nose will disappear later.

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Don't worry, you will get rid of these complications within 3 to 4 weeks at most. One of my friends who had just operated said: "By 9 to 10 days after surgery, my nose had improved a lot, but not as much as a week or 10 days later.!»

The initial recovery process of rhinoplasty is like any other operation in the body. But when we say measure your nose after a year, we don't mean that your nose looks bad in the first months.!

در واقع بینی شما از همان هفته دوم ظاهری فوق‌العاده میابد اما باگذشت زمان روز‌به‌روز بهتر و ظریف‌تر می‌شود. به‌ طور کلی روند دوران نقاهت عمل بینی به‌صورت زیر است :

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The first 24 hours during the recovery time after nose surgery

دوران نقاهت جراحی بینی | در طول ۲۴ ساعت اول پس از عمل، ممکن است احساس خواب‌ آلودگی داشته باشید. This is one of the side effects of anesthetics! Do not forget that you should not drive after receiving anesthetic drugs.

In the first 24 hours after the operation, you should stay at home, do nothing and just rest. Early nose care after surgery is key to speeding up recovery time. You should use cold water compresses to reduce swelling and bruising. The first night, you should sleep completely flat, use two to three pillows to completely drain your nose and reduce swelling and bruising..

The next 48 hours during the recovery period after nose surgery

You may still feel tired for up to two days after the procedure, so it's best to have a trusted person with you to help you do things.. You should stop laziness and start walking on the second day.

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Fifth day during rhinoplasty recovery

Five days after the operation, you can return to work and your daily life. The only exception in this section is for people with heavy jobs. If your job requires a lot of physical activity, you should wait up to ten days after your operation.

از دو هفته بعد از عمل جراحی بینی

Every body heals at a different rate, but in general you shouldn't need more than two weeks off work.. Between three and four weeks after the operation, you can do moderate-intensity cardiovascular activities (Like two calm) را شروع کنید. با این‌ حال، غضروف و استخوان‌های بینی شما هنوز به‌طور کامل مقاوم نیستند؛ بنابراین باید از ورزش‌های مقاومتی سنگین با شدت زیاد اجتناب کنید.

Six weeks after rhinoplasty

Six weeks after the operation, the cartilages and bones of your nose will be completely resistant. Now you can fully exercise and return to your daily life.

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