The ideal face in one session with nose job

The ideal face in one session with nose job

Achieving the ideal face with minimal pain and recovery time with fancy nose surgery – Puppet nose

Puppet nose | nowadays Fantasy Rhinoplasty It has also found its own fans in Iran. At Fantasy nose surgery And doll nose model, the proportion of the nose with other parts of the face should be considered. For example, someone who has a big face and other parts of his face are also big, should not choose fancy nose surgery because it will cause him dissatisfaction with the result of the operation.. In doll nose surgery, the nose becomes small and arched. In people who have big and fleshy noses, it is not possible to make the nose too small or raise the tip of the nose too much because it will look very bad..

Not all patients who intend to have a fancy natural nose surgery want to have all the features of a fancy nose model; Rather, for example, they just like their nose to be arched or the tip of their nose to be raised. This type of nose, which is a combination of natural and fancy nose, is called semi-natural nose. This type of nose is recommended to those who do not want their nose to change much after surgery, which is the only difference between a semi-normal nose and a normal nose surgery.

Stay with us with interesting and readable content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery و فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان :

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Cost of rhinoplasty surgery .

What faces is a doll nose suitable for?

For fantasy nose model surgery, before the operation, the structure and type of the nose must be evaluated and carefully examined and examined so that the result of the surgery is successful.. Also, to succeed in Normal nasal operation Fantasy, you should go to the best rhinoplasty doctor. People with bony noses are good candidates for doll nose surgery.

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For rhinoplasty, it should be noted that the patient's nose and breathing are not harmed and that the nose is in harmony with other parts of the face.. People applying for fancy natural nose surgery should not insist on reducing the nose too much because it may damage the appearance and function of the nose.. One of the prominent features of the fantasy nose model is the arch on the nose, high tip and small size. People who are suitable for doll nose surgery have bony noses with thin skin and strong cartilage.

The best جراح بینی عروسکی در اصفهان چه ویژگی هایی دارد؟

اگر به دنبال انتخاب یک جراح بینی عروسکی در اصفهان هستید، حتما به چند مورد توجه داشته باشید تا در نهایت از نتیجه عمل خود راضی باشید و خیلی زود دل شما را نزند. Because reconstructive rhinoplasty may not be able to simply return a normal nose to you .

Knowledge, skills and experience: To perform a nose job, be sure to find a highly skilled plastic and cosmetic surgeon who is familiar with the best rhinoplasty techniques.. It is a difficult and complicated task to perform a nose job without causing serious damage to your respiratory tract. Because the width and size of your nostrils will be smaller.

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The result of a semi-fantasy nose after passing 6 Month

Attention to your request: The surgeon must take your opinion into consideration in the surgery and try to reach a balance between your initial opinion and the aesthetic standards so that both you are satisfied and the structure of your nose and the proportion of your facial parts are not harmed..

Is semi-fantasy rhinoplasty suitable for fleshy nose?

Some types of nose surgery for people who have fleshy noses and their nose skin is oily, it is not recommended. For example, experience has proven that people who have had a doll nose surgery with fleshy noses have been dissatisfied with the result of the operation.. Also, if the surgery people Natural nose and are not satisfied with the result after the operation and want to do secondary or reconstructive nose surgery, because their noses have become too small, it will be very difficult to repair their noses.. در نهایت Fantasy natural nose surgery bBig and fleshy noses are not recommended.

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Guide to natural nose surgery

What are the conditions for people who want to have nose surgery?

In general, applicants for rhinoplasty or nose surgery must have passed the last stages of maturity and growth. In fact, the best age for nose surgery is when a person's nose and other parts of his face are fully developed. In addition, patients should be in good general health and not smoke. If they smoke, they should stop smoking at least two weeks before the operation.

Before rhinoplasty, the surgeon must ensure that the patient is fully aware of the surgical process, its advantages and disadvantages. Your medical history is one of the most important questions your doctor will ask you. including the history of nasal obstruction, surgery and any type of medicine you take.

Study suggestion
For whom is rhinoplasty a problem?

If you have a bleeding disorder such as hemophilia, you may not be a good candidate for rhinoplasty. You will also likely be asked questions about your motivation for surgery. Physical and laboratory examinations, including blood tests, are part of the preparations before surgery.

Who are suitable candidates for fancy nose surgery?

This nose model is more popular among women. Because its results are fantasy and unnatural and have a doll style. Therefore, qualified people who are suitable for this nose surgery should have the following characteristics:

  1. افرادی که Nasal bone دارند.
  2. People with small or medium facial features.
  3. افرادی که Get to know Isfahan Rhinoplasty They are thin.
  4. People who have strong nasal cartilage.
  5. People who have perfect physical and mental health.
  6. People who have reasonable expectations of the results of the operation.

Can nose doll surgery cause breathing problems?

Yes, many people make their nose smaller than the standard and with the arch and curvature of the bridge of the nose, they cause the nasal passage to become blocked.. This blockage and congestion of the nose eventually leads to the patient's breathing problems. Therefore, to avoid this complication, you should choose your surgeon carefully and have reasonable expectations of the results of your operation.

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