The sensitivity of the nose job

The sensitivity of the nose job

Doll nose surgery and its high sensitivities

Doll nose job | Fantasy Rhinoplasty It has a very high sensitivity. which requires a doctor with sufficient experience and skill. In general, you need to be realistic and avoid pressuring the nose surgeon to make your nose too small.. Try to set your expectations on the amount of arch and the necessary changes with the overall shape of your face and a suitable angle with other parts of your face. In general, we must say that any kind of change that is not done with a complete and realistic review . Respiratory problems Many in fantasy action He will have a nose with him.

Stay with us with interesting and readable content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery و فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان :

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Isfahan nose surgeon short nose

Who are suitable candidates for fancy nose surgery?

People who want fantasy rhinoplasty must have the following conditions in addition to having the general conditions of the surgery, including having the surgery costs, being physically and physically healthy, not pregnant or lactating, having reasonable expectations of the surgery result, etc. to be:

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Having a bony nose : Noses are generally divided into fleshy and bony types . This division is due to the difference in the structural characteristics of noses during fancy nose surgery. Due to their structural features, fleshy noses cannot be operated in a fancy way . The bones and cartilages of fleshy noses are not very strong and this makes it impossible to make many changes such as a large arch on the bridge of the nose.. Of course, we must say that even if it is possible to make these changes in the structure of the nose . The thick skin of fleshy noses will not allow these changes to appear.

being a woman : The size of fancy noses is small . And this causes it to be out of proportion with men's noses, which are usually bony and large and have large components..

There is a short distance between the nose and the lips : One of the things that affects the beauty of the face . The distance between the nose and the lips is large. For this reason, people whose lips and nose distance is congenitally large . It is better to avoid fancy nose surgery, which increases the distance.

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Procedures before performing fancy nose surgery

You should stop smoking and drinking alcohol two weeks before the surgery. پیش از انجام جراحی بینی فانتزی لازم است که در مورد جراح بینی به خوبی تحقیق کنید . You can do this by searching the Internet . Or ask friends and relatives . After you find the surgeon you want . You can go to the office for a consultation and see the portfolio of fantasy noses in the portfolio album. After you have done these steps, you should talk to your doctor.

The conversations you have with the doctor can be about the shape of the nose and whether you are a good candidate for this shape according to the type of nose.. Try not to make emotional decisions about the form and talk realistically about the result. In the next step, you should provide the doctor with a list of the medications you are taking, and the doctor will explain to you the medications you should not take until the surgery and recovery period..

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  جراحی سپتوپلاستی

Fancy rhinoplasty is performed with open or closed technique?

The choice of surgical technique depends on the type of nose, the shape of the nose and the desired result . And finally, it is the surgeon who decides in this regard. Both techniques have had good and acceptable results so far.

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What age is suitable for doll nose surgery?

The surgeon recommends that people should go for fancy nose surgery after reaching the age of puberty. Before completing the process of puberty, people's noses are not fully developed . And it is not strong. According to the fantasy nose job, many changes will be applied to people's noses . And it has a very high sensitivity, it is possible . The result of surgery before puberty is not highly satisfactory . And the person should have reconstructive surgery on his nose in the future.

Complications of fancy nose surgery

Sometimes after fancy nose surgery, people experience rare complications. But keep in mind that the occurrence of some complications such as swelling, bleeding and bruising after rhinoplasty is normal. . And it cannot be considered unnatural. If you choose a surgeon carefully . You experience the least complications.

Complications such as the nostrils not matching, their shrinking, breathing disorders are some of them . which may sometimes occur during fancy nose surgery . And sometimes it forces people to undergo reconstructive nose surgery.

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