Necessary tools for after rhinoplasty surgery

Necessary tools for after rhinoplasty surgery

Question from Isfahan nose surgeon

What things do we need to prepare before nose surgery? Watch the video to get your answer :

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What should be done with swelling caused by nose surgery?

What should be done with swelling caused by nose surgery?

Swelling caused by nose surgery

Swelling of the fleshy nose surgery | The occurrence of swelling after nose job is completely normal and all the people who have done this cosmetic surgery have faced this complication.. Although the amount of swelling is not the same in all people and due to some factors; Like the characteristics of their body, the severity and extent of the problem in the nose depends on it, but in general, it can be said that the swelling in fleshy noses is more than that of bony noses due to their weak structure and thick skin..

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Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Do you need a nose job?

Methods to reduce swelling caused by nose surgery

Nasal swelling after rhinoplasty decreases over time and is completely resolved after about 1 to 2 years. But by observing some cases, it is possible to speed up the process of reducing inflation, some of which will be explained below..

Nutrition ; It plays a big role in aggravating or reducing nasal swelling, so that :

Eating hard foods because they require a lot of chewing for digestion causes the swelling of the nose to intensify, for this reason people should use watery and soft foods for a while and avoid eating bottom of the pot and hard fruits such as carrots..

Sodium substance aggravates nasal swelling; Therefore, as much as possible, people should avoid eating foods that are cooked with a lot of salt and spices..
Some people and doctors believe that consuming celery juice and fresh pineapple juice is effective in reducing nasal swelling, it is better to include them in your diet..

در صورتی که جراحی زیبایی بینی توسط دکتر بینی بی تجربه و بدون مهارت انجام گیرد ، احتمال بروز مشکلات بسیاری ؛ همچون مشکلات تنفسی ، عدم رضایت از فرم ظاهری بینی ، سوراخ شدن تیغه میانی بینی ، غیر قرینه بودن حفره های بینی ، بی حسی ، عفونت ، درد شدید و غیره در بیماران وجود دارد ؛ اما در صورتی که بهترین جراح بینی اصفهان دکتر مجید راستی ، مورد نظر بیمار به اندازه کافی در این زمینه تجربه و مهارت داشته باشد ، نه تنها هیچ گونه عوارضی پس از عمل زیبایی بینی بیماران را تهدید نمی کند ؛ بلکه آن ها از نتیجه جراحی زیبایی بینی نیز رضایت کامل خواهند داشت.

The best age for nose surgery

طبق مطالعات صورت گرفته ، بهترین سن جهت انجام جراحی بینی گوشتی در شیراز ، پس از اتمام سن بلوغ می باشد ؛ اتمام سن بلوغ در دختران ، پایان سن ۱۶ سالگی و در پسران ، پایان سن ۱۸ سالگی می باشد ؛ بنابراین افراد پس از گذشت این سن می توانند جهت انجام جراحی زیبایی بینی اقدام کنند. Many people want to know the reason for performing nose surgery after this age; which is mentioned below :

The nose begins to grow from birth and its growth continues until the end of puberty, and until the growth of the nose is complete and completed, it is not possible to perform nose surgery..
Another reason for performing nose surgery after puberty is due to the fact that some cartilages of the nose are responsible for the growth of some facial organs until the end of puberty, so nose surgery should be performed before this age. causes interference in the growth of organs.

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Rhinoplasty and exercise..

Exercise after nose surgery

افراد باید بعد از جراحی بینی گوشتی در شیراز ، به مدت ۱ هفته به استراحت مطلق پرداخته و از یک شخص همراه برای انجام کارهای روزمره خود کمک بگیرند. due to the effect of lowering the head and doing heavy activities in aggravating nasal edema; It is better not to put your head down for 1 week and postpone heavy sports for 6 months after rhinoplasty in Shiraz..


Excitement increases the blood circulation in the head and face of people, and this causes the swelling of the nose to intensify..

Reversibility of fleshy noses

Many people who have fleshy noses are concerned about the reversibility of fleshy noses. In this regard, it should be mentioned that in the past, due to the use of non-standard techniques, the appearance of fleshy noses may return to the form It existed initially, but now nose surgeons use modern and standard techniques to perform nose surgery in Shiraz, which has greatly reduced and minimized the possibility of recurrence of noses..

The success rate of rhinoplasty surgery

The success rate of rhinoplasty surgery

The success rate of rhinoplasty surgery

Cosmetic surgery of the nose bone| It is much easier to perform bony nose surgery than the fleshy nose due to the thinner skin of the bony nose. Of course, it should be kept in mind that noses that are made up of bone and cartilage make the surgeon's work difficult, but in general, it can be said that bone nose cosmetic surgery is easier than the flesh type and has a better result..

In other words, it can be said that the more bones and solid cartilages in the nose, the more likely a person will achieve the desired result, but it is not possible to tell the patient an exact percentage for the success of a bony nose..

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Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | What should be done before and after nose surgery?

Thin nose skin

Just as thick nasal skin can make nose surgery difficult, too thin nasal skin can also cause problems for the surgeon.. The positive point of thin nose skin in rhinoplasty surgery is less swelling and no scar left after nose surgery.

But the negative point of thin skin is that the smallest problems after nose surgery show themselves and are obvious in thin skin.. The surgeon's biggest challenge for applicants with thin skin is flawless rhinoplasty because no defect is hidden under thin skin.. For this reason, it is recommended to choose a surgeon who you have seen similar to your nose in his work samples, because this surgeon is familiar with the challenges of your nose operation and can bring you the desired result..

Complications of rhinoplasty

Any surgery may have complications . For this reason, your health should be a priority for both you and the surgeon. Nose surgery is one of the least risky surgeries, but the complications that can occur in any surgery include bleeding, infection, adverse reaction to anesthesia, and hematoma. (When blood collects under the skin) می باشد.

Specifically, complications such as numbness, nosebleeds, swelling, inner nasal wound and damage to the nasal nerve can occur in the cosmetic operation of the bony nose.. Choosing an experienced and suitable surgeon and a professional surgical team can minimize these complications. Also, pre- and post-operative care can help minimize these complications.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Can all noses be operated?

Some short-term side effects may occur after the rhinoplasty surgery, which is nothing to worry about and is temporary :

  • درد بعد از عمل

Due to the shaving of bone and cartilage in the nose surgery, you will feel pain in the affected areas after the surgery.. This pain is completely transient and can be controlled by taking painkillers prescribed by your doctor.

  • swelling

One of the most common side effects of rhinoplasty is swelling around the eyes and nose. Swelling is more noticeable in the days after surgery, but it decreases after about two weeks. However, it is important to note that some minor swelling may persist for up to six months after rhinoplasty.. The final results of rhinoplasty or nose surgery are usually seen after one year.

  • کبودی

Bruising is another side effect that is often associated with rhinoplasty. The amount of bruising that follows surgery depends on the sensitivity of the patient and the extent of the surgery. This bruise is usually located in the area around the eyes and can last up to 10 days. While bruising is not a sign of more serious complications, you should monitor your condition in the days following surgery. If anything seems abnormal, your doctor can help you decide whether you need to take other steps to heal in addition to rest..

  • Return of nose bulge after surgery

In rare cases, there may be a bump and a bump on the nose after the operation, which can be solved with a partial repair. Taking care right after nose surgery and not hitting it can minimize this possibility.

Considerations for bone nose surgery

Considerations for bone nose surgery

جراحی بینی استخوانی دشوار تر است یا گوشتی ؟

جراحی بینی استخوانی و بینی گوشتی هر دو دارای چالش ‌ها و مراحلی است که به متخصصین جراحی بینی نیازمندی دارد. جراحی بینی استخوانی یا جراحی رینوپلاستی استخوانی ، شامل اصلاح انحنا ها ، کاهش طول یا عرض بینی ، بهبود انحراف پیشانی و ساختارهای استخوانی بینی است. This type of surgery may be more difficult in some cases due to direct access to bones and bony structures. But by using the experience and skill of the surgeon, you can achieve the desired results.

Meat nose surgery or meat rhinoplasty is usually used to change the shape and size of the soft tissues of the nose, such as reducing the volume of the nose, changing its curves or smoothing it.. Sometimes this surgery can have certain difficulties, for example, if there is excess upper tissue or if other previous operations have been performed on the nose..

Also, the improvement and changes that are done with rhinoplasty require more recovery and recovery time.. In any case, performing any type of nose surgery requires the expertise and experience of a specialist surgeon. بنابراین ، بهتر است با یک پزشک متخصص جراح بینی اصفهان دکتر مجید راستی مشورت کنید تا شما را در خصوص بهترین گزینه برای شرایط خاص شما راهنمایی کند.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Zero to hundred cares after nose surgery

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Procedures before bony nose surgery

  1. بیمار در جلسه مشاوره ، باید انتظارات و خواسته های خود از عمل بینی استخوانی را به طور کامل برای جراح تشریح نماید.
  2. در صورت ابتلا به بیماری خاص یا حساسیت های دارویی ، باید جراح بینی اصفهان را مطلع نماید.
  3. آزمایش هایی که جراح تجویز می نماید را انجام دهد و نتایج آن ها را در روز عمل همراه خود داشته و در اختیار دکتر بینی اصفهان دکتر مجید راستی قرار دهد.
  4. At least 2 weeks before the nose surgery, he should not take drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen, because these drugs thin the blood and increase the risk of bleeding during the operation..
  5. In order to prevent disruption of blood supply, one should avoid smoking and nicotine-containing substances.
  6. بیمار باید شب قبل از جراحی بینی استخوانی، استحمام نماید.
  7. The night before the operation, the patient should eat a light dinner and refrain from eating and drinking for 8 hours before the operation.
  8. On the day of surgery, the patient must be fasting and go to the surgery place half an hour before the scheduled time.
  9. It is necessary for the patient to be present at the surgery site with at least one companion.
  10. Women should be without makeup on the day of surgery.
  11. On the day of surgery, men should come to the surgery site with a trimmed beard and mustache.
  12. Patients should avoid wearing jewelry on the day of surgery.

Care after bony nose surgery

  • Take the medicines prescribed by the doctor regularly and to the end.
  • A cold compress can be used up to 48 hours after the operation to reduce bruising and swelling.
  • Avoid going to crowded places for a few weeks.
  • Manipulation of the nose should be avoided.
  • Carrying out heavy activities and lifting heavy objects is prohibited for up to 6 weeks.
  • When resting and sleeping, the patient should try to raise his body higher than usual with the help of two pillows.
  • در هفته ابتدایی جراحی بینی استخوانی ، مایعات و غذاهای نرم را در برنامه غذایی خود بگنجاند.
  • Avoid eating foods that require prolonged chewing.
  • In order to prevent the exacerbation of nasal swelling, minimize the consumption of salt and sodium.
  • Avoid smoking and being in the vicinity of cigarette smoke for at least two weeks.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Experience natural nose surgery with Isfahan nose surgeon :

Other care after bony nose surgery

  1. Avoid intense fanning, laughing and talking for a long time during the first week after the operation.
  2. Be sure to sneeze with your mouth open.
  3. During the first 2 to 3 days of surgery, use a cold compress for 15 minutes every hour.
  4. The splint will be on your nose for 1 week, avoid getting it wet when showering. Take antibiotics, pain relievers, and all medications prescribed by your doctor as directed.
  5. Drink enough fluids. Consuming juice, water and soft drinks can be useful to relieve dryness caused by breathing through the mouth..
  6. Clean your teeth gently with a soft toothbrush. Try not to stretch the upper lip too much.
  7. During the first month, avoid exposure to sunlight
  8. بی حسی تجربه شده در نوک بینی و لب، در هفته اول بعد از جراحی بینی استخوانی ، رفع می شود.
  9. Attend all post-surgery follow-up sessions as scheduled. These sessions are held to control the progress of your nose improvement.
  10. It should be noted that following the post-operative care will speed up the healing process and will be very effective in obtaining an acceptable result from the surgery..
Important points in the recovery period after fancy nose surgery

Important points in the recovery period after fancy nose surgery

Tips on Fantasy Rhinoplasty

Fantasy Rhinoplasty | Fantasy nose is also called a doll nose, and for this reason, it is the attention and interest of many women. Although the fantasy nose is beautiful, it is not suitable for all faces and ages, especially people with big noses and faces; Because too much shrinking of the nose causes; Balance and proportions are disturbed.
The differences that exist as a result of fancy nose surgery and natural nose surgery make it easy for people to notice that your nose has undergone surgery.. Therefore, if you have a particular sensitivity about this, you should pay attention to this point.

You should not consider the feelings and emotions of youth and adolescence in deciding to perform nose surgery in Isfahan; Because the results of this surgery are permanent. Fancy nose surgery is recommended for women with thin skin and delicate face. In general, it is possible to perform this surgery under special conditions and taking into account the anatomy of the face and the quality of the skin.

Be careful that fleshy noses that have thick skin, since their plasticity and shrinking are difficult compared to the skin of bony noses, fancy rhinoplasty is not recommended for fleshy noses, and this form of nose is not recommended. It can be considered suitable for bony noses.
It is necessary to know that in order to create a doll-shaped nose, it is necessary to make the nose smaller than normal, and this excessive reduction can sometimes make breathing difficult.. Therefore, it must be said that performing fancy nose surgery requires choosing a skilled and capable nose surgeon in this field..

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | What are the advantages of semi-fantasy nose surgery?

Care after nose surgery in fantasy form

A good face and nose cosmetic surgeon in Isfahan advises people who have undergone rhinoplasty; During the recovery period of the nose job, observe all the mentioned points; Because following these points, in addition to speeding up the healing process of patients, it also causes favorable results from rhinoplasty surgery..

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Removal of swelling and bruising after nose surgery

The occurrence of swelling and bruising after fancy nose surgery is a normal and natural thing that gradually resolves with the passage of time; But following some points can speed up its recovery; Below are some of the most important points :

  1. Use ice packs
  2. Consumption of pineapple juice and celery juice
  3. Do not expose to direct sunlight

How to sleep after a fancy nose job

Isfahan nose surgeon Dr. Majid Rasti advises all his patients to avoid sleeping on their stomach and side during the recovery period of Isfahan rhinoplasty operation, in order to prevent pressure on the face and nose. Also, it is better to place two pillows under the head while sleeping and resting in order to place the head higher than the body.. It should be noted that placing two pillows under the head helps to reduce the swelling and bruising caused by the nose job..

Use of drugs after nose surgery in fantasy form

The nose surgeon of Isfahan advises those who have undergone rhinoplasty and are recovering from it, to avoid smoking and hookah; It is even emphasized not to be exposed to the smoke of these items; Because it causes increased swelling and bruising caused by nose surgery and thus leads to a delay in people's recovery.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Nose half-fantasy

Important points in the recovery period after fancy nose surgery

After the fancy nose surgery, there are some important points that must be observed during the recovery period. Of course, it is recommended to discuss the specifics of your condition with your doctor. But in general, below are some important points for you :

  • Rest and relaxation : After nose surgery, adequate rest and relaxation should be used for faster recovery and to minimize possible complications.
  • Taking medicines : Your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, pain relievers, and antibiotics. It is important to follow the instructions for taking the medication carefully.
  • Wearing a bandage : Your doctor may advise you to wear a nasal bandage day and night for about a week after surgery. This helps to protect the nose and control swelling.
  • Nose care : Cleaning the nose using saline solutions and warm water can help clean and heal the nose faster. Also, it's important to avoid sports activities or pressure on the nose until your doctor gives the go-ahead.
  • Follow up with a doctor : It's important to keep regular follow-ups with your doctor and let him know about any concerns or unusual symptoms.

It is important to follow your doctor's instructions during your recovery. The better you take care of your nose, the faster it will heal.

What should be done before and after nose surgery?

What should be done before and after nose surgery?

Before and after rhinoplasty

Today, nose surgery or rhinoplasty is one of the priorities in the lives of people, especially young people in our country, while nose surgery only takes 2-3 hours, but the result can be with the person for the rest of his life.. Before and after rhinoplasty, some points should be followed to achieve the best results from nose surgery.

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Procedures before normal nose surgery

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | 11 A golden tip for uncomplicated nose surgery

Choice of surgeon

The first and most important step to perform rhinoplasty is choosing a face and nose plastic surgeon, because if the natural rhinoplasty is performed by the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Isfahan; In addition to the fact that the patient will not have breathing problems after nose surgery, he will also be satisfied with the appearance of his nose.


You should do all the tests that your doctor has prescribed.

Cigarettes and alcohol

Patients should avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for at least 2 weeks before rhinoplasty. Because these things cause disruption in the operation of nose aesthetics.


You should avoid taking medicines such as aspirin and ibuprofen that thin the blood for some time before the nose operation, because the patient may bleed during the nose operation..

special disease

People who intend to have a nose job, if they are sick, they should explain their illness to the doctor.

special medicine

If you have been using medicine for a long time, you should tell your doctor about it.

The day of normal nose surgery

On the day of rhinoplasty, patients must be present at the clinic with a companion one hour before the start of normal rhinoplasty; It is also better to bring all your medical records with you. When you visit the hospital for rhinoplasty, it is better to be without makeup and wear loose and buttoned clothes..

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Can all noses be operated?

Care after normal nose surgery

تورم و کبودی

You can use an ice compress for the first few days of nose surgery to reduce swelling and bruising.

رژیم غذایی

After rhinoplasty, it is better for patients to remove salt from their diet; They should also avoid eating spicy foods; Because spices and salt increase swelling. It is better to include foods such as celery juice in your diet that reduce swelling and bruising, if the taste of celery juice is unbearable for you; You can combine it with other fruit juices such as carrot juice.

Cigarettes and alcohol

As patients should avoid smoking and alcohol before rhinoplasty; After rhinoplasty, they are not allowed to use them for 1 month. Because they cause disruption in the recovery period.

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Harmful effects of smoking in rhinoplasty

feeling pain

If you feel pain after normal nose surgery, you can take painkillers with the order of the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Isfahan..


You should ask your rhinoplasty doctor about the right time to take a bath.


Patients are not allowed to do sports such as swimming that cause pressure on the face for up to 1 month.

while sleeping

You should open the vault while sleeping ( on the back ) Sleep and put two pillows under your head to make your head higher than your body.

Types of nose models after rhinoplasty

Types of nose models after rhinoplasty

آشنایی با انواع عمل بینی

Types of nose models | Almost everyone is aware of the fact that rhinoplasty can be done in both aesthetic and therapeutic directions. به طور کلی برای پیاده سازی یک یا هر دو هدف به صورت همزمان ، ایراداتی که بر این نواحی از بینی وارد هستند ، طی عمل برطرف می گردند :

  1. Nose shape and size
  2. Width, droop or protrusion of the tip of the nose
  3. Hump ​​or protrusion of the bridge of the nose
  4. Crooked septum or middle nasal blade
  5. The shape and size of the nostrils

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Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  8 Necessary care after rhinoplasty

Types of nose surgery

Rhinoplasty can improve the appearance of this organ by creating proportion and harmony between the nose and other parts of the face. بهبود شکل ظاهری بینی در قالب مدل های مختلف قابل اجرا می باشد و دکتر مجید راستی بهترین جراح بینی اصفهان در یکی از دستاوردهای خود، با بررسی آناتومی صورت، مناسب ترین مدل را که برازنده صورت و چهره بیمار باشد را برای انجام جراحی زیبایی بینی پیشنهاد می نماید. Each of these models has its own unique features, which we have discussed below.

  • Rhinoplasty

Most of the people who want to have a nose surgery with the aim of reducing the size of the nose, apply for surgery. Because the excessive size of the nose disturbs the harmony of the face. So if you also have a big nose, you will actually undergo nose reduction surgery. During this process, the extra tissues that caused the deformity and enlargement of the nose are removed.

  • Increasing Nose Surgery,fa

Along with those who want to make their nose smaller with rhinoplasty, there are people who need to add a little volume to their nose.. A graft may be used to enlarge the nose during surgery. Those who have a reconstructive surgery may need this type of nose surgery; Because part of the nose may have been damaged and its tissue lost during the primary nose surgery.

جراح بینی اصفهان |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Rhinoplasty naturally | جراح بینی اصفهانOf nose surgery

  • Nose operation with a natural model

Natural rhinoplasty is a strategy that focuses on maintaining the natural cartilage, bone and soft tissue of the nose in a natural position and creating a natural contour.. This makes any effect of surgery on the nose undetectable. A surgical nose with a natural model is perfectly suited to the face, and this harmony and proportion is as if you had such a beautiful nose from birth..

  • Nose operation with fantasy model

The fantasy model of rhinoplasty is currently one of the most popular models and has actually become a fashionable model all over the world.. In this model, the size of the nose is reduced and delicate curves are created on the nose. The fantasy model is based on the science of harmony of shapes and anatomy of the face, and if performed correctly, creates a contrast that can create an amazing transformation in the whole face.. The result of this model will be a small and delicate nose with a short bridge and the tip of the nose slightly up.

  • Nose surgery with semi-fantasy model

Semi-fantasy model is a combination of natural and fantasy model. The arch created in the nose in this model is slightly less than the fantasy model and the angle between the nose and the upper lip is slightly wider than the natural model.. This model is suitable for those patients who like their nose to benefit from the features of both fantasy and natural nose models..

جراح بینی پس از انجام بررسی های لازم بر روی صورت بیمار، به پشتوانه علم و تجربه غنی خود بهترین مدلی را که می تواند یک بینی برازنده در صورت را خلق کند به بیمار خود پیشنهاد می نماید. The result of implementing this suggestion is to get an eye-catching and admirable result that every time you look in the mirror and see a better version of your face, you will be reminded of one of the sweetest experiences in life, which is a nose job..

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Isfahan nose surgery with good and successful results

  • Rhinoplasty without arch

One of the significant changes that are applied to the structure of this organ during nose surgery is creating an arch. Many people consider the arched nose as the reason for its beauty; Especially from the side profile. البته کسانی هم هستند که تمایل دارند عمل بینی شان بدون قوس باشد یا قوس بسیار کمی برای آن ایجاد شود. هر چه قوس بینی بیشتر شود ، مدل آن به عروسکی نزدیکتر می شود. It is best to discuss the amount of nasal arch with your surgeon. ایشان با ارزیابی کامل به شما می گوید که چه میزان انحنا برای چهره تان مناسب است.

  • Contour line in nose surgery

One of the attractive results of nose surgery is the contour line created by the surgeon on the nose. Creating two parallel and identical lines along the bones of the nose, which makes its appearance angular. Today, when applicants for rhinoplasty are familiar with the contouring technique in rhinoplasty, they expect the surgeon to perform it in the best way during rhinoplasty.. Another positive point is that all types of noses, including fleshy, bony and cartilaginous, can benefit from this beauty method..

  • Restorative nose surgery

Rhinoplasty is always considered as one of the most difficult facial plastic surgeries. People whose primary rhinoplasty result was disappointing and who have reasonable expectations from their secondary surgery and who have good general health are ideal candidates for this treatment process.. As mentioned earlier, revision rhinoplasty is technically more difficult.

In this process, the cartilage of the nose should often be strengthened. Reconstructive rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia and you will spend approximately 2 to 4 hours in the operating room. The achievements and details of rhinoplasty surgery depend on the needs of each patient. Due to the sensitivity of this surgical process, it is very important to be careful in choosing a good reconstructive nose surgeon.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Long-term considerations for rhinoplasty

Are male and female nose jobs different from each other?

Rhinoplasty is guided based on the goals and desires of the patient, and considering that the goals, needs, and expectations of each person are different, it can be expected that the treatment plan of each patient will be designed in a specific way.. But there is not much difference in the main techniques used in the procedure. Taking into account the fact that the features of the face in men and women differ based on gender differences, plastic specialists also take these considerations into account when performing nose surgery techniques on the faces of these two genders.. For example, women's noses are smaller and shorter than men's noses, and the tip is more upward.

Cartilaginous nose surgeon of Isfahan

Cartilaginous nose surgeon of Isfahan

بهترین جراح بینی غضروفی در اصفهان

Cartilaginous nose surgeon of Isfahan | As you know, bony noses have humps or small and large bumps in appearance, which reduce the beauty of the face to a great extent..

These types of noses have strong and resistant tissue and cartilage. But their skin is very thin so that the tissue and cartilage underneath can be easily touched. These types of noses are the best and most ideal types of noses for rhinoplasty because they have these features and can create the best and most desirable results for people.. But the most important issue is the thin skin of the nose. The excessive thinness of the skin sometimes causes the doctor to face a big challenge and if he does not have enough expertise and experience, it can cause serious problems for the person..

That's why it is very important to choose a qualified, experienced and expert nose doctor..

Stay with us with interesting and readable content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery و فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان :

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Bone nose rhinoplasty.

The best bone nose surgeon in Isfahan

بهترین جراح بینی استخوانی در اصفهان کسی است که بتواند ساختمان و شکل ظاهری بینی مراجعه کننده را به نحوی تغییر دهد که علاوه بر افزایش زیبایی ، بینی فرد دچار مشکل عملکردی و ساختاری نشود. اما مسئله ای که در این رابطه مطرح می شود این است که چگونه می توان بهترین دکتر عمل بینی را در اصفهان پیدا کرد؟

برای این کار تنها کافی است کمی دقت داشته باشید و نمونه کار های پزشک مورد نظر خود را به خوبی بررسی کنید. In order to check the samples, you need to pay attention to the location of the cuts, the amount of changes, the marks left by the stitches, etc..

Crooked nose rhinoplasty with Isfahan nose surgeon Dr. Majid Rasti

How do they fix a crooked nose?

رینوپلاستی بینی کج | Improving the symmetry of the nose and bringing the structures to the midline requires adjusting the entire anatomy that contributes to the crooked appearance.. The specific operation depends on the damaged and deviated structures. No nose job for a crooked nose is exactly the same as any other because every person is unique and different. The bones or cartilage may have grown at different rates, or the person may have had an injury that caused the bones to shift and heal in a crooked position..

فرو پاشی دریچه بینی ممکن است به دلیل عمل بینی قبلی در سن دیگو ایجاد شده باشد که منجر به بینی نامتقارن شده است. The characteristics of each crooked nose cosmetic procedure are different. In some cases, this procedure involves displacement of the nasal septum (which divides the right and left airways of the nose) to a more central position. This is called "septoplasty".. In other cases, misaligned bones may need to be repositioned by surgically breaking the bones and carefully centering them for a flatter appearance..

For collapsed internal nasal valves (Nasal valves are narrowings of the nasal airways that regulate airflow), they may use cartilage grafting to open the valves and improve the structure and symmetry of the crooked nose.

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Tilting of the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty

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Nasal tilting after surgery

During rhinoplasty recovery, you may notice that the tip of your nose looks a little asymmetrical. This is completely normal, especially if different parts of your nose heal at different rates. For example, swelling at the bridge of your nose may subside sooner than swelling at the tip of your nose, causing a temporary crookedness. As healing progresses throughout the nose, the asymmetry often corrects itself within six months to a year.

Persistent tilting after rhinoplasty may be due to warping of flexible cartilage, healing contraction, asymmetry of bone placement, differences in cartilage shape and position, or differences in skin thickness between the right and left sides..

Perfect symmetry is not a reasonable and worthwhile aesthetic goal. A perfectly symmetrical human face does not look beautiful or human in any way, but more like a digital image. However, if the remaining elements of the crooked nose are revealed to you and its correction is needed, it is better to do this correction at least one year after rhinoplasty..

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  جراح  بینی کج

Is it necessary to break the nasal bone to straighten a crooked nose?

یکی از مهم ترین و پر تکرار ترین سوالاتی که مراجعه کنندگان از پزشک خود می پرسند این است که آیا برای صاف شدن بینی نیاز است تا استخوان آن شکسته شود؟ برای پاسخ به این سوال باید گفت این موضوع پس از انجام معاینه توسط بهترین جراح بینی در شهر محل زندگی شما مشخص می شود.

If the applicant wants the nose to become slightly narrower after removing the hump on the bridge of the nose and correcting its crookedness, the best crooked nose surgery doctor must break the bone to bring the bones closer to each other.. Because removing the bridge of the nose will widen the nose. People can refer to Dr. Mojtaba Maliki, the best nose surgeon in Tehran, to benefit from the best services and get the best and most favorable results..

Can the deviation be treated during the treatment process of crooked nose surgery?

In some cases, it is possible that the crooked septum causes the crookedness and deviation of the nose and is itself the reason for the asymmetry of the nostrils.. During the crooked nose operation, since the crooked septum is considered a functional problem and its treatment process solves the problems as well as correcting the shape of the nose and correcting the crooked nose, it is possible to correct the deviation of the middle nasal septum at the same time as the crooked nose operation. treated.

Of course, it should be noted that sometimes, in order to fix the defects of a crooked nose, it is necessary for Ziba Jo to visit the doctor several times.. It is also possible to tilt the nose again. I must say that by choosing a skilled, experienced and expert crooked nose surgeon, you can easily achieve a straight and symmetrical nose..

رینوپلاستی بینی کج با دکتر مجید راستی

رینوپلاستی بینی کج | Whether you were born with a crooked nose or suffered an injury that made your nose crooked. یا بینی کجی شما نتیجه یک عمل بینی قدیمی باشد، دکتر مجید راستی به شما کمک می کند. During the rhinoplasty consultation, he will understand what you want to change and the result you want. You will be examined and a plan will be made to straighten the nose and improve its visual appearance.

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Tilted nose surgery

Can nose surgery be performed on a broken nose?

One of the most common questions that arise in the field of crooked nose surgery is whether this operation can be performed on broken noses or not. In answer to this question, I must say that one of the reasons for a crooked nose is the breaking of the nasal bone.

A good, skilled and experienced nose surgeon can perform rhinoplasty on the nose of those who have fractured the nose by using modern methods and techniques as well as relying on his knowledge, skill and expertise. and create the best results. Since the nose is broken due to an accident or impact, and finally the nose is tilted, it needs an expert nose surgeon to be able to solve the problem with great precision and avoid side effects such as disturbance in the breathing process. prevent complete treatment.

Finding such a surgery may seem a bit difficult, but if you pay attention, carefully view and review the portfolios of nose surgeons in this field, and also pay attention to the opinions of their previous clients, you can easily find him. , remember that choosing a good nose surgeon can guarantee results and also the absence of side effects after crooked nose surgery..

دکتر مجید راستی یکی از بهترین جراحان بینی کج و شکسته اصفهان هستند که می توانند با تکیه بر دانش ، مهارت و سابقه درخشان خود بهترین و خارق العاده ترین نتایج را برای شما عزیزان به ارمغان آورند.

عزیزانی که قصد دارند نزد ایشان بینی خود را عمل کنند می توانند در اسرع وقت تماس بگیرند .

8 necessary care after rhinoplasty surgery

8 necessary care after rhinoplasty surgery

8 necessary care for rhinoplasty surgery

After the patient is unconscious or sedated, the surgeon makes small incisions inside the nostrils or columella.. Then the skin of the nose is carefully lifted to access the underlying bone and cartilage. In the next step, the surgeon removes or flattens the tissue to the required shape. Normally, the doctor uses the safest method in the surgery in order to minimize the damage to the surrounding tissues. Once the reshaping process is complete, the doctor places the skin over the new nasal lines and closes the incisions.

۱. Bruise after rhinoplasty

During recovery after rhinoplasty surgery, it is normal to have minor bleeding from the nose, swelling and bruising of the nose, upper lip, cheeks or around the eyes for several days after surgery.. Placing ice on the face, bridge of the nose, and eyes until tolerated helps reduce bruising, bleeding, and post-operative pain..

Remember not to place the cold compress directly on your nose and only on your forehead or cheek.. Ice can affect blood flow to the skin and impair healing. In addition, any pressure applied to the nose can have an adverse effect.

Stay with us with interesting and readable content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery و فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان :

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan | What should I drink after nose surgery?
۲. Swelling of the nose after surgery

What are the steps to reduce swelling of the nose after cosmetic surgery? One of the complications of rhinoplasty is nasal edema. It is normal for a part of the body that is affected by the surgical blade to swell and bruise. But why swelling occurs in the nose? Does swelling occur only in the nose?

Facial swelling can be seen in the nose, under the eyes and above the lips. This is because the bones and soft tissues of the face have been damaged. Although rhinoplasty is cosmetic surgery and is done on purpose, it still damages the body to some extent.. One of the responses and defense reactions of the body against physical damage is swelling.

Substances such as histamine and other chemical spikes are released from the damaged cells by the surgical blade, and these chemical spikes cause the blood vessels to dilate.. When the veins are dilated, the interstitial fluid increases and the tissue swells.

۳. nose pain

Pain after rhinoplasty may be a question for many people, most patients report relatively mild pain.. In fact, nose surgery is not very painful, and in recovery after rhinoplasty surgery, discomfort caused by nasal congestion is a more important issue.. To control the pain, especially the pain of sinusitis and rhinoplasty, the doctor may prescribe some painkillers and painkillers.. Rest is the most effective way to help you recover.

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Nasal congestion after cosmetic surgery

۴. گرفتگی بینی

A stuffy nose or stuffy nose with pressure on the sinuses is what you should expect when you wake up from anesthesia.. Due to the presence of a bandage in the nasal passage, which is made of gauze impregnated with antibiotic ointment, your nose will be completely blocked and you will have to breathe through your mouth after the nose operation.. Nasal obstruction will last for several days.

You will also have trouble smelling. You will probably feel some pressure in your ear or temple. After 7 days, this dressing should be removed from the nose. After the operation, the bridge of the nose is also covered with a splint. The splint helps to reduce the swelling of the nose and shape the nose.

One solution to relieve nasal congestion after cosmetic surgery and finning after nose surgery is to use a humidifier or vaporizer.. You can place the vaporizer next to your bed while resting. This can not only soothe your nasal passages, but also soothe the phlegm in your throat after a nose job.. Many patients mention dry throat and dry lips as the most annoying side effects of rhinoplasty. In this situation, tea and honey help to soften the throat.

۵. Avoiding the use of certain drugs

During 10 days before and after rhinoplasty surgery, aspirin or any product containing aspirin should not be consumed. Within 7 days after surgery, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) They should not be consumed.

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Nutrition after nose surgery

۶. Diet after rhinoplasty

After nose surgery, it is better to eat a light, soft and cool food. Avoid hot liquids for a few days. To avoid nausea and vomiting after the operation, it is better to start eating slowly. It should be remembered that a proper diet and enough rest will help you recover as quickly as possible. Make sure you get plenty of vitamin A and vitamin C from your diet.

۷. Taking medications that are prescribed after rhinoplasty

Some patients vomit once or twice immediately after rhinoplasty. If nausea and vomiting persist, anti-nausea drugs are prescribed. Antibiotics are prescribed after surgery to prevent possible infections.

It is very important to take all prescribed pills as directed by your doctor. Complete the course of medication to the end. Allergic reactions to any of the drugs, such as skin rashes, should be reported to the doctor as soon as they are observed.

Do not take any other medicine without your doctor's advice. Be sure to ask the specialist about the date of the next visit and get a phone number from your doctor in case of emergency. Probably 1 month and 6 months after the operation, the nose will be examined by a nasal surgeon and the degree of swelling and deformation will be evaluated..

Of nose surgery | How to sleep after nose surgery

۸. How to sleep after nose surgery

Sleeping after nose surgery It gets a little hard and that's normal. With all the bandages on the airway and the blood that may be coming out, insomnia and poor sleep are normal.. But there are solutions to improve it. After rhinoplasty, you should how to sleep change yourself. This change of position makes you feel comfortable in sleep and in fact it is better to say that it makes it possible to sleep.. It is better to sleep after a nosebleed by observing the following points .

To sleep, it is better to use the arched position. Lying on your back reduces the risk of nose damage due to impact on the sides. For more protection, pillows can be placed on both sides of the face and prevent possible injuries. It is better to keep the head up to 45 degrees with a small soft pillow. This condition prevents further bleeding and reduces bruising and swelling.

Try putting an ice pack next to you. You can use a cold compress to improve your facial swelling. With the help of a cold compress, you can reduce inflammation and swelling, thereby reducing bruising and pain. Also, your recovery period will decrease.

Sleep away from others. It is better not to sleep on a double bed and next to each other because it can cause an accident and the hand of the person next to you will touch your nose and damage the bone..

Do not sleep on your stomach. Both your nose will be pressured and you will not feel well. Sleeping on your stomach can increase the bleeding and bruising of a nose job. Lowering the head after rhinoplasty is not recommended .