What is the application of rhinoplasty?
Revision surgery | Rhinoplasty is used to correct and reduce too big noses or to create size and fit for too small noses. It is also possible to remove the protrusions on the bridge of the nose with open nose surgery. To solve the problem of the tip of the nose, including large or drooping nose tip, to solve the problem of those whose two nostrils are not symmetrical . It is also used to correct the crooked tip of the nose. In addition, open nose surgery is sometimes used to solve serious nose problems and improve breathing.
Rhinoplasty is a series of procedures . which is done to improve one or a number of nasal problems. Although revision surgery is often a cosmetic procedure . But aspects of the surgery can also have medical benefits, including the ability to breathe better.
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۱. Rhinoplasty to correct breathing
Revision surgery can also be done to solve breathing problems and improve the breathing of patients. In fact, in open nose surgery, by opening the nasal airway and changing and reconstructing its structure, the surgeon can help correct the patient's breathing and eliminate any breathing problems.. Therefore, sometimes some rhinoplasty operations can be performed with the purpose of treatment and solving respiratory problems.
۲. Rhinoplasty for beauty
The main advantage and application of revision surgery is for cosmetic purposes. In this surgery, the surgeon has more control over the nose and its internal structure . And also because the skin of the nose is lifted . And the surgeon can see the internal structure of the nose very well . It makes the most and best changes so that the shape of the nose becomes what the patient wants. Reducing the size of the nose, raising the tip of the nose, adjusting the symmetry of the nostrils, and removing the ridges on the surface of the nose are among the tasks. . which are performed in open nose surgery with aesthetic goals.
۳. Rhinoplasty surgery and repair of nasal cracks or fractures
Sometimes people get their nose damaged due to accidents or various incidents . And cracks and fractures are created on it. In this situation, the doctor may recommend rhinoplasty to repair nasal injuries and treat nasal fractures, which can include repairing nasal bones or cartilages..
۴. Rhinoplasty to correct nasal deviation
Another application of re-vision surgery is its use to fix nasal deviation. Breathing problems are symptoms of nasal deviation. Deviation of the nose is a condition . in which the septum of the nose is deviated and this state is in addition to the effect it has on the appearance of people . It also makes breathing difficult and can lead to many problems, including nasal airway obstruction. Nasal septum can be cut with open nose surgery . And by removing extra bone or cartilage, he fixed the deviation of the nose.
Who is revision surgery suitable for?
Those whose noses have an inappropriate shape and size and want to correct their facial defects with a cosmetic procedure, can consider revision surgery.. This surgical method is the best option for people who have severe nasal deviation and the appearance of their nose needs a lot of changes.
On the other hand, open rhinoplasty is usually the chosen option for patients in reconstructive nose surgeries. For those who have a fleshy nose or people who need a graft due to weak cartilage and nasal bones, rhinoplasty is a good option..
For whom is revision surgery not suitable?
In general, it cannot be said exactly that open nose surgery is suitable for some people and not for others, and this depends more on the opinion of the surgeon.. However, since this procedure requires complete anesthesia of the patient, this treatment is not suitable for people who are allergic to anesthesia.. On the other hand, if the problem of the nose is not great and does not require much manipulation, the surgeon may not offer the option of rhinoplasty to the patients..
Benefits of revision surgery
The ability to open the nose in open nose surgery allows the surgeon to do this . To actually see the anatomy under the nose and perform treatment and correction of the nose with more mastery and precision. Open rhinoplasty allows the surgeon to measure and analyze the anatomy of the nose. A rhinoplasty surgeon spends considerable time examining and understanding the anatomy of each person's nose in order to perform the most accurate and perfect work.. Open rhinoplasty gives the surgeon this ability . to see any asymmetry or abnormality that was not identified in the external examination.
In addition to being able to see the anatomy of the nose better . Open rhinoplasty allows the surgeon to operate much more precisely. Considering that the nose is a prominent feature and has a delicate structure, the more accurate it is in rhinoplasty, the better..
A final advantage of open rhinoplasty is that if the surgeon is willing to use advanced cartilage grafting techniques for many cases, with a revision operation, he is better able to place grafts that provide more long-term support and structure, and work with precision. do much more. For these reasons, open rhinoplasty contributes to better access and better results.
The best surgeon in rhinoplasty
One of the most important things in performing revision surgery is choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon. A rhinoplasty surgeon is generally a cosmetic surgeon or a rhinoplasty surgeon . He must have enough experience in doing this . Because the skill, precision and abilities of the surgeon have a direct impact on the final result of the operation and the level of satisfaction of the patients from their nose surgery..
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