For whom is doll nose surgery suitable?

For whom is doll nose surgery suitable?

Types of doll nose surgery

Doll model nose | Doll nose surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in which the tip of the nose is raised, the bridge of the nose becomes more prominent, and the nose itself becomes smaller and finer.. Doll nose operation or fancy nose surgery is done only for the purpose of beauty . And it should be in proportion to other parts of the face. This model of nose surgery cannot be considered suitable for everyone . For example, people with fleshy noses with thick skin, or large faces . Like men, it is better not to go for a fancy nose job.

Of course, the choice of the type of nose surgery is entirely a matter of taste . But in order not to regret later, it is better to do a thorough research . And choose the best and most suitable type of nose surgery by consulting a cosmetic surgeon. It is true that this type of rhinoplasty creates a subtle appearance . But sometimes it causes Respiratory problems You can be careful for that . Not every surgery can do it right. Stay with us to learn more about this type of nose surgery.

This type of nose surgery depends on whether the other parts of the person's face are proportionate or not, whether they are coarse or fine. بینی گوشتی It is or bony, and the patient is male or female. There are different types :

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Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Isfahan nose surgeon short nose

Fancy doll nose job

This type of rhinoplasty shrinks the nose as much as possible, and a lot of curvature and arch is seen in the profile.. Nose height (Bridge of the nose,,fa,Bridge of the nose has various types, in this article we consider the types of bridge of the nose, the bridge of the nose, we first define the,,fa) In this type of nose surgery, the profile is completely upside down. The nose becomes very narrow from the front view. In this type of rhinoplasty, a line is usually seen above the nostrils, which is due to the narrowing of the nose and the creation of a crease above the nostrils..

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Girl doll nose job

Girl doll nose surgery is one of the branches رینوپلاستی And it is the most common cosmetic surgery . that the shape and appearance of the nose changes completely. The result of a girl's doll nose operation is completely fantasy and doll . that the width of the tip of the nose disappears and the nostrils shrink. The nasal arch in this type of rhinoplasty is more than the natural arch . And an angle is created between the upper lip and the nose.

Male nose job

The male type of this surgery has fewer fans than the normal nose operation . Because the appearance of a man's face does not go well with fancy nose surgery. A sharp and upturned nose tip, a high arch, and a reduction in the size of the nose and nose blades are all features of male nose job.. If you intend to do this nose surgery . You must go for the best جراح بینی go . So that you can feel at ease with the result of your work. The fit of the nose with other parts of the face is very important in male doll nose surgery.

Nose operation with a meat doll

In the practice of a flesh doll nose, the distance between the upper lip and the tip of the nose is large and the angle is 105 degrees and the arch is very large. The best model for a fleshy nose is a natural nose job . which only fixes the appearance defects and the tip of the nose is gathered in this type of surgery. Because the tip of the fleshy nose is round . And fancy nose surgery is not considered a suitable option for this type of nose.

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Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Natural nose

Natural doll nose job

The characteristic of this type of nose surgery is a very narrow nose blade . This in itself can lead to increased inflation جراح بینی and the shape of the nose becomes very delicate. But this nose model is not necessarily suitable for everyone, and if it is done unprincipledly and at an inappropriate angle, it will make breathing difficult for the person..

People with thick nose skin or fleshy nose are not a good choice for fancy nose . And the result will certainly not be good. The operation of a natural doll nose is a combination of a natural and fantasy nose model . that the nasal arch is not as high as this type of surgery. In this operation, which is also called semi-fantasy nose surgery . The narrowness of the nasal septum is milder than the fancy doll shape.

Application of doll nose surgery

The main purpose of this type of surgery is to make the nose smaller, so that it takes on a fancy and doll-like appearance. This practice is more popular among women . It is only used for beauty and it is done to create a fancy look . whose elegance has been over-exaggerated.

For which people is doll nose surgery suitable?

The best candidates for this type of rhinoplasty are bony noses. People who have a delicate face can also be a good choice for this type of rhinoplasty because the fit of the fancy nose with other parts of the face is very important.. This means that large and masculine faces are not very suitable for fancy nose surgery.

For which people is nose job not suitable?

The main characteristic of doll nose surgery is an arched, narrow, very small nose with an upward arch. Therefore, people who have large, wide or large faces or other parts of their faces are large will not be suitable people for this type of nose surgery.. People with a fleshy nose are not a suitable option for fancy rhinoplasty and it is better to choose a natural nose operation.

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Advantages of nose job

The following are the main advantages of this type of nose surgery :

  1. Narrowing of wide noses
  2. Narrowing of the tip of the nose
  3. Fixing the hump of the nose and creating curvature
  4. Removal of excess fat under the skin layer of the nose
  5. Proportion of nose length

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How long does a doll nose surgery take?

Depending on the condition of the person's nose and the skill level of the surgeon, the duration of this surgery will be different. On average, a fancy or semi-fancy doll nose surgery takes about one and a half to three hours..

The best nose job doctor doll model

In order to be satisfied with the result of nose job, you should go to the best doctor for nose job. A surgeon who has enough expertise and skill in the field of doll nose surgery can be included in the list of the best doctor for doll nose surgery..

Be sure to see the samples of the doctor's previous work and ask about the satisfaction of the patients. The fact that previous patients are satisfied with the result of the operation makes you confident about your choice. In order to be satisfied with the result, it is important to choose a surgeon. Choose the best nose job doctor. It does not mean that the doctor who charges the most for nose surgery. A doctor who has expertise and skills and is highly satisfied with his work is the best option for doing nose job.

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