Answers to all questions about rhinoplasty

Answers to all questions about rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty and answers to all the questions you have in mind :

Nose surgery causes a change in the shape and appearance of the nose. The effect of nose job on beauty is very high and that is why it is popular. Rhinoplasty surgery is performed to fit the nose to the face. Rhinoplasty is also performed to solve respiratory disorders and solve structural defects in the nose. Septoplasty or nose deviation surgery is one of these surgeries. In general, the following disadvantages and problems can be solved with rhinoplasty :

  1. Coordination between nose and face size
  2. Reducing the width of the nose and correcting the position of the nostrils
  3. A hump on the nasal septum or its depression
  4. Correction of the tip of a large or drooping nose
  5. Reducing the size of large nostrils
  6. Correction of nasal asymmetry

Rhinoplasty is a common surgery performed by a nose plastic surgeon. This procedure does not require hospitalization, and you can perform nose surgery in the morning and return home by the afternoon. During rhinoplasty, the patient is under general anesthesia. For this reason, a person does not feel any pain during rhinoplasty surgery.

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Stay with us with interesting and readable content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery و فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان :

Are there different types of rhinoplasty?

To perform a nose job, the bones of the face and nose must be fully mature (Men's nose surgery). Rhinoplasty is performed to improve the appearance or reconstruct the nose and can change the size of the nose as well as its length and width.. The tip of the nose, the nostrils and the symmetry of the nose may also change. Sometimes, during surgery, grafted cartilages from other areas of the body such as ears or ribs may be used to strengthen the structure of the nose.. In the rest of this article, we will examine the types of nose surgery.

۱. رینوپلاستی

What is the difference between rhinoplasty and nose surgery? The upper part of the nasal structure is bony and the lower part is cartilaginous. Rhinoplasty or nose surgery can change the bone, cartilage, skin or all three. There are different methods for rhinoplasty, but the most common method involves a small incision on the root of the nasal septum and between the nostrils..

This incision allows the surgeon to free the skin from the underlying bones and cartilage and then make the necessary changes to the bone and cartilage of the nose.. After the nose job, the skin can be put back in place.

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۲. Cosmetic surgery for broken noses and cosmetic surgery for crooked noses

Rhinoplasty is also performed to repair nasal fractures. The purpose of this operation is to repair fractures and restore the appearance of the nose before the injury.

۳. سپتورینوپلاستی

This method is used for patients who have nasal obstruction or deviation. Septorhinoplasty not only improves the appearance of the nose, but also removes internal obstructions and structures that impede breathing..

Semi-fantasy nose Isfahan nose surgeon | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | surgery

۴. Nasal polyp surgery

Not all nose surgeries are cosmetic procedures and some are performed with therapeutic intent. For example, one of the surgeries performed is for nasal polyps. Nasal polyp operation can be therapeutic for those who have difficulty speaking or breathing.. Polyps can cause problems in the passage of air in the airways. But what is a polyp? You can imagine that a bag full of phlegm is stuck inside your nose, making it difficult for you to breathe.

for surgery Nasal polyps باید به جراح بینی See. This specialist can remove your polyp with a simple surgery. Polyps are caused by various reasons, one of the most common of which is sensitivity and allergy. One of the main treatments for polyps is surgery

common questions

How long can you exercise after rhinoplasty?

It is better not to do vigorous physical activities for at least 4 weeks after the operation. Because exercise puts pressure on the nose and the scars may bleed. Be sure to consult your doctor about light sports. The doctor may suggest that you refrain from exercising for more than 4 weeks.

When is the best age for rhinoplasty?

The most important point in nose surgery is that the growth of the person's bones must be complete. Otherwise, there is a possibility of changing the appearance of the nose after rhinoplasty. For this reason, a person must be over 18 years old for a doctor to perform nose surgery. Operations such as nasal deviation are performed with the doctor's recommendation and improve breathing.
This type of operation is necessary for people who have deviated nasal septum and do not breathe easily. People who are looking for rhinoplasty should be examined by a doctor. If the nose defects can be solved by surgery, surgery is performed. But sometimes the defects of the nose are very small and can be corrected with non-surgical methods.

Reconstructive nose surgery Isfahan nose surgeon | Rhinoplasty Isfahan |

How many days after the nose surgery, the stitches are removed? And does it hurt to pull a nose stitch?

Removing the stitches depends on the doctor's opinion and the healing rate of the wounds. Usually, the specialist removes the stitches after 5 to 7 days. Of course, absorbable sutures are used for intranasal incisions. These stitches are absorbed by themselves about 3 to 4 weeks after the operation and do not need to be pulled. But the sutures of the outer incisions are non-absorbable. Sutures are removed by the doctor and usually do not cause much pain.

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What should we eat to remove bruises and swelling after nose surgery?

To remove the bruises and swelling after nose surgery, the doctor suggests using an ice compress. In addition, drinking celery juice can be very effective in reducing swelling. Vitamin K is a blood coagulant and its consumption is recommended after nose surgery. Foods such as vegetables, carrot juice and pumpkin contain vitamin K and are effective in reducing bruising.

How is washing the nose with serum after cosmetic surgery?

After the nose operation and removal of the tampons, the nose surgeon advises you to wash the nose with serum. To wash the nose, you need to fill a syringe with serum and empty it slowly into both nostrils. This will remove old blood and secretions from the nose. During this time, no other method should be used for washing the nose except serum.

How many days after nose surgery can you go to work?

Rhinoplasty is not a simple surgery and you have to take a week off from work. You will feel better during the first week. Most people feel better one week after rhinoplasty and can do their daily activities as before.

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How long can you sneeze after rhinoplasty?

After nose surgery, you should be careful about sneezing. Because the pressure on the nose when sneezing may cause bleeding and opening of stitches. You can sneeze about a week after the operation and the wounds are closed. During this time, it is better to try to sneeze through the mouth.

How long after the rhinoplasty should be applied? And is it possible to wash the face with nasal tape?

Nasal glue helps shape the nose and reduce its swelling. According to the type of surgery and the condition of the patient, the doctor recommends using nasal tape for about 2 weeks to 2 months. Follow your doctor's recommendations for washing your face with nasal spray.

Is the pain of rhinoplasty more bony or fleshy?

In general, the pain of rhinoplasty is not too much and most people feel little pain after surgery. There is no difference in relation to pain, whether the nose is bony or fleshy. The important point is the type of surgery and the amount of changes in the nose, which affects the patient's pain and the recovery period. Of course, in most cases, the swelling in fleshy noses is more than in bone noses, and this swelling disappears later.

How long does it take for the tip of the nose to take shape in the nose job?

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After nose surgery, there is swelling and it takes about a year for the swelling to completely disappear. For this reason, the general shape of the nose, especially the tip of the nose, is gradually determined. If after about 6 months there is still a lot of swelling and the tip of the nose has not formed, the doctor suggests corticosteroid injection.

Is rhinoplasty dangerous?

Like any other surgery, rhinoplasty may have side effects that you should consider.

What is the death rate in rhinoplasty surgery?

Its probability is very low if it is performed in a specialist doctor's office using the correct anesthesia methods.

What is the difference between nose job and beauty?

In fact, in the operation of nose deviation, the ultimate goal is to restore the correct structure of the nose by moving its cartilage, which will have a better result if it is combined with the operation of nose surgery..

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Recurrence of hump after rhinoplasty .

How many days after nose surgery should be upside down?

Experts recommend that you keep your head up when sleeping and waking up for about 2 months after the operation.

How long should you sleep with an open arch after rhinoplasty?

For about 7 to 10 days, it is better to sleep with an open arch to avoid its side effects.

Does rhinoplasty hurt? And how long does the pain last after nose surgery?

Each patient's pain threshold is different, but most patients experience relatively mild discomfort after surgery (Between 36 and 72 hours) they report.

What percentage of nose surgery affects beauty?

Since your nose is the main feature of your face, its proportion can greatly contribute to the beauty of your face.

How long does nose surgery take?

Rhinoplasty usually takes 1.5 to 3 hours and is an outpatient procedure in most cases.

What is the cause of intranasal swelling after cosmetic surgery?

After surgery, your body will send thousands of white blood cells to your nose and surrounding facial tissue to prevent infection. The influx of cells and body fluids is what causes swelling.

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How many days should you rest after rhinoplasty?

The average recovery period is usually 7 to 10 days, but it always depends on the individual.

How many days after the nose surgery can be corrected?

It is better to use hair removal cream, but in most cases it is possible to correct the face up to about 2 months later.

Is rhinoplasty possible without anesthesia?

Rhinoplasty can be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the operation and the individual's preference .

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