A way to reduce the number of stitches with closed nose surgery

A way to reduce the number of stitches with closed nose surgery

Nose closing surgery, a way to reduce the number of rhinoplasty stitches

Closed nose surgery | If you want to have a nose job, but you are worried about the scar, the best option for you is closed nose surgery or closed rhinoplasty.. In closed nose surgery, unlike open surgery, which is an external incision on the columella, the surgeon makes two incisions inside the nostril. Closed nose surgery is a less invasive procedure that does not leave scars and scars, but the strength of the operation is not high compared to the open nose surgery method..

In open surgery, the doctor can lift the skin and cartilage and control the entire structure and bone of the nose. Therefore, this method is more recommended to fix minor defects such as shortness of the nose, fix small humps, and improve the appearance of the tip of the nose, but to fix severe nose problems, rhinoplasty is the best option.. Stay with us in this article to get to know more about the nose job.

Stay with us with interesting and readable content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery و فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان :

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Closed nose surgery

Changing the appearance of the nose without scarring is naturally one of the popular options that has many fans. This method is exactly the same method that by creating incisions inside the nostrils, it can solve the problems of drooping of the tip of the nose, protrusions and small humps, and asymmetry of the nose..

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This technique is also used for nose deviation surgery. Closed rhinoplasty is a modern technique with minimal side effects to correct appearance defects. This operation requires the experience, expertise and skill of the surgeon. In this technique, only superficial incisions are made from inside the nostrils and no stitches are needed. This means that there will be no scars and cuts on the skin, although the patient's skin type is one of the important factors in choosing this type of surgery..

The use of nasal packing surgery

This method is a minimally invasive technique to change the shape of the nose with minimal complications, which is done without making an incision and with an endoscope; This means that no scar will remain after the operation. The most important application of this method is to solve the following problems :

  1. Treatment of apparent deformity of the nose and its correction
  2. nose deviation
  3. Nasal polyps: To remove complications Nasal polyps The best procedure is to close the nose.
  4. درمان Respiratory problems

Nose packing surgery

This procedure can be performed in two ways: open nose surgery and closed nose surgery. The choice between the type of operation depends on the condition of the patient and the diagnosis of the cosmetic surgeon. People who have thicker nasal skin, a round and downward nose tip, or a wider lower part of the nose can be candidates for rhinoplasty..

In this method, there are no external incisions and the incisions are only inside the nostrils, and any changes are made from inside the nose.. This technique is more recommended to fix minor appearance defects in fleshy noses. The recovery period, pain, swelling and bruising are less in this procedure

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Bone nose surgery

Noses that have a solid bony part and cartilage are called bony noses, which usually have humps or ridges.. The skin of bony noses is thinner than that of fleshy noses. Of course, there are also people who have semi-bony or cartilaginous noses, which are a combination of two types of bone and meat.

In this method, the incision is inside the nose, not on the blade. Like open nose surgery, in closed nose surgery, the surgeon separates the bone from the cartilage and makes the necessary changes.. The advantage of this type of operation is that there will be no scar, the duration of the operation is shorter, the swelling is less and the recovery is faster.. The cosmetic surgeon chooses the best method for rhinoplasty depending on the condition of the patient and his diagnosis, and the type of nose.

Rhinoplasty for deviated nose

Cytoplasty or nasal deviation surgery can be performed under local anesthesia or under general anesthesia depending on the general condition of the patient.. The purpose of cytoplasty is to fix nasal deviation and shortness of breath, and there is no change in the appearance of the nose, and it is only supposed to open the blocked nasal airways.. In this surgery for nasal deviation, the surgeon removes the extra bone or cartilage to remove the flat nasal septum and airway obstruction..

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Who can have rhinoplasty?

This method is recommended for correcting minor appearance defects. Therefore, only people who have a proportional nose tip and symmetrical bridge of the nose can have a closed nose operation, and the purpose of the surgery is to correct minor appearance defects..

  • All mentally and physically healthy people can have this type of nose surgery.
  • People who need less cartilage graft.
  • Those who intend to correct the nasal septum.
  • Elderly people because it does not have the side effects of open nose surgery such as bleeding.
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Who should not do closed nose surgery?

People whose nose defects are almost too many cannot be good candidates for this method because in this technique the surgeon's hand is not as open as it should be.. To fix larger defects, it is better to have an open nose surgery. Since the جراح بینی نمی‌تواند ساختار بینی را به وضوح ببیند، ممکن است انجام اصلاحات پیچیده دشوارتر باشد.

The best جراح بینی به روش بسته

It is true that the closed nose surgery has a shorter recovery period and there are no stitches or scars, but choosing the best closed nose surgery is more important because the surgeon does not see the internal structure of the nose, so he must have full control over the operation and the structure of the nose.. To choose the best closed nose surgeon, be sure to do a complete research, make sure of the surgeon's skill, expertise and experience. Whether previous patients are satisfied with the result of their operation or not is very important in choosing a surgeon.

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