Finding a nose surgeon for nose surgery in Isfahan

Finding a nose surgeon for nose surgery in Isfahan

Choosing a surgeon for nose surgery in Isfahan

Isfahan nose surgery | The nose is the central feature of the face. Choosing a good Isfahan nose surgeon will help you achieve the face you are looking for . Avoiding the risks and potential problems caused by rhinoplasty and having a high sense of self-confidence, following a new shape of the nose, helps to be successful..

Experience and deep understanding of a good doctor to operate the nose of the facial structures and maintain balance and proportion in it . that more harmony is created in the final result of your nose job and the beauty features of your face are more visible. A good surgeon will feel the anxiety along with the excitement that will arise in you as a result of creating a new face . He understands well. That's why a good surgeon tries . By using photography techniques, those kinds of changes are supposed to be . According to the characteristics and needs of your nose, it will be depicted for you in this body.

A good nose surgeon in Isfahan is actually a companion and fellow traveler on the path of nose surgery by your side . And in the phase of this process, it provides you with the necessary assistance.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | The difference between a bony nose and a fleshy nose

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Isfahan nose surgeon consultation before nose surgery

Before doing anything to perform rhinoplasty, you must make an appointment for an initial consultation with your chosen nose surgeon.. During the consultation, you and your rhinoplasty surgeon will discuss a wide range of topics related to the rhinoplasty procedure, such as your health history, medications you are currently taking, . And you discuss any other issues that may affect your volunteering.

From this point on, the surgeon will consider your unique goals for rhinoplasty . and evaluates the cosmetic and functional defects of your nose that you wish to fix and treat.

All this information helps Isfahan nose surgeon . so that he can draw a customized treatment plan to achieve the desired results from your nose job. After completing the consultation session, recommendations will be provided regarding the best result of the rhinoplasty surgery that is suitable for you, the results you expect and the type of anesthesia that is suitable for you.. Then you will set foot on the journey of rhinoplasty with full preparation.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Guarantee your health with 6 One of the most important tests required before nose surgery

The cost of nose surgery in Isfahan

If you intend to undergo rhinoplasty in Isfahan, your nose surgeon will explain all the factors affecting the cost of rhinoplasty in the consultation session. . To have a clear understanding of what formed the final cost of your treatment . gain. Considering that rhinoplasty is a completely customized procedure . Its cost is very different in different patients. Some procedures of rhinoplasty surgery are very complicated and some patients request to combine the procedure of rhinoplasty with other cosmetic procedures, such as face lift, blepharoplasty, etc..

The overall cost of rhinoplasty depends on several factors. In general, the highest price belongs to the actions . which is very complicated and the degree of restoration is very high. Considering that many variables can affect the treatment cost of each patient . The doctor personally intervenes in determining and estimating the final cost of your treatment.

Some factors affecting the cost of nose surgery in Isfahan, including the skill of the surgeon, the complexity of the procedure, the cost of the facilities used in the treatment center, the costs of anesthesia, the unique needs of each patient, the combination of the nose surgery process with other cosmetic procedures and the number of sessions. Follow-up is required for every patient.

Procedures before nose surgery

The surgeon will take a detailed medical history. Information about your medical history, including your nasal breathing complaints, medications, allergies, smoking habits, previous surgeries, and more.. He also hears your expectations and expectations from the result of the nose job. The doctor performs clinical tests, such as examining the inside of the nose with an endoscope, before and after using the nasal decongestant spray..

This procedure allows the surgeon to examine the position of the middle part of the nose and the mucus inside the airways. He also opens the nostrils with a special tool so that he can observe possible blockages inside the nose. The surgeon will talk to you in detail about the changes in the external shape of the nose and take pictures of your nose from different angles before the operation..

He uses these photos for computer simulations in order to draw the best treatment plan, and to compare the results before and after rhinoplasty.. Another topic of the consultation session is the possible benefits and risks of the operation and the type of anesthesia required to carry out the procedure under it.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Nose surgery aimed at treating respiratory problems

Care after nose surgery

On the afternoon of the rhinoplasty procedure or the morning after, you can get up with the help of another person.. Sometimes a splint is placed on your nose. Many surgeons place a dressing inside the nostrils to prevent bleeding for a night or two after rhinoplasty..

If this dressing is not used, bleeding from the nostrils is normal. This often subsides on its own or with the use of nasal sprays shortly after rhinoplasty.. During the first week after nose surgery, breathing through the nose is difficult or impossible. Swelling and slight bruising of the skin can be expected. Cold compresses can be used on the eyes and above the splint to reduce swelling and bruising.

The cause of nasal skin necrosis after rhinoplasty

The cause of nasal skin necrosis after rhinoplasty

What is the cause of nose skin necrosis after nose surgery?

Necrosis of the nasal skin | Necrosis or darkening of the skin means the loss of living tissue, the amount of which depends on the size of the tissue. When, for any reason, the blood does not reach the tissues of the body and does not receive oxygen, it disappears and turns black.. Spot necrosis does not damage the nose, but if it reaches the nasal bone, it affects the outcome of surgery.

Nasal necrosis after surgery may be due to one of the following reasons?

  1. Vascular disorders
  2. Intranasal infection
  3. Side effects of injecting and taking Rakutan before rhinoplasty
  4. Excessive manipulation and destruction of nasal tissue by the surgeon
  5. Injecting a non-standard gel into the nose or large amounts in the wrong place
  6. جراحی ترمیمی بینی
  7. استعمال دخانیات
  8. عفونت
  9. Impact and pressure on the nose

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |   Necrosis and darkening of nasal skin after rhinoplasty

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How can nasal necrosis be prevented?

Prevention of nasal necrosis after surgery can be done by following the following recommendations :

  1. Removing the fat layer correctly: Removing the fat layer from the patient's skin correctly can be very effective in preventing the occurrence of necrosis, because its excess causes disruption of blood supply to the skin of the nose, and the pressure caused by splints and adhesives causes necrosis of the nose..
  2. Following the doctor's instructions after the operation: After the surgery, the doctor will give you special instructions to care for and improve your nose. Be sure to follow these instructions carefully and discuss any questions or concerns with your doctor.
  3. Keep contact with water: During the recovery period, try to minimize the contact of your nose with water. Control the use of special salt drops and washing with prepared salt water in your wound area.
  4. Avoid pressure and impact: Try to avoid strong pressure and blows to your injured area. Also, if necessary, it recommends wearing protective glasses or a face mask during exercise or hazardous activities.
  5. Adhering to a healthy diet: Proper and balanced nutrition increases the strength of your immune system and improves the healing process of the nose. Try to include foods containing vitamin C, protein, omega-3 fatty acid oils and antioxidants in your diet..
  6. Prevent infection: Infection of the wound site can cause nasal necrosis. To prevent infection, wash your hands with soap and water before and after touching the wound area, follow the post-operative instructions carefully, and check for any signs of infection. (such as swelling, severe pain, redness and abnormal discharge) Inform your doctor.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | How to recognize nasal deviation?

Treatment of nasal necrosis

Treatment of necrosis depending on the damaged tissue may be complicated and the patient may have several surgeries. The surgeon tries to replace the necrotic tissue with normal body tissue and uses other parts of the body such as the ear cartilage or rib cartilage..

In some acute cases, if a large part of the nose is lost, the surgeon will replace it with a prosthesis. Of course, there are some conditions for using a prosthesis, and that is that the injured area is completely repaired and the nose is not infected..

The relationship between the sense of smell and the health of people

The relationship between the sense of smell and the health of people

The sense of smell and its relation to people's health

Olfactory یا حس چشایی ؟ تا به حال فکر کرده اید که کدام یک از این دو حس تا پایان عمر با ما همراه خواهند بود! یک بوی خوب می تواند عامل انتقال یک حس خوب باشد در حالی که عکس این موضوع که بوی بد نیز حس بدی را انتقال می دهد.در بعضی موارد انتقال حس نشان از ارتباط مستقیم Olfactory با چشایی است.Olfactory نزدیک ترین ارتباط را با حافظه دارد.

When you breathe, you inhale air molecules through your nostrils . عصب بویایی در انتهای بینی بصورت یک تکه بافت پوستی است این اعصاب عامل اصلی حس کردن بو است وقتی یک مولکول بو استنشاق می شود در لایه ی مخاطی که عصب بویایی را پوشانده گیر می کند در همین حین پیغام از طریق عصب بویایی به مغز ارسال میگردد و شما بو را تشخیص می دهید.Olfactory ممکن است گاه بصورت دائم و گاه بصورت موقت از بین برود .

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Not having a sense of smell and taste after nose surgery

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Causes of impaired sense of smell :

  1. Anosmia is the complete loss of the sense of smell or the inability to detect any qualitative sense of smell..
  2. پاروسمی آسیب‌ یا سوء تعبیر حس‌ بویایی‌ است، احساس‌ بوی‌ ناخوشایند در صورت‌ نبود بوی‌ بد یا در صورت‌ وجود بوی‌ به‌طور طبیعی‌ خوشایند.
  3. هیپوسمی کاهش حس‌ بویایی‌است‌. Hyperosmia is an increased sensitivity to all smells.

Effective factors in losing the sense of smell

  • Nasal congestion caused by ( Colds, upper respiratory infections, allergies, sinus infections and poor air quality ) شایع ترین علل فقدان Olfactory یا همان حس شامه است.
  • Other causes of lack of sense of smell include: Certain medical conditions include obesity, diabetes, hypertension, malnutrition, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, MS disease, nutritional problems, dental problems, congenital conditions, and hormonal disorders..
  • Changes in the sense of smell, taste and touch may also occur during migraine.
  • Smell is a sense that becomes weaker and weaker with time and age. According to the findings of the latest research, most people are better at identifying the taste of food than their smell.. The remarkable thing is that the ability to smell people decreases significantly with age.
  • Taking some medications such as ( Antibiotics, antidepressants, anti-inflammatory drugs, heart drugs, etc )
  • Nasal polyp - a small non-cancerous growth in the nose and sinuses that causes nasal passage blockage.
  • Exposure to toxic chemicals such as pesticides or solvents
  • Damage to the nose and olfactory nerves due to surgery or head trauma
  • Radiation therapy for head and neck cancer
  • سوء استفاده از کوکائین

Of nose surgery | Loss of sense of taste and smell with coronary heart disease

Treatment of olfactory loss and disorders

The treatment of olfactory disorders is completely dependent on the accurate diagnosis of the cause. The treatment of sensory-neuro-olfactory functional disorders is much more difficult than the treatment of conduction disorders. If your olfactory problem has a medical cause, adjusting or changing the medication may relieve the symptoms.. If an underlying disease causes smell disturbance, when the disease is resolved or with treatment, the sense of smell usually returns.

If the nasal congestion is caused by an allergy or a cold, the cause of the lack of sense of smell usually does not need treatment and this problem will get better.. Short-term use of nasal decongestants may open up the nasal passages so that you can breathe more easily. However, if the nasal decongestant worsens or does not go away after a few days, see your doctor. You may have an infection and need antibiotics, or you may have another medical condition.. که قابل بررسی خواهد بود.

چنانچه فرد دارای پولیپ باشد با عمل بینی این مشکل برطرف خواهد شد. It is only with age that the problem of sense of smell will not be solved.

The dos and don'ts of rhinoplasty that you must follow :

The dos and don'ts of rhinoplasty that you must follow :

Key points after rhinoplasty surgery

Care after nose surgery will have a great impact on the result. For those of you who are planning to have a nose surgery or have recently undergone this procedure, you should be very careful and take the necessary measures seriously.. Otherwise, you may have to do the restorative operation again.

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Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Useful foods after rhinoplasty surgery

Changing the diet after nose surgery

Rhinoplasty doctors recommend to eat completely watery foods such as soup after nose surgery. Because you may become constipated after surgery. To avoid this problem, consuming these types of foods will help you a lot.

Some foods can improve the condition of your nose after surgery, while another series of foods will prevent you from recovering faster.. Therefore, it is better to prepare foods that are useful for you at home before the nose job. Useful foods after nose surgery include the following :

  1. Eating soft foods such as lukewarm soup can reduce post-operative hunger to some extent.
  2. If you feel nauseous after the operation and do not want to eat, it is better to drink liquids such as fruit juice.
  3. You can also include fiber in your diet to reduce constipation. Eating soft fruits like peaches and berries have very good fiber and don't forget to eat cooked vegetables like carrots.
  4. An important point to note is that eating very hot or very cold foods will make your condition worse.
  5. To reduce swelling sooner, it is better to remove salt from the diet.
  6. Avoid eating foods that require chewing.

Control yawning and laughing after rhinoplasty:

Yawning is a natural and unconscious thing and does not have much effect on the result of the operation. But it is better to avoid yawning in the first weeks after nose surgery. But you should be careful while laughing and you should try harder to control this issue. When you laugh, the tip of the nose is pulled down and the nostrils protrude.

When you have had a nose job for a short time, the bones and cartilage of the nose are not yet in place, in which case there is a possibility of displacement.. Also, the sutures may break sooner than the specified time, and finally, the scars may become infected, and what you expect from the surgical result can no longer be achieved..

Avoid heavy activities:

To reduce the swelling of the nose and to avoid problems after the operation, avoid doing heavy activities and lifting objects.. For the first few weeks, try to avoid doing things that cause you to lower your head. Also, doing heavy sports will cause the result of the operation to be against your desire and cause you to have problems.

Swimming is prohibited for several months:

Be careful, it is forbidden to swim or dive in the water for about a few months after the nose job. So it is better to avoid going to the pool during this time.

Do not expose to direct sunlight:

Try not to be exposed to direct sunlight for a few months after nose surgery. If you plan to go out during the day, use sunscreen. Also, avoid being in hot environments such as saunas or jacuzzis so that you don't have any problems.

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Isfahan nose surgeon and nose surgery

Smoking should be stopped:

If you are a smoker, you should stop smoking for about 2 weeks before the operation to have a successful rhinoplasty. Of course, the sooner you decide to leave it, the better. Smoking reduces blood supply during the operation and causes breathing problems for the person during the operation.

Avoid taking painkillers:

Avoid taking painkillers such as Profen and Aspirin about two weeks before and two weeks after the operation. Because the use of such drugs increases bleeding and makes surgery difficult.

Eat a light meal the night before the procedure:

One of the key points of nose surgery is to eat a meal after the operation. Be careful, eat a light dinner the night before nose surgery and take a shower before going to the office for nose surgery.. Also, do not eat or even drink for six to eight hours before the operation so that the stomach is empty during the operation.

Otherwise, it is possible that the contents of your stomach will back up and enter the respiratory tract. Although the presence of a plastic tube inside the trachea reduces the possibility of this risk, but still not following this point may be dangerous.

Explain your goals fully to the doctor:

Before rhinoplasty, you should be able to fully describe your goals to your doctor. For this purpose, you can write down your goals before visiting the office so that you do not forget them during the consultation, and until you and the doctor reach a common opinion, it is better not to perform the rhinoplasty..

The surgeon should review your medical history thoroughly:

One of the key points of rhinoplasty is to check the patient's medical history. Your doctor is required to ask you about the use of certain medications and the history of various diseases. So, if the conditions for surgery are not suitable and the possibility of bleeding is high, nose surgery is not possible.

For more certainty, the nose surgeon prefers to perform the following tests:

A pregnancy test is done for women who seem suspicious in this case. Women should know that doing this procedure is very dangerous if they are pregnant.
Chest X-ray is one of the key points before rhinoplasty, which is done to check for lung problems. A blood test is done to check the history of various diseases and the amount of hemoglobin in your blood.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Nose surgery aimed at treating respiratory problems

The results of rhinoplasty are different for each person!

Since the structure of the nose is different for each person, the operation of each person's nose is different from another. People with bony noses, due to their thin skin and strong cartilage, the result of their operation will be more ideal.. But those who have fleshy noses are a little worried about doing this procedure. Because the cartilage of fleshy noses is weaker and the surgery of fleshy noses is more difficult.

If there are no operating conditions for fleshy noses, the surgeon decides to fix this problem with a cartilage graft, in which case there is no need to worry about this.. Of course, you should also know this point, the result of flesh nose surgery cannot be recognized for several months due to the thickness of the skin. So if you are part of this category of nose models, just be patient to see the result.

Natural nose style for men and women

Natural nose style for men and women

Nose surgery in a natural style

Natural nose style | As the main components of the face, the nose plays an important role in determining the beauty of the face, however, the characteristics of the natural nose are different in men and women.. In general, knowing the characteristics of a natural nose will help you have a correct vision of your cosmetic surgery. Here are some of the characteristics of a natural nose.

  1. The first and most important indicator of a normal nose is the ratio of the distance between the nose and lips and chin.
  2. The result of natural rhinoplasty should be such that when someone sees a beautiful nose, they will not know that he has undergone rhinoplasty..
  3. In normal nose surgery, the surgeon tries to fix only the defects of the person's nose and to maintain the natural size of the beautiful nose as much as possible..
  4. In the operation of natural nose surgery, the changes that are made to correct the person's nose are much less so that the doctor can give a more natural harmony and proportion to the person's face..

Normal nose surgery is not an easy task and should be performed by someone who has sufficient skills in this field and has the necessary scientific knowledge to make the patient's nose work in a natural way..

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | The result of normal rhinoplasty in women

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The difference between the style of natural and semi-fantasy nose surgery

In the previous section, we tried to point out the characteristics that a natural nose job should have. Therefore, if we want to tell the difference between these two popular and popular styles. First, semi-fantasy nose surgery is a model that is between a natural and a fancy nose and has almost the characteristics of both.. Semi-fancy noses are very suitable for those who don't like natural noses and don't like fancy noses that much..

The size of the arch given in semi-fantasy noses is less than that of fancy noses and more than that of a natural nose, and a gentle slope can be seen in its profile.. In semi-fantasy nose surgery, the tip of the nose becomes smaller compared to the natural style. In short, it can be said that surgery in a semi-fantasy way is between natural and doll style. This model of surgery is more popular among women than men.

جراح بینی اصفهان | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Rhinoplasty naturally | جراح بینی اصفهانOf nose surgery

Is natural and natural nose surgery better or fantasy?

To answer this question, we must say that in medical sciences and aesthetics, natural nose surgery is superior to semi-fantasy and fantasy noses.. This is because in this style, in addition to the required changes are applied to the nose. But the surgery was done in such a natural way that it will be very difficult for others to recognize it. Of course, all these cases require that you choose the best natural nose surgeon in Isfahan.

However, choosing a natural and fancy nose is a completely tasteful choice, and it is possible that some people want to raise the tip of their nose a little and create a big arch on it..

In fantasy or doll nose surgery, the person's nose becomes too small. This reduction in the size and height of the tip of the nose in the fantasy style is more than in noses with a natural shape. Note that fantasy nose surgery must be performed by an experienced surgeon so that people do not face breathing problems and poor sense of smell due to the small size of the nose and also the nostrils. .

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Reasons for not matching the nostrils

Characteristics of the best natural nose surgeon

As it is clear from the title of the article, our goal is to introduce you to the best natural nose surgeon in Isfahan. But the issue that you should know is based on what criteria we have chosen these surgeons..

A natural nose is a nose that has a natural shape in the first place. Among the factors that are considered in measuring the shape of the nose, we can mention the size of the nose, which has a normal size in a normal nose and does not shrink too much.. The arch behind the nose is another factor that is not present for a natural nose without an arch.

Also, the angle of the tip of the nose from the upper lip, which is 90 to 95 degrees for a normal nose. So that the nostrils are not clear from the front. In the second place, this natural nose should sit naturally on the face. That is, the natural proportion of the face should not be lost. In fact, we need a surgeon who is proficient in both the science and art of surgery. Now, surgeons who do all these things well are included in the list of the best natural nose surgeons.

Which surgeries can be performed at the same time as nose surgery?

Which surgeries can be performed at the same time as nose surgery?

Simultaneous surgeries with rhinoplasty

Simultaneous surgeries with rhinoplasty are very popular among people and have many applicants. The main issue that can be considered for simultaneous nose surgeries is that you only undergo anesthesia once.. On the other hand, it is possible to have an effect on the costs and once you are admitted to the hospital and use its services. An important advantage of simultaneous surgeries is that you don't need to spend a lot of time for recovery to perform surgery again.

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Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Zero to hundred cares after nose surgery

Complications of simultaneous surgeries

It is better to know that sometimes after nose surgery, the doctor recommends that according to individual conditions, it is better to perform the operation in two times and not to perform the surgery simultaneously.. When you perform simultaneous operations, the bleeding rate increases.

Because of this, inflammation, infection and anemia increase for this part of the face. In addition, it is possible that the patient cannot bear the pain and the situation becomes overwhelming for him.

Is it better to perform rhinoplasty in areas close to the nose?

Most people focus on one area of ​​their body when they want to perform rhinoplasty surgeries. For example, they want to perform eyelid surgery, face lift, chin prosthesis at the same time as nose surgery.

These surgeries are complementary because they are performed at the same time and will give a youthful appearance. In other words, a tired and broken face can only be treated with face lift surgery. If the eyes are tired and droopy, it makes the face look tired again. If eyelid surgery and face lift are performed at the same time, it will make the face youthful.

Which surgeries can be performed at the same time as rhinoplasty? Below is a list of simultaneous surgeries.

Shrinking the nostrils:

Shrinking the nostrils can be done simultaneously with rhinoplasty, as the nostrils are made of a bony structure with a mucous coating, which is placed on both sides of the nose and its task is to control the air flow..

The way to shrink the nostrils is completely different depending on the cause. If the size of the tentacles is due to allergies, it can be completely removed with easy care. But if it is chronic, surgery should be done. This surgery is often performed with septoplasty surgery.

Sinus surgery:

The sinuses are cavities in the facial bones that lead to the nasal passages. These cavities secrete one liter during the day. These secretions can enter the pharynx and nose. If these holes are closed, there will be a disturbance in the secretion process. It is better to know that this surgery is performed by endoscopic surgery.

انحراف تیغه بینی:

This surgery is performed to straighten the middle septum of the nose. The purpose of this operation is to solve breathing problems along with correction of nasal deviation. After the surgery, it is possible to put a splint in the nose to maintain the new structure, which is temporary. Septoplasty surgery can be performed simultaneously with rhinoplasty. General anesthesia must be used in this type of surgery.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Nose surgery

Forehead lift:

Forehead lift, which is performed at the same time as rhinoplasty, wrinkles on the forehead are completely smoothed by pulling the skin. The drooping eyebrows are also raised.

تزریق چربی:

Fat injection is a procedure in which fat is removed from a part of the patient's body. After that, it is cleaned and purified well and injected into the desired area.

Eyelid Surgery:

For eyelid surgery, which can be performed at the same time as rhinoplasty, incisions are made on the natural lines of the eyelids. In this way, excess fat and skin are removed, after which the cut is completely sewn with stitches. This surgery can be performed with local anesthesia.

پروتز گونه:

People who don't have cheeks and have bony and narrow faces can highlight their cheeks with cheek prosthesis.

جراحی گوش:

In ear surgery or otoplasty, the surgeon makes an incision behind the ear and in this way will be able to remove the extra cartilage and reduce the distance between the ear and the head.. This surgery can be performed with both local anesthesia and general anesthesia. Ear surgery can be done in order to make big ears smaller and to correct deformed and damaged ears.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | 11 A golden tip for uncomplicated nose surgery

پروتز چانه:

Chin prosthesis is mostly for people who have receded chin from the profile view. The incision made for the chin prosthesis can be under the chin or inside the mouth. According to the doctor's diagnosis, one of these methods is chosen.

Having a beautiful face is the dream of every person and it is possible to achieve it with only one surgery. But the most important thing is to choose a skilled and experienced surgeon. But the question you may face is how to find the best doctor specializing in this field. In the following, strategies for finding the best nose and eyelid surgeon will be determined simultaneously :

  1. Viewing doctor's portfolios by searching the internet through search
  2. Follow up and search in social networks and ask questions from doctor clients
  3. Preparing a list of the best doctors based on portfolio and client satisfaction
  4. Going to the desired doctor's office to check the portfolio in person to increase confidence and make a final decision
Do I have the conditions for nose surgery???

Do I have the conditions for nose surgery???

If you do not have these conditions, do not operate on your nose!

If you do not have these conditions, do not operate on your nose. If you do not have these conditions, do not operate on your nose. If you do not have these conditions, do not operate on your nose.

When they lose their full nose function due to injury or have trouble breathing, they may need rhinoplasty to breathe better..

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | The right nose surgeon

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When they lose their full nose function due to injury or have trouble breathing, they may need rhinoplasty to breathe better.

When they lose their full nose function due to injury or have trouble breathing, they may need rhinoplasty to breathe better.. When they lose their full nose function due to injury or have trouble breathing, they may need rhinoplasty to breathe better..

During a private consultation, your doctor will determine what type of rhinoplasty meets your patient's specific needs, after a thorough assessment of your personal health, medical history, and any current concerns about your nose.. During a private consultation, your doctor will determine what type of rhinoplasty meets your patient's specific needs, after a thorough assessment of your personal health, medical history, and any current concerns about your nose..

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Correcting the shape of the nose with fancy nose surgery

During a private consultation, your doctor will determine what type of rhinoplasty meets your patient's specific needs, after a thorough assessment of your personal health, medical history, and any current concerns about your nose.

During a private consultation, your doctor will determine what type of rhinoplasty meets your patient's specific needs, after a thorough assessment of your personal health, medical history, and any current concerns about your nose.. For some men and women, rhinoplasty is primarily intended to correct their nasal injuries. For some men and women, rhinoplasty is primarily intended to correct their nasal injuries.

For some men and women, rhinoplasty is primarily intended to correct their nasal injuries :

  1. انحراف تیغه بینی
  2. For some men and women, rhinoplasty is primarily intended to correct their nasal injuries
  3. شکاف لب
  4. For some men and women, rhinoplasty is primarily intended to correct their nasal injuries
  5. For some men and women, rhinoplasty is primarily intended to correct their nasal injuries
  6. For some men and women, rhinoplasty is primarily intended to correct their nasal injuries

اگر آمادگی دارید که هر گونه مشکل پزشکی یا زیبایی را برطرف کنید، با بهترین جراح بینی اصفهان قرار ملاقات بگذارید. If you are ready to solve any medical or cosmetic problem, make an appointment with the best plastic surgeon in Iran..

If you are ready to solve any medical or cosmetic problem, make an appointment with the best plastic surgeon in Iran.. If you are ready to solve any medical or cosmetic problem, make an appointment with the best plastic surgeon in Iran..

An example of a natural nose surgery by a nasal surgeon in Isfahan

An example of a natural nose surgery by a nasal surgeon in Isfahan

An example of natural rhinoplasty by Isfahan nose surgeon Dr. Majid Rasti

Be with us with another example of natural nose surgery by Isfahan nose surgeon | دکتر مجید راستی

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  An example of a natural nose job (2)


Stay with us with interesting and readable content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery و فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان :

From problems to the need for nose repair and surgery

From problems to the need for nose repair and surgery

From terrible problems to re-nose surgery

Nose surgery | When we decide to have a nose surgery, it means that we have submitted to anesthesia and a surgical blade once, but we did not get the desired result.! It means that we have solved the problem once with a thousand troubles and monetary rewards. It means that we have looked in the mirror many times and have imagined ourselves with a flawless nose and sat eagerly waiting for the day of surgery..

We have spent hours to find the best surgeon zooming through the portfolios of different doctors on virtual pages! But now that we have decided to re-operate, how can we be sure that we can avoid the mistakes we made in the initial surgery? How can we choose a doctor who will give us the desired result?

Some people are not satisfied with the result of the surgery after the initial rhinoplasty for various reasons, and they do it a second time.. Secondary or reconstructive rhinoplasty is more sensitive and complicated than primary surgery. And a higher cost is also included. Because the nasal tissue has undergone changes in the initial surgery, and this problem makes the surgeon's work more difficult.

It is good to know that in some cases, the defects resulting from the initial surgery are milder and milder, in which case the defects are corrected using local anesthesia, so-called outpatient nose repair.. For example, if the hump of the nose is not completely removed, the doctor will file the nose in the office without the need for anesthesia..

But in some cases, the severity of defects and complications caused by primary surgery are so high that they cannot be solved with simple and outpatient solutions.. And it is necessary to anesthetize the beautician and perform surgery in the operating room and hospital.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | What should be done before and after nose surgery?

It is good to know that primary rhinoplasty is the best time to fix respiratory and appearance problems. And if you haven't had your nose surgery yet, you should be very careful in choosing your doctor. But if you have had an unsuccessful nose job and the initial nose surgery did not bring you the desired result, you can fix these defects with a reconstructive nose job..

Stay with us with interesting and readable content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery و فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان :

When does the operated nose need to be repaired?

In some cases, after the initial rhinoplasty, the defects and defects of the nose may not be completely resolved. or in case of using a navard surgeon, the nose is suffering from appearance and breathing problems, or even damaged and deformed due to an accident. In this situation, reconstructive nose surgery is needed to correct the defects. In the following, we explain some of the cases that cause the nose to need reconstructive surgery after the initial operation :

Trouble breathing

Sometimes, due to the lack of skill of the doctor, damage may be done to the structure of the nose and the beautiful breathing in the initial nose surgery. In these situations, problems such as closing the nasal passage and blocking the nasal cavities, making noise while breathing, snoring in sleep and wheezing while breathing occur for Zibajo..

Drooping tip of nose

In some cases, especially for fleshy noses, due to the weak cartilage structure, the surgeon needs to strengthen the nasal cartilages.. But if the doctor is not skilled enough in this work, the tip of the nose will droop after a while.

Inappropriate and abnormal appearance of the nose

To get the best results in nose surgery, we must choose a doctor who has also benefited from the science of aesthetics. and can determine which is the most suitable nose shape for your face. If, due to ignorance, the surgeon chooses a nose shape for Zibajo that is too artificial or does not suit him, he will need to undergo surgery again..

Lack of symmetry of the nostrils

One of the most common defects after primary nose surgery is the unevenness and asymmetry of the nostrils. It is an unreasonable request that the nostrils are perfectly symmetrical. But a skilled surgeon can make the nasal cavities similar to each other to a great extent. If this asymmetry is severe, the beautician will have to have a reconstructive nose surgery.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Question from Isfahan nose surgeon - What is a nasal prosthesis?

انحراف و کج شدن تیغه بینی

Sometimes, due to the doctor's absence or the lack of proper care of the beautician after the operation, the nasal septum may be crooked or deviated.. One of the reasons that can cause the bone to tilt is trauma to the nose after surgery.

Remaining hump nose

As we said, sometimes after the initial operation, the hump of the nose is not completely removed. If the amount of remaining hump is high, you should seek the help of reconstructive surgery of the nose.

The nose and tip of the nose remain large

It is possible that if the doctor is not skilled, the size of the nose after the operation has not decreased to the desired size of the beautician. Rhinoplasty helps to solve this problem.

Ablution after nose surgery

Ablution after nose surgery

How to perform ablution after nose surgery?

وضو گرفتن | One of the challenges for nose surgery is how to perform ablution after nose surgery. In this article, we intend to guide you in this field.

Stay with us with interesting and readable content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery و فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان :

How to perform ablution after rhinoplasty | Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan |

Ablution after nose surgery

As you know, after nose surgery, there is blood on the nose and a patch is placed on the nose for some time. People who want to pray have questions in this regard.

If water is harmful to the wound or water cannot be brought to it, how to perform ablution after nose surgery, you should wash the wound area and if it is clean, rub it on it, and if it is impure, you cannot touch it. After applying sweat, put a clean cloth on it so that it is considered part of Jubirah, and rub your hand over it, and if the whole area or part of it is unobstructed, then also perform Taimam..

If there is something stuck in the place of ablution or ghusl that it is not possible to remove it, he should follow the order of Jubirah, and according to the obligatory precaution, if all or part of the place of tayammum is unobstructed, he should also perform tayammum..

Because it is on the nose for a while, you must perform ablution for each prayer, i.e. morning prayer, noon prayer, and evening prayer.. Jubirah ablution and all its steps are like normal ablution. The difference is that after washing your hands, you must first wash around and other parts of the face with the intention of ablution. And just apply the dressing or glue from the forehead to the chin.

Now you are facing two situations :

The dressing on your face is bloody and impure: In this case, first throw a clean cloth on top of the dressing and wipe the wet hand over it for the purpose of ablution.
If there is no blood or impurity on the back, there is no need for cloth, and according to what was mentioned, you only perform ablution..

Because the dressing covers almost the entire face, which is one of the main components of ablution, after performing ablution, be careful to perform tayammum instead of ablution. .
Something that closes a wound or fracture. And the medicine that they put on the wound and the like is called "Jubirah"..

توجه : As long as the nose is injured and bandaged, the ablution of Jubirah should be performed.

However, the adhesives that are applied to the nose after the wound has been removed to maintain the shape of the nose and do not have the aspect of a dressing, cannot be performed with these adhesives and must be removed during ablution..