How does nose surgery change the voice?

How does nose surgery change the voice?

Voice change after nose job

voice change | If you have recently had a rhinoplasty, you may have noticed changes in your voice in addition to your appearance. Although rhinoplasty has the ability to do this . which improves the shape and appearance of the nose and also makes breathing easier in many sick people, but it may cause subtle changes in the voice.

For people who use their voice professionally, it is possible for them to worry about voice changes after rhinoplasty.. In this article, we want to discuss the effects of nose surgery on voice:

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Does your voice change after rhinoplasty?

This situation is not necessarily a bad thing. Some people perform nose surgery to open the nasal passages to make breathing easier. This action has the ability to do this . which has a positive effect on their singing voice . And sometimes nasal voice improves them sometimes.

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In general, the risks of rhinoplasty that will change your voice in a negative way are very low . But each case is unique and if the voice change is a concern for you . You need to talk to your surgeon about it.

A recent study about voice changes after nose surgery has asked patients about their voice problems or changes. About a quarter of these sick people used their voice professionally. While some patients saw changes in their voice . Most of them have not noticed any change in surgery.

And their voice was recorded before and after the surgery and they were requested . Listen to the recording to determine if a real change has occurred. They did not know which recording they were listening to. But the majority of patients expressed a slight increase in hoarseness due to minor changes due to narrowing of the nasal passages.

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How does nose surgery change the voice?

When nose surgery is performed . Although the outside of the nose is being treated, the inside is also affected. For most patients, rhinoplasty involves narrowing the nasal passages . If it is possible for some sick people . Fixing the deviation of the nose and making the ways on both sides of the nose equal. Due to the increase in air flow resistance, these changes increase sound absorption. In addition, the sound range is reduced.

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Despite these changes, most of the patients, even if they notice voice changes after performing nose surgery . They will not experience any impact on their professional life. Nose surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia . which includes intubation. A breathing tube is inserted through the nose during intubation . and passes through the vocal chords. This causes damage to the vocal chords.

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This means being sure of the experience and knowledge of your specialist and surgeon . that you can expect safe and smooth tubing. If this is a big concern for you . You are able to talk about different methods such as anesthesia with sedation . To prevent the intubation method.

During the consultation, it is necessary to express any concerns about the effect of rhinoplasty on your voice. The surgeon has the ability to describe possible risks . and hopefully dispel any concerns. Before performing nose surgery, you should pay attention . To be fully aware of all possible effects and aspects of this practice.

It should be noted that nose surgery does not affect the tone of voice to a great extent. Narrowing of the airway in the nose is the most common cause of voice changes due to nose surgery.

What changes the tone of voice more in nose surgery?

Narrowing of the airway in the nose is the most common cause of voice changes due to nose surgery.

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