The relationship between the sense of smell and the health of people

The relationship between the sense of smell and the health of people

The sense of smell and its relation to people's health

Olfactory یا حس چشایی ؟ تا به حال فکر کرده اید که کدام یک از این دو حس تا پایان عمر با ما همراه خواهند بود! یک بوی خوب می تواند عامل انتقال یک حس خوب باشد در حالی که عکس این موضوع که بوی بد نیز حس بدی را انتقال می دهد.در بعضی موارد انتقال حس نشان از ارتباط مستقیم Olfactory با چشایی است.Olfactory نزدیک ترین ارتباط را با حافظه دارد.

When you breathe, you inhale air molecules through your nostrils . عصب بویایی در انتهای بینی بصورت یک تکه بافت پوستی است این اعصاب عامل اصلی حس کردن بو است وقتی یک مولکول بو استنشاق می شود در لایه ی مخاطی که عصب بویایی را پوشانده گیر می کند در همین حین پیغام از طریق عصب بویایی به مغز ارسال میگردد و شما بو را تشخیص می دهید.Olfactory ممکن است گاه بصورت دائم و گاه بصورت موقت از بین برود .

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Causes of impaired sense of smell :

  1. Anosmia is the complete loss of the sense of smell or the inability to detect any qualitative sense of smell..
  2. پاروسمی آسیب‌ یا سوء تعبیر حس‌ بویایی‌ است، احساس‌ بوی‌ ناخوشایند در صورت‌ نبود بوی‌ بد یا در صورت‌ وجود بوی‌ به‌طور طبیعی‌ خوشایند.
  3. هیپوسمی کاهش حس‌ بویایی‌است‌. Hyperosmia is an increased sensitivity to all smells.
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Effective factors in losing the sense of smell

  • Nasal congestion caused by ( Colds, upper respiratory infections, allergies, sinus infections and poor air quality ) شایع ترین علل فقدان Olfactory یا همان حس شامه است.
  • Other causes of lack of sense of smell include: Certain medical conditions include obesity, diabetes, hypertension, malnutrition, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, MS disease, nutritional problems, dental problems, congenital conditions, and hormonal disorders..
  • Changes in the sense of smell, taste and touch may also occur during migraine.
  • Smell is a sense that becomes weaker and weaker with time and age. According to the findings of the latest research, most people are better at identifying the taste of food than their smell.. The remarkable thing is that the ability to smell people decreases significantly with age.
  • Taking some medications such as ( Antibiotics, antidepressants, anti-inflammatory drugs, heart drugs, etc )
  • Nasal polyp - a small non-cancerous growth in the nose and sinuses that causes nasal passage blockage.
  • Exposure to toxic chemicals such as pesticides or solvents
  • Damage to the nose and olfactory nerves due to surgery or head trauma
  • Radiation therapy for head and neck cancer
  • سوء استفاده از کوکائین
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Treatment of olfactory loss and disorders

The treatment of olfactory disorders is completely dependent on the accurate diagnosis of the cause. The treatment of sensory-neuro-olfactory functional disorders is much more difficult than the treatment of conduction disorders. If your olfactory problem has a medical cause, adjusting or changing the medication may relieve the symptoms.. If an underlying disease causes smell disturbance, when the disease is resolved or with treatment, the sense of smell usually returns.

If the nasal congestion is caused by an allergy or a cold, the cause of the lack of sense of smell usually does not need treatment and this problem will get better.. Short-term use of nasal decongestants may open up the nasal passages so that you can breathe more easily. However, if the nasal decongestant worsens or does not go away after a few days, see your doctor. You may have an infection and need antibiotics, or you may have another medical condition.. که قابل بررسی خواهد بود.

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چنانچه فرد دارای پولیپ باشد با عمل بینی این مشکل برطرف خواهد شد. It is only with age that the problem of sense of smell will not be solved.

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