The effect of weather and heat on nose surgery

The effect of weather and heat on nose surgery

Heat and effect on rhinoplasty

The effect of heat on rhinoplasty | Heat causes the nasal tissues to swell more, so it's best to stick to cool, room-temperature foods, take lukewarm showers, and avoid heat in the weeks after surgery when the nose is changing shape.. We will talk more about this issue, stay with us :

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The effect of weather on nose surgery

The effect of weather on nose surgery is one of the most common questions asked by جراح بینی It is asked . In response to this question, we must state that weather conditions do not have a negative effect on rhinoplasty and the result of rhinoplasty . Because the blood circulation in the nose is affected for a short time after nose surgery . And he does not notice extreme changes in cold and temperature, of course, it should be noted that this is a transitory and temporary state that will be resolved after some time. .

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Swelling of the nose in the first few weeks after rhinoplasty is completely normal . And there is no need to worry about this . Regarding tropical regions and hot climates, it should be stated that a person should not be exposed to sunlight as much as possible . Because heat and sunlight cause swellings to intensify .

People should pay attention to simple tips regarding nose surgery . Because these simple tips have a great effect on nose surgery .

If the nose is swollen, it is recommended to use a cold compress in the first 48 hours to reduce the swelling . Sticking the nose is another way to reduce swelling and shape the nose . It is recommended for people to apply the paste to the nose immediately after bathing .

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Consuming fresh pineapple juice and celery juice in the first weeks after nose surgery has a great effect on speeding up the healing process and reducing swelling and bruising of the nose. . One of the other important points that are suggested to reduce swelling is to place two pillows under the head during rest, doing this will help to reduce swelling. .


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