Should we inject coronet into the nose after rhinoplasty?

Should we inject coronet into the nose after rhinoplasty?

Coronet injection after rhinoplasty

Post-operative corticosteroid injection should be considered as an important tool for nasal surgery specialists. In fact, by looking at the before and after photos Corticosteroid injection By nose, it can be said that Corticosteroid injection It reduces swelling after nose surgery.

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In this article, while examining the role Cortone injection After nose surgery, we will investigate the cause and the best time of injection and the necessary care after that.

Nasal surgeon of Isfahan, coronet injection after rhinoplasty

Injection of corticosteroid ampoule for nasal swelling and reduction of nasal swelling

When the term steroid is used in the world of rhinoplasty, it means a very specific type of steroid. The word "steroids" in casual language often conjures up images of increased muscle growth in bodybuilders.. This type of steroid is known as anabolic steroid and is used to build body mass. Another type of steroid used in rhinoplasty is corticosteroids, sometimes called glucocorticoids..

Corticosteroids are a special class of steroids that have a very strong anti-inflammatory effect on body tissues.. This type of steroid can be considered almost the opposite of anabolic steroids, because the main effect of corticosteroids is to reduce the volume of soft tissue.. Many corticosteroids come in pill form, while others come as an injectable solution..

In any case, the main goal when using these types of steroids is to reduce inflammation. In fact, the effect of coronet injection after عمل بینیIt appears as a reduction of scar tissue and swelling.

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The effect of coronet injection into the nose after surgery on changing the shape of the nose

The main indication of the effect of Cortone after rhinoplasty is the reduction of unwanted swelling. Whenever an individual is operated on nose plastic surgery placed, will inevitably experience some degree of inflation. Rhinoplasty patients experience swelling of the nose in different degrees depending on the type of skin and what was done in the process of changing the shape of the nose.. In most rhinoplasty patients, the initial stage of swelling occurs, which resolves itself within 10 to 14 days..

There is a secondary phase of swelling that may remain for months to years after rhinoplasty. Some believe that this type of inflation that remains stable for a long time can be achieved through Corticosteroid injection After one year, he set a target. Even some others consider injecting coronet into the nose after two years.

Of nose surgery | Corticosteroid injection after rhinoplasty

Is corticosteroid injection good or not after nose surgery?

Maybe after the above statement, this question has formed in your mind that "why is coronet injection done after nose surgery in some cases?" In some cases, the reason for injecting corticosteroids after rhinoplasty is that we simply want to speed up the healing process and provide our patients with the desired nose appearance sooner.. In fact, in this way, the swelling that may be observed for months after rhinoplasty is usually resolved shortly after the corticosteroid injection..

In other words, some rhinoplasty patients cannot wait 6 to 12 months for the swelling to improve by itself.. It is in such cases that corticosteroid injections after nose surgery may be useful.

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The effect of corticosteroid injection after nose surgery to prevent scarring

In other cases, corticosteroid injection after عمل بینی It is done to prevent the formation of unwanted scar tissue. Some patients volunteering for rhinoplasty have relatively thick soft tissue, which makes them more prone to dense scarring between cartilage or bone and skin..

If the scar process is too much, the desired elegance may not be created for the nose. In such cases, it is possible to use coronet injection after nose surgery to prevent the formation of unwanted scar tissue.. Its advantage is that the patient will have the greatest chance to achieve the best possible result in rhinoplasty.

How many days is the Coronet injection period after nose surgery?

Coronet injection time after rhinoplasty is somewhat controversial in rhinoplasty. Some rhinoplasty specialists recommend that if corticosteroid injections are considered as treatment, they should be given for the first 1-2 months to be effective.. They base this principle on the fact that the body produces some new collagen during the first two months of healing after rhinoplasty, and this is the beginning of the process of scar tissue development..

But some medical experts do not agree with this philosophy at all. They believe that most of the swellings observed in the nose in the first months will resolve by themselves.. In addition, most of the scar tissue that forms in these first few months is good scar tissue.

Keep in mind that not all scar tissue is bad. If you prevent the formation of this fine scar tissue by injecting coronet after rhinoplasty, you can actually jeopardize the aesthetic result.. Of course, there are some cases where it is necessary to inject coronet during the first 1 to 2 months.

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Of nose surgery | Corticosteroid injection after rhinoplasty

Care after corticosteroid injection into the nose

The following are among the most important cares after nasal corticosteroid injection:

  1. Use a cold compress in the first two days after the injection.
  2. Avoid lifting and carrying heavy objects separately.
  3. Do not touch your nose as much as possible.
  4. Avoid sports activities for at least one month.
  5. Avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin.
  6. Do not keep your head down.

Any type of cosmetic surgery may have side effects. Swelling is also one of the side effects of nose surgery, which is completely resolved in most people after one year. Sometimes people do not have the necessary patience to reduce the swelling, in such cases, it is recommended to be patient instead of injecting coronet after nose surgery, so that the swelling resolves by itself..

But sometimes some other reasons cause swelling, in such cases the doctor Of nose surgery After diagnosis, treatment is carried out. One of the ways to reduce swelling of the nose is to inject coronet after nose surgery. In this case, the surgeon determines when to perform the injection and provides post-injection care to the patient..

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