Correct understanding of rhinoplasty nose anatomy

Correct understanding of rhinoplasty nose anatomy

Correct understanding of rhinoplasty nose anatomy

Correct understanding of rhinoplasty nose anatomy will enable the surgeon to reconstruct the nose correctly. In nasal plastic surgery, the problem of the nose must be carefully identified and explained to the patient, and the purpose of the surgery must be clear. All the sizes of the nose and the ratio of the nose with other parts of the face should be studied.

The size and position of the chin and cheek are important. The width of the face has a great impact on the result of nose surgery. The knowledge of blood supply to the nose allows rhinoplasty to be performed without the risk of skin death.

In the upper part of the nose, the skin is thin and flexible, and in the lower part, it is thick and full of fat tissue and sebaceous glands. بینی گوشتی It is said that these tissues will increase and the final result of plastic surgery of the nose will be messed up .

Study suggestion
What percentage of men and women have rhinoplasty?

دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery With high experience, he first deals with the complete analysis of the anatomy of the patient's nose . Then, with a correct understanding of the anatomy of the patient's nose, they perform the surgery so that the result of the nose surgery is positive .

Of nose surgery | If a hypothetical line is drawn from the tip of the nose and then we connect a line from the tip of the nose to this line, the angle formed between them should be 30 to 45 degrees.

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