8 necessary care after rhinoplasty surgery

8 necessary care after rhinoplasty surgery

8 necessary care for rhinoplasty surgery

After the patient is unconscious or sedated, the surgeon makes small incisions inside the nostrils or columella.. Then the skin of the nose is carefully lifted to access the underlying bone and cartilage. In the next step, the surgeon removes or flattens the tissue to the required shape. Normally, the doctor uses the safest method in the surgery in order to minimize the damage to the surrounding tissues. Once the reshaping process is complete, the doctor places the skin over the new nasal lines and closes the incisions.

۱. Bruise after rhinoplasty

During recovery after rhinoplasty surgery, it is normal to have minor bleeding from the nose, swelling and bruising of the nose, upper lip, cheeks or around the eyes for several days after surgery.. Placing ice on the face, bridge of the nose, and eyes until tolerated helps reduce bruising, bleeding, and post-operative pain..

Remember not to place the cold compress directly on your nose and only on your forehead or cheek.. Ice can affect blood flow to the skin and impair healing. In addition, any pressure applied to the nose can have an adverse effect.

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۲. Swelling of the nose after surgery

What are the steps to reduce swelling of the nose after cosmetic surgery? One of the complications of rhinoplasty is nasal edema. It is normal for a part of the body that is affected by the surgical blade to swell and bruise. But why swelling occurs in the nose? Does swelling occur only in the nose?

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Facial swelling can be seen in the nose, under the eyes and above the lips. This is because the bones and soft tissues of the face have been damaged. Although rhinoplasty is cosmetic surgery and is done on purpose, it still damages the body to some extent.. One of the responses and defense reactions of the body against physical damage is swelling.

Substances such as histamine and other chemical spikes are released from the damaged cells by the surgical blade, and these chemical spikes cause the blood vessels to dilate.. When the veins are dilated, the interstitial fluid increases and the tissue swells.

۳. nose pain

Pain after rhinoplasty may be a question for many people, most patients report relatively mild pain.. In fact, nose surgery is not very painful, and in recovery after rhinoplasty surgery, discomfort caused by nasal congestion is a more important issue.. To control the pain, especially the pain of sinusitis and rhinoplasty, the doctor may prescribe some painkillers and painkillers.. Rest is the most effective way to help you recover.

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۴. گرفتگی بینی

A stuffy nose or stuffy nose with pressure on the sinuses is what you should expect when you wake up from anesthesia.. Due to the presence of a bandage in the nasal passage, which is made of gauze impregnated with antibiotic ointment, your nose will be completely blocked and you will have to breathe through your mouth after the nose operation.. Nasal obstruction will last for several days.

You will also have trouble smelling. You will probably feel some pressure in your ear or temple. After 7 days, this dressing should be removed from the nose. After the operation, the bridge of the nose is also covered with a splint. The splint helps to reduce the swelling of the nose and shape the nose.

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One solution to relieve nasal congestion after cosmetic surgery and finning after nose surgery is to use a humidifier or vaporizer.. You can place the vaporizer next to your bed while resting. This can not only soothe your nasal passages, but also soothe the phlegm in your throat after a nose job.. Many patients mention dry throat and dry lips as the most annoying side effects of rhinoplasty. In this situation, tea and honey help to soften the throat.

۵. Avoiding the use of certain drugs

During 10 days before and after rhinoplasty surgery, aspirin or any product containing aspirin should not be consumed. Within 7 days after surgery, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) They should not be consumed.

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۶. Diet after rhinoplasty

After nose surgery, it is better to eat a light, soft and cool food. Avoid hot liquids for a few days. To avoid nausea and vomiting after the operation, it is better to start eating slowly. It should be remembered that a proper diet and enough rest will help you recover as quickly as possible. Make sure you get plenty of vitamin A and vitamin C from your diet.

۷. Taking medications that are prescribed after rhinoplasty

Some patients vomit once or twice immediately after rhinoplasty. If nausea and vomiting persist, anti-nausea drugs are prescribed. Antibiotics are prescribed after surgery to prevent possible infections.

It is very important to take all prescribed pills as directed by your doctor. Complete the course of medication to the end. Allergic reactions to any of the drugs, such as skin rashes, should be reported to the doctor as soon as they are observed.

Do not take any other medicine without your doctor's advice. Be sure to ask the specialist about the date of the next visit and get a phone number from your doctor in case of emergency. احتمالاً ۱ ماه و ۶ ماه بعد از عمل، بینی توسط متخصص جراح بینی معاینه شده و میزان تورم و تغییر شکل آن ارزیابی می‌شود.

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۸. How to sleep after nose surgery

Sleeping after nose surgery It gets a little hard and that's normal. With all the bandages on the airway and the blood that may be coming out, insomnia and poor sleep are normal.. But there are solutions to improve it. After rhinoplasty, you should how to sleep change yourself. This change of position makes you feel comfortable in sleep and in fact it is better to say that it makes it possible to sleep.. It is better to sleep after a nosebleed by observing the following points .

To sleep, it is better to use the arched position. Lying on your back reduces the risk of nose damage due to impact on the sides. For more protection, pillows can be placed on both sides of the face and prevent possible injuries. It is better to keep the head up to 45 degrees with a small soft pillow. This condition prevents further bleeding and reduces bruising and swelling.

Try putting an ice pack next to you. You can use a cold compress to improve your facial swelling. With the help of a cold compress, you can reduce inflammation and swelling, thereby reducing bruising and pain. Also, your recovery period will decrease.

Sleep away from others. It is better not to sleep on a double bed and next to each other because it can cause an accident and the hand of the person next to you will touch your nose and damage the bone..

Do not sleep on your stomach. Both your nose will be pressured and you will not feel well. Sleeping on your stomach can increase the bleeding and bruising of a nose job. Lowering the head after rhinoplasty is not recommended .

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