A year passed and the result of Dr. Majid Rasti's nose surgery

A year passed and the result of Dr. Majid Rasti's nose surgery

A year passed and the result of Dr. Majid Rasti's nose surgery | Of nose surgery

The opposite image is the result of Dr. Majid Rasti's nose surgery Of nose surgery می باشد :

Important factors affecting the result of nose surgery

  1. Nose surgeon experience and skill
  2. The thickness of the skin and the type of nose structure
  3. One of the most important factors جراح بینی which has a significant effect on the result of nose surgery.
  4. Before doing nose surgery, you can do research and see examples of work جراح بینی And by visiting the office in person, he got information about the level of satisfaction of people with the result of nose surgery and chose his surgeon with confidence.
  5. It should be mentioned that a good nose surgeon, by combining medical science and nasal aesthetics, applies changes on the nose in accordance with other parts of the face in such a way that the best result is obtained for the person..
  6. The important thing is that the result of nose surgery can be seen after one year, because the repair of the nose has reached its stabilized state and the swelling of the nose has decreased within one year..
  7. The thickness of the skin and the type of nose structure is the second most important factor that will affect the result of rhinoplasty.
  8. The diagnosis of the surgical result before the operation depends on the thickness of the skin, the amount of active skin fat tissue, the thickness of the subcutaneous tissues and the strength of the skeletal structure or cartilage of the nose..
  9. The thickness of the skin is a limiting factor in rhinoplasty because the thick skin does not have the ability to adhere to the small skeleton under the nose, and therefore the nose will still appear shapeless and wide..
Study suggestion
Nose surgery example of Dr. Majid Rasti

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