Correcting the shape of the nose with fancy nose surgery

Correcting the shape of the nose with fancy nose surgery

Fantasy Rhinoplasty Dr. Majid Rasti

Fantasy Rhinoplasty | The shape of the operated nose is very important; Because the purpose of rhinoplasty is to correct the shape disorders of the nose; Some applicants only need to fix the appearance of nasal disorders; But some of them want to shape the nose more delicately. One of the most popular nose models is fantasy nose surgery, and in this article we are going to examine this form of nose.. Stay with us until the end of this article.

Stay with us with interesting and readable content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery و فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان :

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Cost of rhinoplasty

The best form for nose surgery

The best form for performing nose surgery is a form that has proper harmony with other parts of the face; As a result, the shape of the nose should be in proportion to the other parts of the face. در فرم دهی بینی ، نوع بینی نیز مدنظر گرفته می شود ؛ به همین دلیل ، در زمینه فرم دهی بینی با جراح بینی خوب اصفهان ، صحبت کنید.

In general, a natural nose shape is suitable for all people and has all beauty standards; But some people want to know that the nose has been operated; That is why fancy nose surgery in Isfahan is very popular.

What is fancy nose surgery?

In fantasy nose surgery, at first glance, you can recognize that the nose is practical; Because the shape of the nose has the following characteristics :

  1. The tip of the nose is up
  2. Small nose size
  3. Arch on the nose

In general, in the operation of the fancy nose, the nose is completely shaved and very small subtleties are observed in the shape of the nose; For this reason, this type of nose surgery is not suitable for men and it is better for women to do fantasy nose surgery if they wish..

Be careful that fancy rhinoplasty also has standards and applying too many changes can lead to patient dissatisfaction.. For example, the ; In a fantasy nose, the angle between the lips and the nose should not exceed 120 degrees; Otherwise, the nose will be higher than the size of the head, and this will have a negative effect on the beauty of the face.

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Who are suitable candidates for fantasy nose surgery?

People whose nose skin is thin; Because thin nose skin shows the subtleties of the nasal bone well, and bony noses have thin nose skin due to the larger volume of cartilage.. As a result, people who have a bony nose and have more cartilage in the nose area and the skin of their nose is thin; They will get an ideal result from fantasy nose surgery.

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Preoperative measures of fancy nose surgery

به طبع ، همه افرادی که قصد انجام جراحی زیبایی بینی را دارند ؛ به دنبال بهترین جراح بینی هستند و می دانند که این انتخاب ، از اهمیت بسیار بالایی برخوردار است ؛ چرا که ، تبحر و مهارت جراح با کسب نتیجه مطلوب و دلخواه مرتبط است ؛ برای انتخاب جراح بینی خوب ، عجله نکنید و به اندازه کافی برای این کار وقت بگذارید ؛ شما می توانید برای کسب نتایج مطلوب درباره ویژگی ها و نحوه انتخاب جراح بینی خوب ، به مقاله مرتبط در همین سایت مراجعه بفرمایید.

  • After choosing your nose surgeon and in the second step, call the office and get a consultation appointment; In the consultation session, talk about your expectations and all the appearance and functional problems of your nose.
  • Do the tests, CT scan and any other measures prescribed by the doctor and give the results to your nose surgeon.
  • If, according to the nose surgeon's diagnosis, it is necessary to take a special medicine before the fancy nose operation in Shiraz, you must take the prescribed medicine according to the order and at the specified time..
  • If you have undergone surgery and general anesthesia in the past year, inform your doctor.
  • Also, inform your doctor if you have a certain disease or are allergic to any medicine.
  • use of blood clotting drugs; Like Profen, Warfarin and Aspirin, it causes blood thinning and may make the surgical process difficult or the person may bleed; Therefore, do not use such drugs two weeks before the nose job.
  • Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages are also prohibited two weeks before the fancy nose surgery in Shiraz..
  • Since after nose surgery, you may not be able to go to the bathroom for a few days; It is recommended to take a bath before the procedure.
  • Do not eat or drink 8 hours before the operation so that the stomach is empty during the operation.
  • It is forbidden for women to have nail polish, make-up, artificial nails.
  • Men must also be present in the surgery without a beard or mustache.
  • from carrying ornaments; Avoid watches, rings, necklaces and clips.
  • It is recommended to use button-up clothes to make it easier to change clothes after the operation.
  • On the day of surgery, be at least half an hour earlier than the scheduled time and be present at the surgery place with a companion.
  • It is mandatory to bring medical documents on the day of surgery.
Study suggestion
چرا جراحی بینی گوشتی مشکل تر است ؟

What makes this type of nose surgery special?

Fancy rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is performed to improve the shape and appearance of the nose. This type of surgery is used to create new and special changes in the nose. Some of the things that can make fancy nose surgery special are: :

  1. تغییر شکل بینی : The surgeon can completely change the shape of the nose, including increasing or decreasing the size of the nose, changing the curves and bends, changing the size and shape of the tip of the nose, etc..
  2. Change in facial proportions : Fancy rhinoplasty can improve facial proportions. For example, by changing the shape of the nose, the ratio of the nose to the lips, chin and other facial features can be changed..
  3. Create special features : Some people may want to create special features on their nose, such as changing the shape of the nose into an animal, heart, star, etc.. These types of changes can take nose surgery to a fantasy level and make it special.

It is important to know that fancy nose surgery is a complex procedure and requires the expertise and experience of skilled cosmetic surgeons. Also, each person's expectations and needs may be different, so consultation with a professional cosmetic surgeon is very important.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Know the types of semi-fantasy nose surgery :

What is the difference between fantasy and semi-fantasy nose surgery?

Fantasy and semi-fantasy rhinoplasty are two types of nose surgery in which changes are made in the shape and size of the nose.. Of course, these terms may be defined locally and in different jurisdictions, so it is recommended to consult an Isfahan plastic surgery specialist to give you more detailed explanations..

In doll nose surgery, the shape of the nose changes unnaturally. May include changes in the height of the nose, curvature in the area of ​​the nose (Like bending up or down) , a change in the size of the nose, or a change in the shape of the protrusions and holes in the nose. This type of surgery is mostly used to create an abnormal or exceptional appearance of the nose.
But in semi-fantasy rhinoplasty, less and moderate changes are made to the shape and size of the nose. Usually, the main goal in this type of surgery is to change the shape of the nose in a natural way and in proportion to the face. For example, a small correction in the hump of the nose or changes in the tip of the nose can be part of this type of surgery. As I said before, it is best to consult a plastic surgeon to determine the best type of surgery for you.

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Does fantasy rhinoplasty have any limitations?

Yes, fancy nose surgery has limitations, some of which are: :

  • Determining the characteristics of the nose : Some specialists do not allow their clients to choose a specific nose model, but rather choose a suitable nose for them based on the fit of the person's face and physical characteristics..
  • Physical limitations : Some people are not suitable for fancy nose surgery due to health reasons or their body composition. Specialists make a careful assessment of a person's physical condition to decide whether surgery is safe and suitable for them or not.
  • The ability of the surgeon : Some specialists are only skilled in medical nose surgeries and perform only necessary surgeries. Plastic or cosmetic surgeons may specialize in other specialties.

It is important to note that although fancy nose surgery can improve appearance, you should carefully consider its advantages and disadvantages and start the surgical process with a detailed consultation from the surgeon..

Semi-fantasy nose Isfahan nose surgeon | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | surgery

The advantages of performing nose surgery with a fantasy or doll shape

In addition to the fact that nose surgery with a fancy or doll shape can improve the beauty of the face and attractive makeup, it should be noted that some beautiful people also have breathing problems.. This surgery can help in various ways to improve the beauty and function of the nose or the functional nose of people :

  1. Change the size of the nose (Generally, a narrowing of the nose)
  2. Changing the size and shape of the nostrils
  3. Creating harmony between the nose and other facial features
  4. Changing the shape and size of the bridge of the nose
  5. Improving and improving the shape and size of the tip of the nose
  6. Correction of deviations in the nostrils
  7. Improving breathing and solving problems related to sinuses and respiratory tracts
  8. By doing this surgery, in addition to rejuvenating and improving appearance, functional problems can also be improved.

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