The effect of rhinoplasty on breathing quality

The effect of rhinoplasty on breathing quality

The effect of rhinoplasty on breathing

The effect of rhinoplasty on breathing quality | Does rhinoplasty affect a person's breathing, and if the answer is yes, does it have a positive or negative effect? In cosmetic surgery, the discussion of beauty and the function and breathing of the nose are each on the same scale . And the surgeon's art is to maintain the balance between these two levels. If at the expense of more beauty and making the nose smaller, the beauty of the palm becomes heavy . The breather has become lighter and Respiratory problems will create a severe in the future. Therefore, do not expect your surgeon to reduce the size of your nose, slide nose, and nose doll . Because all these cases will lighten the breath and in the future it will be very difficult to breathe through the nose.

By maintaining the balance of the above two items, a skilled surgeon can maintain the maximum desired aesthetic result and the maximum respiratory capacity . and present a very successful action to the individual. Therefore, nose surgery should not reduce the breathing capacity of a person . (Except in cases where a person has allergies and has a stuffy nose following the activation of allergies and sensitivity . and attributes it to surgery . In these cases, this problem can be solved by using nasal spray and drug treatment) .

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What are the cares before rhinoplasty surgery?

The effect of rhinoplasty on breathing quality | Those who have oily skin and full of pimples must treat this issue completely before surgery with the instructions of a dermatologist and then perform cosmetic surgery.. Nasal diseases and sinus Including Allergies Significantly, sinusitis and similar cases should be completely treated before surgery.

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Be sure to inform your surgeon if you are taking certain medications before surgery.

Drug sensitivities and problems with previous anesthesia should be reported. Do not eat or drink eight hours before surgery. Mustaches should be shaved for men and nose hairs should be trimmed for men and women.

What does post-surgery care include?

During the first 24 hours after the operation, ice compresses should be placed on both sides of the nose, and warm compresses should be placed on both sides of the nose after the first 24 hours.. During the first 10-12 days, the person should lie on his back and not on his side, and no pressure should be applied to the nose.. During the first 20 days, he should eat soft and loose foods and avoid foods that require a lot of chewing.

In the first month, don't talk too much, don't laugh too much, go in front of the sun very little. It is better to wear glasses for at least one to two months (Whether medical or sunny) and can use contact lenses during this period. In the first 3 to 6 months, avoid any sports and vigorous physical activity. Avoid long trips during the first few months. Avoid extreme fanning in the first month.

How long is the bonding time after surgery?

After 10 days, the plaster for the nose is opened and the nose tape is applied immediately. in those who Nasal bone and they have thin skin, usually need 3 to 4 months gluing but in those who بینی گوشتی and they have oily skin, at least 4 to 6 months should be glued. (Of course, the duration of gluing depends on the surgeon's technique and opinion, and it is partly a matter of taste.)

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What is the role of nasal tape after surgery?

The effect of rhinoplasty on breathing quality | The skin of the nose is highly prone to swelling because it is raised during the operation. The role of the glue is to prevent the creation of new swelling of the nose skin, and it makes the nose stabilize earlier in the form created for it after the operation.. If a person does not glue regularly, severe swelling of the nose will occur, which may be difficult to remove this new swelling and will take the shape of the nose out of its desired state..

Can the wrong method of gluing cause a deformity in the nose?

Normally, no, but if it is applied with a lot of pressure and to create a special shape in the nose, it can cause the nose to deviate, so it should be applied carefully..

Does the appearance of fleshy nose return after a period of time?

Due to the significant thickness of the skin of the tip of the nose, it is possible after at least 1-2 years . A little tip of the nose (For the problem of skin thickness) widen, but in general it is not significant compared to before surgery.

When will the final form of the nose show?

The final form of the nose can be seen in bony noses about a year later and in meat noses about a year and a half later..

When Cortone injection Or is triamcinolone recommended after surgery?

The effect of rhinoplasty on breathing quality | In a number of fleshy noses with thick skin on the tip of the nose, if the swelling is localized and not diffused . According to the surgeon's opinion, it is possible to inject mesinolone ampoule to reduce this local thickness and its effect will show itself completely after one month to one and a half months..

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The effect of this ampoule is to reduce and shrink the deep tissue of the skin, thus eliminating swelling. If this ampoule is misplaced or incorrectly injected, it can cause depressions in the skin of the person's nose, so it should be injected only in special cases and with a specific concentration..

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Will there be numbness in the nose after the operation?

At the bottom of the nose, where the surgical incision is made, the sensory nerves are cut off and become numb . But after a while (About a year) Again, the nerves of this area grow and meet, and the feeling of that area returns.

Do you also surgically cut the nostrils?

Rarely, in most people we only make a small incision in the middle and lower part of the nose . And with intranasal techniques, there is usually no need for an external incision in the nasal bridge (except in some extremely fleshy noses with very large nose blades)

Can you make all the noses as beautiful as you want?

Not all noses have the same capacity for beautification. Some can be made very beautiful and harmonious . And some are not. No cosmetic procedure gives perfect and ideal results. It is better to think about the degree of recovery and improvement of the nose than about an ideal nose. Then you will enjoy the result. In the best case, the maximum capacity of beautifying the nose is about 80% of the surgeon's desired amount.

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