The best bone nose surgeon

The best bone nose surgeon

How do I find the best rhinoplasty doctor?

جراح بینی Bone | Choosing a surgeon is the most important step in pre-nose surgery procedures. Fortunately, with the advancement of technology and transportation, choosing a doctor today Good bone nose surgeon in Isfahan It is not impossible. Just follow the steps below to choose جراح بینی Go through a bone:

  1. Searching the internet and viewing examples of nose surgeons' work on their official website and Instagram;
  2. Evaluating the opinions of other patients and carefully reviewing the doctor's portfolio;
  3. Preparation of a list of addresses and numbers of surgeons who have many successful portfolios;
  4. Visiting the doctor's office in person and checking the accuracy of the patients' satisfaction and the characteristics of the doctor himself;
  5. Choosing the best bony rhinoplasty surgeon considering his characteristics and determining the operation time

Readable and informative content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery :

Of nose surgery | The best bone nose surgeon .

What are the characteristics of the best orthopedic nose surgeon?

It may not be possible to accurately understand the characteristics of a doctor with a consultation session, but you can understand the doctor's performance to a large extent during the examination and also observing other patients.. When visiting in person, be sure to look for the following features in the doctor:

  1. Doctor's expertise and science (It is better to perform the operation by a surgical specialist)؛
  2. Having logical and natural examples of work (Not using outdated and non-standard models)؛
  3. skill, experience and aesthetic knowledge in surgery;
  4. Listening carefully to the patient and his expectations;
  5. informing the patient and giving him the correct advice in case of choosing an irrational model;
  6. professional ethics and putting the patient's health first;
  7. the satisfaction of a large percentage of his clients;
  8. Elegance in work;
  9. commitment;
  10. Patience in responding to clients;
  11. Giving full and cheerful advice to the patient.
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Deal with bruising and swelling after nose surgery

What measures should be taken before bony rhinoplasty?

Before performing nose surgery, measures must be taken and points must be observed, which have a great impact on the outcome of the surgery. These procedures before nose surgery include::

Stop taking aspirin before surgery

Stop taking aspirin and blood thinners 2 weeks before surgery. Blood thinners can cause bleeding during surgery. If you are taking any medication, be sure to inform your doctor before the surgery.

No alcohol and smoking

Stop drinking alcohol and smoking two weeks before surgery. Nicotine and alcohol can interfere with the surgical procedure. Also, these two substances increase the recovery period.

Proper nutrition before surgery

Proper diet before surgery. Proper nutrition rich in nutrients helps the body not to be weakened by surgery and has a positive effect on the result of the operation. Include fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious and natural foods in your pre-rhinoplasty diet.

Of nose surgery | بهترین متخصص جراح بینی

Showering the night before surgery

Showering the night before surgery. Since you need to rest after surgery and you can't rest easily (Despite the splint) Take a bath, be sure to shower the night before the operation so that you don't face problems after the operation.

Fasting on the day of surgery

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The result of nose surgery immediately after rhinoplasty

Fasting for 8 hours before surgery. Eat a light but nutritious meal the night before the operation. The stomach must be empty on the day of surgery so that no problems arise during the operation.

Not having jewelry and accessories

Not having essentials such as rings, head flowers, etc., as well as not having makeup on the face on the day of surgery. Avoid bringing extra items and metal accessories on the day of surgery.

Having a companion on the day of surgery

Having a companion on the day of surgery. After surgery, you will not be able to do things easily or drive by yourself. Be sure to bring a friend with you on the day of surgery.

Attend on time on the day of surgery

Attending the hospital or surgery place at least 2 hours before the appointed time. Be sure to be at the surgery site on time and without delay.

What actions should be taken after bone nose surgery?

Bone nose surgeon | Regardless of whether the nose is bony or fleshy, after rhinoplasty, measures that are very important must be followed.. These measures include:

  • taking prescribed medications at the prescribed time;
  • eating soft and lukewarm foods such as soup and porridge;
  • Using an ice compress for 48 hours after surgery to reduce swelling and bruising after nose surgery;
  • Consuming liquids and natural juices (Especially celery juice and pineapple juice) to reduce swelling and bruising;
  • Don't laugh loudly, don't open your mouth too much, don't yawn with your mouth open;
  • Placing the head higher than the body during rest and sleep (This helps blood flow in the body and slows down the healing of bruises and swelling)؛
  • Do not drink water on the face until after opening the plaster of the nose;
  • Care of the nose against impact (Until the nose is completely healed, do not be in crowded places such as subways and buses)؛
  • continuous and correct sticking to the nose;
  • Regular visits according to the doctor's opinion to check the healing process;
  • Protecting the nose from heat and sun (You cannot be exposed to the sun and heat for at least 2 months, and solarium is prohibited)؛
  • not wearing glasses for at least 3 months after surgery;
  • not consuming alcohol and tobacco for up to 2 months;
  • not lifting heavy objects;
  • Not exercising for 2 months after the operation.
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Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty surgery

What is the success rate of rhinoplasty?

As we said, the most important feature of this type of nose is having a thin skin. Due to the delicacy of the skin, after the surgery, the changes made are well visible from under the skin, and for this reason, the result of these nose surgeries will be much more beautiful than the fleshy nose.. If you have chosen a Hazeghi surgeon, the success rate of this operation is high.

Does the nasal bone return to its pre-operative state?

Bone nose surgeon | This question is one of the most common questions asked by beauticians after rhinoplasty. It must be said that the bulge and Nasal hump They will not be reversible after surgery because new surgical methods have completely eliminated the possibility of reversibility of these problems. If the nose is hit, the nose tape is not used well and correctly, and the care after the nose operation is not done correctly, there is a possibility of changing the shape of the nose after rhinoplasty..

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