Types of nose models after rhinoplasty

Types of nose models after rhinoplasty

آشنایی با انواع عمل بینی

Types of nose models | Almost everyone is aware of the fact that rhinoplasty can be done in both aesthetic and therapeutic directions. به طور کلی برای پیاده سازی یک یا هر دو هدف به صورت همزمان ، ایراداتی که بر این نواحی از بینی وارد هستند ، طی عمل برطرف می گردند :

  1. Nose shape and size
  2. Width, droop or protrusion of the tip of the nose
  3. Hump ​​or protrusion of the bridge of the nose
  4. Crooked septum or middle nasal blade
  5. The shape and size of the nostrils

Stay with us with interesting and readable content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery و فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان :

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  8 Necessary care after rhinoplasty

Types of nose surgery

Rhinoplasty can improve the appearance of this organ by creating proportion and harmony between the nose and other parts of the face. بهبود شکل ظاهری بینی در قالب مدل های مختلف قابل اجرا می باشد و دکتر مجید راستی بهترین Of nose surgery در یکی از دستاوردهای خود، با بررسی آناتومی صورت، مناسب ترین مدل را که برازنده صورت و چهره بیمار باشد را برای انجام جراحی زیبایی بینی پیشنهاد می نماید. Each of these models has its own unique features, which we have discussed below.

  • Rhinoplasty

Most of the people who want to have a nose surgery with the aim of reducing the size of the nose, apply for surgery. Because the excessive size of the nose disturbs the harmony of the face. So if you also have a big nose, you will actually undergo nose reduction surgery. During this process, the extra tissues that caused the deformity and enlargement of the nose are removed.

  • Increasing Nose Surgery,fa

Along with those who want to make their nose smaller with rhinoplasty, there are people who need to add a little volume to their nose.. A graft may be used to enlarge the nose during surgery. Those who have a reconstructive surgery may need this type of nose surgery; Because part of the nose may have been damaged and its tissue lost during the primary nose surgery.

Study suggestion
Restorative nose surgery

جراح بینی اصفهان |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Rhinoplasty naturally | جراح بینی اصفهانOf nose surgery

  • Nose operation with a natural model

Natural rhinoplasty is a strategy that focuses on maintaining the natural cartilage, bone and soft tissue of the nose in a natural position and creating a natural contour.. This makes any effect of surgery on the nose undetectable. A surgical nose with a natural model is perfectly suited to the face, and this harmony and proportion is as if you had such a beautiful nose from birth..

  • Nose operation with fantasy model

The fantasy model of rhinoplasty is currently one of the most popular models and has actually become a fashionable model all over the world.. In this model, the size of the nose is reduced and delicate curves are created on the nose. The fantasy model is based on the science of harmony of shapes and anatomy of the face, and if performed correctly, creates a contrast that can create an amazing transformation in the whole face.. The result of this model will be a small and delicate nose with a short bridge and the tip of the nose slightly up.

  • Nose surgery with semi-fantasy model

Semi-fantasy model is a combination of natural and fantasy model. The arch created in the nose in this model is slightly less than the fantasy model and the angle between the nose and the upper lip is slightly wider than the natural model.. This model is suitable for those patients who like their nose to benefit from the features of both fantasy and natural nose models..

Study suggestion
What can be done to choose the best rhinoplasty?

جراح بینی پس از انجام بررسی های لازم بر روی صورت بیمار، به پشتوانه علم و تجربه غنی خود بهترین مدلی را که می تواند یک بینی برازنده در صورت را خلق کند به بیمار خود پیشنهاد می نماید. The result of implementing this suggestion is to get an eye-catching and admirable result that every time you look in the mirror and see a better version of your face, you will be reminded of one of the sweetest experiences in life, which is a nose job..

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Isfahan nose surgery with good and successful results

  • Rhinoplasty without arch

One of the significant changes that are applied to the structure of this organ during nose surgery is creating an arch. Many people consider the arched nose as the reason for its beauty; Especially from the side profile. البته کسانی هم هستند که تمایل دارند عمل بینی شان بدون قوس باشد یا قوس بسیار کمی برای آن ایجاد شود. هر چه قوس بینی بیشتر شود ، مدل آن به عروسکی نزدیکتر می شود. It is best to discuss the amount of nasal arch with your surgeon. ایشان با ارزیابی کامل به شما می گوید که چه میزان انحنا برای چهره تان مناسب است.

  • Contour line in nose surgery

One of the attractive results of nose surgery is the contour line created by the surgeon on the nose. Creating two parallel and identical lines along the bones of the nose, which makes its appearance angular. Today, when applicants for rhinoplasty are familiar with the contouring technique in rhinoplasty, they expect the surgeon to perform it in the best way during rhinoplasty.. Another positive point is that all types of noses, including fleshy, bony and cartilaginous, can benefit from this beauty method..

  • Restorative nose surgery

Rhinoplasty is always considered as one of the most difficult facial plastic surgeries. People whose primary rhinoplasty result was disappointing and who have reasonable expectations from their secondary surgery and who have good general health are ideal candidates for this treatment process.. As mentioned earlier, revision rhinoplasty is technically more difficult.

Study suggestion

In this process, the cartilage of the nose should often be strengthened. Reconstructive rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia and you will spend approximately 2 to 4 hours in the operating room. The achievements and details of rhinoplasty surgery depend on the needs of each patient. با توجه به حساسیت این فرایند جراحی، دقت در انتخاب یک جراح بینی ترمیمی خوب، بسیار حائز اهمیت است.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Long-term considerations for rhinoplasty

Are male and female nose jobs different from each other?

Rhinoplasty is guided based on the goals and desires of the patient, and considering that the goals, needs, and expectations of each person are different, it can be expected that the treatment plan of each patient will be designed in a specific way.. But there is not much difference in the main techniques used in the procedure. Taking into account the fact that the features of the face in men and women differ based on gender differences, plastic specialists also take these considerations into account when performing nose surgery techniques on the faces of these two genders.. For example, women's noses are smaller and shorter than men's noses, and the tip is more upward.

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