Crooked nose rhinoplasty with Isfahan nose surgeon Dr. Majid Rasti

How do they fix a crooked nose?

رینوپلاستی بینی کج | Improving the symmetry of the nose and bringing the structures to the midline requires adjusting the entire anatomy that contributes to the crooked appearance.. The specific operation depends on the damaged and deviated structures. No nose job for a crooked nose is exactly the same as any other because every person is unique and different. The bones or cartilage may have grown at different rates, or the person may have had an injury that caused the bones to shift and heal in a crooked position..

فرو پاشی دریچه بینی ممکن است به دلیل عمل بینی قبلی در سن دیگو ایجاد شده باشد که منجر به بینی نامتقارن شده است. The characteristics of each crooked nose cosmetic procedure are different. In some cases, this procedure involves displacement of the nasal septum (which divides the right and left airways of the nose) to a more central position. This is called "septoplasty".. In other cases, misaligned bones may need to be repositioned by surgically breaking the bones and carefully centering them for a flatter appearance..

For collapsed internal nasal valves (Nasal valves are narrowings of the nasal airways that regulate airflow), they may use cartilage grafting to open the valves and improve the structure and symmetry of the crooked nose.

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Tilting of the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty

Stay with us with interesting and readable content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery و فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان :

Nasal tilting after surgery

During rhinoplasty recovery, you may notice that the tip of your nose looks a little asymmetrical. This is completely normal, especially if different parts of your nose heal at different rates. For example, swelling at the bridge of your nose may subside sooner than swelling at the tip of your nose, causing a temporary crookedness. As healing progresses throughout the nose, the asymmetry often corrects itself within six months to a year.

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Persistent tilting after rhinoplasty may be due to warping of flexible cartilage, healing contraction, asymmetry of bone placement, differences in cartilage shape and position, or differences in skin thickness between the right and left sides..

Perfect symmetry is not a reasonable and worthwhile aesthetic goal. A perfectly symmetrical human face does not look beautiful or human in any way, but more like a digital image. However, if the remaining elements of the crooked nose are revealed to you and its correction is needed, it is better to do this correction at least one year after rhinoplasty..

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  جراح  بینی کج

Is it necessary to break the nasal bone to straighten a crooked nose?

یکی از مهم ترین و پر تکرار ترین سوالاتی که مراجعه کنندگان از پزشک خود می پرسند این است که آیا برای صاف شدن بینی نیاز است تا استخوان آن شکسته شود؟ برای پاسخ به این سوال باید گفت این موضوع پس از انجام معاینه توسط بهترین جراح بینی در شهر محل زندگی شما مشخص می شود.

If the applicant wants the nose to become slightly narrower after removing the hump on the bridge of the nose and correcting its crookedness, the best crooked nose surgery doctor must break the bone to bring the bones closer to each other.. Because removing the bridge of the nose will widen the nose. افراد می توانند برای بهرمند شدن از بهترین خدمات و همچنین دریافت بهترن و مطلوب ترین نتایج به دکتر مجتبی ملکی بهترین جراح بینی تهران مراجعه نمایند.

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Can the deviation be treated during the treatment process of crooked nose surgery?

In some cases, it is possible that the crooked septum causes the crookedness and deviation of the nose and is itself the reason for the asymmetry of the nostrils.. During the crooked nose operation, since the crooked septum is considered a functional problem and its treatment process solves the problems as well as correcting the shape of the nose and correcting the crooked nose, it is possible to correct the deviation of the middle nasal septum at the same time as the crooked nose operation. treated.

Of course, it should be noted that sometimes, in order to fix the defects of a crooked nose, it is necessary for Ziba Jo to visit the doctor several times.. It is also possible to tilt the nose again. I must say that by choosing a skilled, experienced and expert crooked nose surgeon, you can easily achieve a straight and symmetrical nose..

رینوپلاستی بینی کج با دکتر مجید راستی

رینوپلاستی بینی کج | Whether you were born with a crooked nose or suffered an injury that made your nose crooked. یا بینی کجی شما نتیجه یک عمل بینی قدیمی باشد، دکتر مجید راستی به شما کمک می کند. During the rhinoplasty consultation, he will understand what you want to change and the result you want. You will be examined and a plan will be made to straighten the nose and improve its visual appearance.

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Tilted nose surgery

Can nose surgery be performed on a broken nose?

One of the most common questions that arise in the field of crooked nose surgery is whether this operation can be performed on broken noses or not. In answer to this question, I must say that one of the reasons for a crooked nose is the breaking of the nasal bone.

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A good, skilled and experienced nose surgeon can perform rhinoplasty on the nose of those who have fractured the nose by using modern methods and techniques as well as relying on his knowledge, skill and expertise. and create the best results. Since the nose is broken due to an accident or impact, and finally the nose is tilted, it needs an expert nose surgeon to be able to solve the problem with great precision and avoid side effects such as disturbance in the breathing process. prevent complete treatment.

Finding such a surgery may seem a bit difficult, but if you pay attention, carefully view and review the portfolios of nose surgeons in this field, and also pay attention to the opinions of their previous clients, you can easily find him. , remember that choosing a good nose surgeon can guarantee results and also the absence of side effects after crooked nose surgery..

دکتر مجید راستی یکی از بهترین جراحان بینی کج و شکسته اصفهان هستند که می توانند با تکیه بر دانش ، مهارت و سابقه درخشان خود بهترین و خارق العاده ترین نتایج را برای شما عزیزان به ارمغان آورند.

عزیزانی که قصد دارند نزد ایشان بینی خود را عمل کنند می توانند در اسرع وقت تماس بگیرند .

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