What is the cause of nosebleeds after nose surgery?

What is the cause of nosebleeds after nose surgery?

Burning inside the nose after surgery

nose bleeding | Generally, a large part of the questions of the patients of nose surgery is to know the possible complications of this surgery such as bleeding and the level of its risk for the person. Before answering these questions, it is better to know that, during this surgery, the nasal tissue undergoes changes and depending on the amount of manipulation by the surgeon, the recovery conditions of the person can also be different..

For example, in reconstructive surgeries, more corrections are made on the cartilage structure of the nose, and naturally, the recovery period of this surgery will have different conditions.. In general, the conditions and complications of nose surgery are different depending on the individual's condition and the surgeon's expertise, and in most cases, it can be treated in a limited period of time by performing a series of special cares..

One of the most common complications of nose surgery in the first few weeks is nosebleeds, which in the rest of this article we will explain the reasons and conditions for the treatment of this complication..

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Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  What is the cause of nosebleeds after nose surgery?

Cause of bleeding after nose surgery

As mentioned, nosebleeds are one of the common side effects of nose surgery, which may occur during and after surgery. There are many blood vessels in the human nose, and the rupture and damage of any of them can cause nosebleeds. Therefore, during the operation, the surgeon tries his best to avoid damage to the blood vessels and to minimize the amount of bleeding..

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On average, each person loses about 50 ml of blood during nose surgery, and in some cases, this amount may increase due to high blood pressure.. One of the points that the doctor pays attention to during cosmetic surgery is to keep and control the blood pressure of the person in order to minimize blood loss..

  • high blood pressure

One of the main reasons for nosebleeds after surgery is a person's high blood pressure. In cases where a person has a history of blood pressure disease such as congenital blood coagulation disorder, or in pre-operative examinations, heart palpitations and relatively high blood pressure are reported for him, the doctor gives recommendations to inform the person about the surgery and the course. He will recover.

  • Taking aspirin and anticoagulants

Taking aspirin and anticoagulants after rhinoplasty can cause nosebleeds. Medicines such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, naproxen and piroxicam have this effect to some extent.. These drugs, which are generally used as pain relievers, are not recommended for nose surgery applicants, and especially during the surgery, it is better to avoid using these drugs..

  • Severe deviation of the person's nose

Generally, nosebleeds after surgery are observed in people who have a severe deviation of the nose. Because the extreme deviation of the nose causes more measures to be taken on the structure of the person's nose, and as a result, the possibility of tearing blood vessels increases..

  • Dry nose after surgery

Dryness of the nose causes inflammation of the nasal mucosa, and the continuation of this problem will lead to cracking of the mucus, nosebleeds, dryness and dysfunction of the nose.. For this reason, it is recommended to wash your nose 3 times a day after nose surgery.

  • Numerous factors such as usage

Anesthetic drugs used in nose surgery have a great indirect effect on postoperative bleeding. The effect process of these drugs is that the blood pressure gradually increases and the person experiences nausea and pains caused by the negative effects of anesthetics..

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Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Treatment of nosebleeds

Some recommendations to prevent and treat nosebleeds

  1. Avoiding aspirin and anticoagulants for 3 weeks before nose surgery
  2. Avoid taking vitamins a few days before nose surgery
  3. Using drops to constrict nasal vessels and bleeding after removing the dressing
  4. Using tampons for nasal surgery
  5. Changing the dressing during nosebleeds
  6. Avoid finning until a few days after nose surgery
  7. Using an ice compressor to relieve inflammation and swelling of the side of the nose
  8. Using washing serum to prevent blood clots inside the nose
  9. Avoid keeping the head too low
  10. Avoid manipulating the nasal cavities

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