Know the main differences between fantasy and natural nose surgery :

Know the main differences between fantasy and natural nose surgery :

The main differences between doll and natural nose surgery

Fantasy Rhinoplasty | Natural Rhinoplasty | Fancy nose surgery and natural nose surgery are two types of nose surgery . which have important differences in terms of goals, methods, and results. In the following, the main differences between these two types of surgery are stated :

Fantasy Rhinoplasty : The main goal in fancy nose surgery is to improve the appearance of the nose and change its shape to a desired shape. People who Fantasy Rhinoplasty they refer, they mainly seek to change the shape of the nose in order to draw attention to youth and attractiveness.

Natural Rhinoplasty : At Natural Rhinoplasty , the main purpose is to fix or correct nose problems. These problems can include: nose deviation ، Respiratory problems , or abnormal size and shape problems.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Fancy nose operation, a sample of nose surgery by Dr. Majid Rasti

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Fantasy Rhinoplasty : In this type of surgery, mainly changes in appearance are applied. These changes can include the destruction and reconstruction of different parts of the nose, addition or reduction through various surgical procedures..

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Natural Rhinoplasty : In this type of surgery, the main goal is to correct and improve the normal condition of the nose. This can include proofreading nose deviation , remove respiratory obstacles, and restore the normal condition of the nose.

What are the results of this surgery?

Fantasy Rhinoplasty : The results of this type of surgery are usually related to the appearance and desired changes in the nose. People may evaluate the final results according to their expectations.

Natural Rhinoplasty : The results of this type of surgery are related to correcting nasal problems and improving respiratory conditions. The main goal of this type of surgery is to improve the health and function of the nose.

In both types of surgery, it is very important to choose a skilled and specialized doctor with experience . to achieve better results. Also, it is important to consult with your doctor about your goals and expected results . And make an informed and informed decision.

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Natural rhinoplasty consultation

In what ways can you define a fancy nose?

Rhinoplasty with a fancy model is known for its small size, elegance, distinct arch on the bridge of the nose, and a long nose tip.. It makes sense to emphasize these subtle features . that this type of nose is the best match with faces whose other parts also have the necessary elegance . ایجاد کند. This model is usually used for women with delicate faces.

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One of the characteristics of bony noses is the thinness of the skin and the strength of the cartilaginous framework . This is considered a positive feature. If the size of the fantasy nose is proportional to the dimensions of other parts of the face . This model is considered as a suitable option for people with bony noses.

Can men be suitable for nose surgery using a doll model?

Fantasy Rhinoplasty | Natural Rhinoplasty | In today's modern world, nothing seems impossible, and it does. that even some men have decided to change the shape of their nose using a doll model. But according to the golden standards of beauty, we must consider and reflect on certain criteria.

Men's faces have masculine features. which is very different from women's facial features in terms of elegance. And it can hardly provide suitable conditions to create harmony between the nose with the doll model and other facial features.

Many men emphasize when visiting a cosmetic surgeon . who want their nose to look natural . And the characteristics of a male face should be preserved in it. As we know, preventing the loss of natural features of a doll-shaped nose is not guaranteed to maintain a match with a male face. . Therefore, nose surgery using a doll model for men is not considered as an interesting idea.

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Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Nose half-fantasy

Can men be suitable candidates for nose surgery with a doll model?

In the field of fashion and beauty, nothing seems impossible and we even see some men who have decided to modify their noses in the shape of a doll model.. But if we evaluate this issue based on the golden standards of beauty . We will conclude that men's facial features have masculine features . which are usually far away from the characteristics of a woman's face.

This can make it difficult to harmonize the nose with the doll's features and other facial features. On the other hand, many men emphasize when visiting a cosmetic surgeon. who want their nose to look natural . And their facial features should be preserved in a masculine way.

What is created with a doll model in the nose, naturally cannot meet these needs of men. Therefore, nose surgery with a doll model is not considered as an attractive idea for men.

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