The problem of swelling of the lips after nose surgery

The problem of swelling of the lips after nose surgery

The cause and method of solving the problem of swelling of the lips after nose surgery

Lip swelling after nose surgery | Every day, many nose surgeries are performed for cosmetic or medical purposes. This surgery causes significant changes in the face. And it even has the ability to affect other parts of the face such as the shape and appearance of the cheeks or lips..

For these reasons, a large number of people are afraid of performing nose surgery or have doubts about its consequences..

Stay with us with interesting and readable content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery و فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان :

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Does nose surgery affect the shape of the lips?

In fact, after nose surgery, people's lips are swollen and they feel afraid of this problem. But there is no need to worry at all and the effect of nose surgery on the lips is short-term and temporary. After the care after nose surgery, this swelling will improve and the patient's lips will return to normal.. In fact, the upper lip is one of the parts that swells more than the lower lip.

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After the nose operation, the numbness of the upper lip also indicates that the upper lip is very effective from this operation. For complete recovery, upper lip swelling and the nose itself need 1 year. Of course, it should be noted that during the first 6 months, this swelling recovers very quickly, and for the person in the second six months, its changes are not even noticeable..

What can we do to quickly treat swollen lips and nose?

برای درمان سریع ورم، عمل کردن به نکات مراقبت ‌های پس از عمل جراحی بینی، مهم ‌ترین کار می باشد که برای شما از طرف پزشک جراح بینی تجویز شده است. Be careful that if you do not take these things seriously, it is possible that the swelling of your lips and nose will not be resolved or you will face new complications such as nose drooping.. We have mentioned the things that cause swelling of the lips and nose :

Study suggestion
Questions and answers with Dr. Majid Rasti

use of ice compresses; Ice compress is one of the most effective ways to quickly treat swelling. You can apply an ice pack on the swollen area for a few minutes every day. By repeating this several times every day, you will speed up your healing process. Of course, be careful that the use of ice compresses is done only with the doctor's prescription.
The use of some painkillers has the ability to reduce swelling after nose surgery to a great extent. البته استفاده کردن مسکن قطعا لازم است با تجویز پزشک جراح بینی انجام شود و از استفاده خودسرانه مسکن جلوگیری شود.

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Does nose surgery affect the smile design?

In fact, a large number of people feel that their smile design has changed and they will have more beautiful smiles after performing rhinoplasty.. In fact, according to experts, rhinoplasty has no effect on people's smiles, and the type of laughter these people have and the shape and form of their smiles are the same before and after the operation..

How nose job affects laughing

In fact, there is a muscle in the human nose that pulls the nose down when laughing. This will make your smile not attractive and beautiful enough. During rhinoplasty, the surgeon has the ability to make a secret incision inside the nose, and with that, the muscle that pulls the nose down does not work.. In short, you will have a more attractive and beautiful smile.

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