Is the use of solarium effective as a result of nose surgery?

Is the use of solarium effective as a result of nose surgery?

Solarium and sunbathing after nose surgery

solarium | Rhinoplasty is one of the most important cosmetic surgeries that has gained a lot of interest these days. However, rhinoplasty, like other cosmetic and therapeutic surgeries, has precautions and limitations that we must be extremely careful and obsessive in this field.. In the following article, we will mention the most important care you should take after nose surgery. In addition, one of the main and central topics in this article is solarium and sunbathing after nose surgery, which we will discuss in a separate and dedicated section..

Nose surgery It is divided into two categories: nose surgery and nose surgery. Some people's goal of rhinoplasty is to correct defects in the nose area and they want it to be more beautiful.. But in some cases, the goal of nose surgery is treatment.

For example, those under جراحی سپتوپلاستی or surgical correction nose deviation are placed, the main goal is to treat the problems caused by the deviation of the nose, which causes difficulty in breathing through the nose, and the breathing path is somewhat blocked..

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During nose surgery or rhinoplasty, the hump on the nose is removed, the shape of the nostrils is corrected, and the length and width of the nose is shaped to a proportional position in relation to other parts of the face.. In septoplasty or nasal deviation surgery, the nasal septum changes to a normal and smooth position. Of course, in most cases, these two surgeries are performed simultaneously during one surgery.

| Of nose surgery | Solarium and sunbathing after nose surgery

Solarium and sunbathing after rhinoplasty

Any kind of nose surgery, you must take care so that the healing process can be completed correctly and with minimal risk. In general, using a solarium is harmful to the body, and whether you have had a nose job or not, the solarium is not a good way to change your skin color..

But regarding the use of the solarium after nose surgery, it should be said that one of the most important measures after Nose surgery What you should do is to avoid using solar devices and being under direct sunlight.

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Using a solar device and sunbathing under the sun is strictly prohibited for some reasons. The reasons for this are that when you are under the sun, the heat and sunlight increase the swelling of the nose, so the most important recommendation is that after nose surgery, at least until the recovery period is complete, do not go under the sun.. The solarium device is also prohibited after nose surgery because it simulates sunlight with ultraviolet rays. .

These two issues have significant negative effects in reducing the healing process after nose surgery, so doctors recommend that you avoid sunbathing and using the solarium for a while..

Of nose surgery | Solarium and sunbathing after nose surgery.

When some people become aware that the swelling of the nose increases as a result of solarium and sunbathing, they ask what effect the swelling of the nose will have on the result of the surgery?

The fact is that when the swelling of the nose has been on the nose for a long time and there are factors that aggravate this condition, such as solariums and sunbathing, firstly, it takes a longer time to heal, and secondly, it is possible that some from swelling to remain in the nose area forever.

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Therefore, it is clear how important it is to take care after nose surgery, including not using a solarium and sunbathing.. In the end, the most important point that we should remember is to refer to those who have high abilities in this field and were able to prove these abilities and scientific and practical skills to perform nose surgery.. Definitely pay attention to the work record to a great extent in the selection process بهترین جراح بینی اصفهان It will be effective.

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