Getting to know the rhinoplasty surgery of the bony nose

Getting to know the rhinoplasty surgery of the bony nose

Briefly about rhinoplasty surgery

Bone nose rhinoplasty | Rhinoplasty, which is known as nose surgery, rhinoplasty, nose surgery and rhinoplasty in Iran, has a long history.. Thousands of years ago in India, kings used to cut off the tip of their noses to punish accused and criminals. Indian medicine named Sushruta (sushruta) who is described as one of the fathers of plastic surgery in the world, using special tools used their forehead skin to reconstruct the nose.

Readable and informative content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery :

Of nose surgery | بهترین متخصص جراح بینی

Bone nose rhinoplasty

In the 16th century, an Italian surgeon named Gasparo Taggiacozzi (Gasparo Tagliacozzi), who is considered by most plastic surgeons to be the father of plastic surgery, invented a procedure in nose surgery that used the skin of the arm to repair the nose and supply blood to that area.. After the blood supply increased, the skin of the arm was separated from the nose. Although this method seems very painful today, it is considered the basis of plastic surgery of the nose.

All these efforts led to today's nose surgery witnessing significant improvements and modern techniques for more beauty and also to solve respiratory problems.. Today, people's purpose for rhinoplasty can be summarized as follows:

  1. Reduce the size of the nose
  2. Removing the hump on the nasal septum
  3. Fix nasal deviation (سپتوپلاستی)
  4. Fixing the tip of the nose
  5. Narrowing the width of the tip of the nose
  6. Reduce the size of the holes
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Example of normal male nose surgery

Getting to know the types of nose models

Noses are divided into the following two types according to the amount of cartilage:

  • Bony noses
  • بینی های گوشتی

As we said, in this article our target is beauty seekers whose nose type is bony. For this reason, we will continue to examine the characteristics of bony nose and bony nose surgery.

For more information about meaty nose, you can go to the article جراحی بینی گوشتی First of all, it should be said that nasal injury occurs for every person and there is no difference between people who have had their nose operated and those who have not..

Of nose surgery | meaty nose job

What are the characteristics of a bony nose?

Nasal bone (Bony Nose) Also known as cartilaginous nose, it is known for having the following features:

  1. thin skin
  2. Strong cartilage
  3. strong bone
  4. Usually there is a hump on the nasal septum
  5. Thin skin and strong cartilage are the main characteristics of a bony nose.

How is open surgery for bony noses?

As the name of rhinoplasty surgery (Open Nose Surgery) یا (Open Rhinoplasty) Apparently, in this method, using a cut on the columella (Bridge between two nostrils) is created, the skin of the nose is completely separated from the structure of the nose and the surgeon can make the necessary changes. Today, this method is considered the best bone and flesh nose surgery technique because in this method, the nose surgeon:

  • has full access to the nasal structure;
  • It has a wide field of vision to make changes;
  • It can make many changes on the nose;
  • It has a lot of room to make changes;
  • It can approximate the nostrils as much as possible.
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The result of open rhinoplasty will be very suitable for both cartilaginous nose and fleshy nose. If the surgeon has enough skill and delicacy in his work, no trace of the suture will remain on the nose.

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How is closed surgery for bony noses?

Closed nose surgery (Closed Nose Surgery) یا (Closed Rhinoplasty) It is a method in which the nose is operated in a closed manner, that is, without any incision. In fact, the surgeon performs the surgery by holding up the skin of the nose with the help of a special tool. The following are the advantages of closed surgery:

  1. Not cutting the nose and therefore not stitching the nose;
  2. Faster recovery period.

However, most of the good professionals Of nose surgery This method is not considered a suitable method due to the following disadvantages:

  • The surgeon's viewing angle is very limited in this method;
  • It is not possible to make many changes and fix significant defects of the nose;
  • The result of the surgery will not be very attractive.

Although, unlike fleshy nose, both open and closed procedures can be performed for bony nose, but it is recommended to perform open rhinoplasty to make the result more beautiful..

Is bony nose surgery different from fleshy?

In terms of surgical techniques, it should be said that there is no difference between these two types of nose surgery, and both open and closed procedures can be performed.. However, due to the thick skin of fleshy noses and its weak cartilage, there is a need for many changes in the operation of the nose, and for this reason, most plastic and cosmetic surgeons in Iran recommend open nose surgery.. Although this is also true for bony noses, and due to the advantages of open surgery, it is preferable to use the open method..

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Of nose surgery | Bone nose procedure.

Does the surgeon have a role in cartilage nose aesthetics?

Rhinoplasty depends to a great extent on the skill, precision and experience of the doctor, and if the doctor is careless in choosing a doctor, there may be problems that the person will have to do reconstructive nose surgery after at least 1 year.. The problems that may occur due to incorrect selection are::

  1. Crooked nose after surgery
  2. Failure to remove the hump of the bony nose
  3. Respiratory problems after surgery
  4. Loss of smell

Due to the sensitivity of the nose job, you must be careful in your choice and the best جراح بینی Choose Tehran Bone for yourself so that you don't have to do a secondary operation. The surgeon plays an important and key role in the outcome of the surgery.

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