What should be done with swelling caused by nose surgery?

What should be done with swelling caused by nose surgery?

Swelling caused by nose surgery

Swelling of the fleshy nose surgery | The occurrence of swelling after nose job is completely normal and all the people who have done this cosmetic surgery have faced this complication.. Although the amount of swelling is not the same in all people and due to some factors; Like the characteristics of their body, the severity and extent of the problem in the nose depends on it, but in general, it can be said that the swelling in fleshy noses is more than that of bony noses due to their weak structure and thick skin..

Stay with us with interesting and readable content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery و فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان :

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Do you need a nose job?

Methods to reduce swelling caused by nose surgery

Nasal swelling after rhinoplasty decreases over time and is completely resolved after about 1 to 2 years. But by observing some cases, it is possible to speed up the process of reducing inflation, some of which will be explained below..

Nutrition ; It plays a big role in aggravating or reducing nasal swelling, so that :

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Eating hard foods because they require a lot of chewing for digestion causes the swelling of the nose to intensify, for this reason people should use watery and soft foods for a while and avoid eating bottom of the pot and hard fruits such as carrots..

Sodium substance aggravates nasal swelling; Therefore, as much as possible, people should avoid eating foods that are cooked with a lot of salt and spices..
Some people and doctors believe that consuming celery juice and fresh pineapple juice is effective in reducing nasal swelling, it is better to include them in your diet..

در صورتی که جراحی زیبایی بینی توسط دکتر بینی بی تجربه و بدون مهارت انجام گیرد ، احتمال بروز مشکلات بسیاری ؛ همچون مشکلات تنفسی ، عدم رضایت از فرم ظاهری بینی ، سوراخ شدن تیغه میانی بینی ، غیر قرینه بودن حفره های بینی ، بی حسی ، عفونت ، درد شدید و غیره در بیماران وجود دارد ؛ اما در صورتی که بهترین Of nose surgery دکتر مجید راستی ، مورد نظر بیمار به اندازه کافی در این زمینه تجربه و مهارت داشته باشد ، نه تنها هیچ گونه عوارضی پس از عمل زیبایی بینی بیماران را تهدید نمی کند ؛ بلکه آن ها از نتیجه جراحی زیبایی بینی نیز رضایت کامل خواهند داشت.

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The best age for nose surgery

طبق مطالعات صورت گرفته ، بهترین سن جهت انجام جراحی بینی گوشتی در شیراز ، پس از اتمام سن بلوغ می باشد ؛ اتمام سن بلوغ در دختران ، پایان سن ۱۶ سالگی و در پسران ، پایان سن ۱۸ سالگی می باشد ؛ بنابراین افراد پس از گذشت این سن می توانند جهت انجام جراحی زیبایی بینی اقدام کنند. Many people want to know the reason for performing nose surgery after this age; which is mentioned below :

The nose begins to grow from birth and its growth continues until the end of puberty, and until the growth of the nose is complete and completed, it is not possible to perform nose surgery..
Another reason for performing nose surgery after puberty is due to the fact that some cartilages of the nose are responsible for the growth of some facial organs until the end of puberty, so nose surgery should be performed before this age. causes interference in the growth of organs.

Of nose surgery |  Rhinoplasty Isfahan |  Rhinoplasty and exercise..

Exercise after nose surgery

افراد باید بعد از جراحی بینی گوشتی در شیراز ، به مدت ۱ هفته به استراحت مطلق پرداخته و از یک شخص همراه برای انجام کارهای روزمره خود کمک بگیرند. due to the effect of lowering the head and doing heavy activities in aggravating nasal edema; It is better not to put your head down for 1 week and postpone heavy sports for 6 months after rhinoplasty in Shiraz..

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Excitement increases the blood circulation in the head and face of people, and this causes the swelling of the nose to intensify..

Reversibility of fleshy noses

Many people who have fleshy noses are concerned about the reversibility of fleshy noses. In this regard, it should be mentioned that in the past, due to the use of non-standard techniques, the appearance of fleshy noses may return to the form It existed initially, but now nose surgeons use modern and standard techniques to perform nose surgery in Shiraz, which has greatly reduced and minimized the possibility of recurrence of noses..

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