Restorative nose surgery

Restorative nose surgery

Restorative nose surgery

It can be very discouraging if your nose job does not meet your expectations. If after spending money, time and going through the recovery period, the nose changes are not according to your taste and expectations, you will experience uncomfortable feelings.. But you should know that you are not alone and other people experience this too. In this case, most people will look for reconstructive nose surgery. The good news is that you can still achieve the look you want with a rhinoplasty. This problem can cause symptoms that range from mild to severe Of nose surgery It is important to plan carefully and know exactly what to expect from rhinoplasty before deciding to undergo rhinoplasty..

Before reconstructive rhinoplasty, make sure that your nose is completely healed.

The first and most important thing before reconstructive rhinoplasty is to make sure that the nose is completely healed. When talking about rhinoplasty (عمل بینی) It is mentioned that bruising and swelling of the nose is a normal part of the procedure. The amount of bruising and swelling that each person experiences depends on several factors. The amount of swelling after nose surgery depends on the type of skin and what the surgeon did during the surgery to achieve the desired shape of the nose. it depends. The initial swelling takes about two weeks to heal, and in general, the swelling usually goes down a lot in the first six months after surgery..

But full recovery usually takes a year, and even this time may be longer in some people. The defects that have worried you may disappear after complete recovery and complete disappearance of swelling. Doctors recommend waiting at least one year after the initial rhinoplasty for reconstructive rhinoplasty. After that, an experienced surgeon can tell you if you are ready for rhinoplasty or not.

Restorative nose surgery | Of nose surgery

Choose your rhinoplasty surgeon carefully.

After the swelling of the nose is completely removed and you are still not satisfied with the new shape of the nose and you intend to have a reconstructive nose surgery.. One of the most important issues is choosing a suitable surgeon for reconstructive nose surgery. Take enough time to choose a surgeon and don't rush. Get advice from people you trust. If a trusted person around you has performed reconstructive nose surgery and is satisfied, ask him about the surgeon and the procedure. Otherwise, find out about experienced surgeons by searching the Internet and cyberspace.

Study suggestion
Is a person who has a realistic expectation from the operation and is not under pressure from others to perform the operation.

Go to the office of several of them for consultation and state your questions and concerns. In addition, see the before and after photos of the reconstructive nose surgery of your desired surgeon. Reading other people's opinions online can also help you make a better decision. It is very important to choose a surgeon with sufficient knowledge and experience in reconstructive nose surgery.

Before reconstructive nose surgery, have a consultation with your surgeon.

Reconstructive rhinoplasty can be simple or very complex. It all depends on the following:

• The amount of disorders caused in primary nose surgery
• The changes made during the first surgery in the nasal septum.
• Skin characteristics
• Quality of nasal airways

The only way to know all of the above is to attend a consultation session with a specialist surgeon. During the physical examination, the surgeon can determine whether or not the nose suffered structural defects during the initial rhinoplasty.. If the structure and framework of the nose is defective, it is often necessary to perform a cartilage graft to strengthen the nasal structure.. The cartilage needed for the transplant may be removed from the nasal septum. Most nasal surgeons consider the nasal septum to be the best source for cartilage harvesting. In this case, there is no need for another surgery to remove the cartilage. If the septal cartilage has already been removed or damaged, it may be necessary to remove the cartilage from the ear or rib..

In addition to the things that the surgeon finds out during the examination, the important issue is your expectation from the reconstructive nose surgery.. In order to be satisfied with the result of rhinoplasty, you and your surgeon must reach a common understanding of what you expect and what is feasible.. Many dissatisfactions are caused by this lack of mutual understanding between the applicant and the surgeon. Today, with the use of new technologies, it is possible for applicants to see the result before cosmetic surgery and decide how it will be done..

A 3D image of the applicant's face is prepared in the medical designer's collection using a 3D scanning device, and on the day of the consultation, the applicant and the surgeon can apply the desired changes to the image and see the result in 3D from all angles.. In this way, both the surgeon and the applicant know what the result of the reconstructive nose surgery is going to be. To ensure that what was designed on the day of the consultation is implemented, medical design engineers create unique control molds for each individual so that the surgeon can use them during surgery to precisely match the design..

Study suggestion
The reasons for the popularity of nose job among men

Get your basic surgery information from your doctor.

The surgeon you choose for reconstructive nose surgery can detect many things just by seeing and examining the nose; But in order to get the most information during the consultation, it is better to be able to prepare your pre-operative photos and a summary of your previous surgery and present it to the new surgeon.. If you feel uncomfortable doing this, you should know that it is your right to access your medical records and you can easily request this from your doctor..

Post-operative measures

Reconstructive rhinoplasty generally takes 2-5 hours and is performed under general anesthesia.. Six weeks after rhinoplasty, you need to do less physical activity. A splint will be on your nose for a week after the rhinoplasty, and you must be careful not to get it wet; As with the primary rhinoplasty, there will be some degree of nasal congestion and swelling for some time.

Since the complexity and time of rhinoplasty surgery is more than the primary surgery, the cost of this surgery is usually higher than the primary rhinoplasty..

Related points

Golden proportions between facial features

In beautiful faces, there is a golden ratio between different parts of the face, and scientists have discovered this ratio in many beautiful parts of nature, such as flower petals, bird bodies, insect body parts, and even finger bones.. This number is 1/618. Accordingly, in beautiful and ideal faces, there is this golden ratio between the longitudinal, transverse and vertical lines of the face..

In vertical lines, this ratio can be seen between the distance from the hairline to the base of the nose and the distance from the base of the nose to the chin. Also, the distance between the two pupils and the line between the lips and the distance between the lips and the chin also follow this ratio.. This ratio also shines in the horizontal components of proportional faces. For example, if you have an ideal face, the ratio of the width of your lips to the width of your nose is the same. To check these ratios, you can take a full face photo of yourself and then draw these lines on it and measure them with a ruler and compare them..

Study suggestion
مشکلات شایع بعد از عمل جراحی بینی
Nasal repair

Rhinoplasty is performed to correct problems that were not solved in the first operation or that arose after the operation..

The reasons for a person's need for nose repair include::
  • Asymmetry between the two sides of the nose
  • Drooping of the tip of the nose and its return to the original state before the operation
  • Asymmetry of the nostrils
  • Nasal adhesions
  • Splitting of the nasal septum
  • Growth of nasal cartilage
  • Depressions caused by non-standard manipulations in secondary nose surgery
  • The width of the nose from the front
  • انحراف تیغه بینی
  • Crooked nose
  • Unwanted change in the shape of the nose
طراحی سه بعدی بینی

After the 3D scan of the person's face is done, the rhinoplasty client can accompany the surgeon during a consultation session. Apply your mental imagination in a three-dimensional and virtual way on the face. First of all, by using 3D design, the surgeon gets full knowledge of his patient's point of view and taste. And secondly, the applicant can see all his mental images and can see his ideal face before rhinoplasty.. But the question will be raised as to how the surgeon can fulfill his promise during surgery. and operate the nose according to the 3D design. 3D scanning technology is considered a turning point by which the surgeon can perform nose surgery according to the request of the applicant..

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