The cause of the saddle-shaped nose

The cause of the saddle-shaped nose

The cause of the saddle-shaped nose

We are familiar with another type of nose that people go to the doctor to repair . It has a saddle-shaped nose . Which is one of the most common types of saddle-shaped nose that destroys the cartilage or bone of the nose. The normal profile is lower and closer to the face. The cause of this complication of the saddle-shaped nose can be a congenital disease called syphilis or leprosy..

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دکتر مجید راستی | Of nose surgery | The cause of the saddle-shaped nose

The cause of the saddle-shaped nose | Of nose surgery


In fact, another factor that causes this disease is the saddle-shaped nose, and that is the bony septum that is caused by trauma to the face. The most common surgery that many surgeons face is nasal depression. Excessive removal of septal cartilage causes this complication, the saddle-shaped nose.

Causes of this complication are saddle-shaped nose :

Congenital which is rare.
Trauma that causes a septum or abscess of the septum and eventually necrosis of the septum.
Nose piercing
Patients such as leprosy, syphilis,
Wegener patients and cocaine use

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دکتر مجید راستی | Of nose surgery

Click to enter the Instagram page of Dr. Majid Rasti, Isfahan Rhinoplasty Surgeon.

The treatment for this disease is a saddle-shaped nose in which the surgeon uses nasal tissues to repair the nose. If he can not use the required tissue from the nose itself, he has to use ear tissue, rib tissue, pelvis and other parts of the body to be able to repair the nose..

In any case, for saddle nose surgery, you should first talk to a specialist about rhinoplasty, and if you need surgery, he will consult you about it.

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