Nasal nose surgery in Isfahan

Nasal nose surgery in Isfahan

Nasal nose surgery in Isfahan with Dr. Majid Rasti

Nasal nose surgery in Isfahan | Nose surgeons, so that people who apply for rhinoplasty surgery get ideal results; According to the characteristics of the nose, it has been divided into fleshy nose and bony nose. در این مقاله از دکتر مجید راستی ، بهترین Of nose surgery ، قصد داریم به بررسی بینی های گوشتی و بهترین روش جراحی بینی گوشتی بپردازیم. Stay with us until the end of this article.

Stay with us with interesting and readable content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery و فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان :

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Meat nose surgery technique

بینی گوشتی

to a nose that has thick skin and a weak skeleton and has a lot of fat glands around the nostrils and the tip of the nose is round; It is called fleshy nose.

افرادی که دارای این نوع بینی هستند ، بهتر است برای انجام جراحی بینی گوشتی به بهترین جراح بینی گوشتی اصفهان مراجعه کنند. Nose surgery is as follows :

جراح بینی خوب اصفهان برای انجام جراحی زیبایی بینی گوشتی با توجه به مهارت خود یکی از روش های جراحی بینی باز یا بسته را انتخاب می کند و تغییرات مورد نیاز را بر روی بینی اعمال می نماید. In open rhinoplasty, the nose doctor makes a small incision on the columella and after removing the skin from the nasal skeleton, makes the necessary changes..

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But in closed nose surgery, no incision is made on the columella and all incisions are made inside the nose.. جراحی بینی گوشتی به طور کلی دارای سه نتیجه فانتزی ، نیمه فانتزی و طبیعی است که با توجه به ویژگی های ساختاری بینی گوشتی اعم از پوست ضخیم و اسکلت ضعیف می باشد.

Who is the right candidate for nose surgery?

If you want to know the answer to this matter, the best thing is to consult a doctor for consultation and visit. The reason is that a specialist always gives you the best and most definitive opinion, of course you should know that you need to go to a very committed and professional surgeon who puts the patient's interests first; Because only such a person can tell you the truth.

You are a suitable person for rhinoplasty if the following conditions apply to you :

  1. If you are not satisfied with the appearance of your nose and this issue has caused your feelings and self-confidence to decrease.
  2. Have reasonable expectations from the result of this process and know that there are some restrictions for making changes on your nose due to its fleshy nature..
  3. You need to make sure that your lifestyle allows you to do the things you need to prepare before the operation and to be able to go through the recovery period after rhinoplasty..
  4. In general, have good physical health and do not suffer from any special problem or disease that prevents you from performing this surgery.
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The main purpose of rhinoplasty is to correct the appearance of the nose, but the methods of doing it are different for men and women..

Male nose surgery: Rhinoplasty for men is one of the most popular procedures in male nose surgery. Most men usually do not look for natural changes in their nose and they focus on correcting the appearance defects. A man's nose is fleshy and consists of a lot of muscle tissue and fat. For this reason, many surgeons do not consider fancy or doll rhinoplasty suitable for men.

Female nose surgery: Nose surgery with fantasy model (Dolls) It has more fans among women. But this type of surgery has a high risk for fleshy noses. For female nose surgery, surgeons recommend using the natural nose surgery model. Because rhinoplasty with thick skin and large wings, which may have a hump on the bridge of the nose, will be difficult to perform upside down, and its durability may be short.. Before performing fantasy or doll surgery, a cosmetic doctor must check the resistance of your fleshy nose and evaluate the possibility of performing this type of surgery..

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Common breathing problems that occur after rhinoplasty :

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Tips for choosing a good doctor for rhinoplasty :

The duration of using glue after nose surgery

In general, you need to use glue for a longer period of time in meat noses than in bone noses. On average, you should use the nasal patch for 4 to 6 weeks; Because the fleshy nose tissue is much softer and more changeable. You can also consult your doctor to get the right glue and get his advice.

How much does nose job cost?

The cost of nose surgery in Isfahan varies according to many factors. Pay attention to the fact that you should not go to any nose surgeon just because of the lower cost and do research about him first. برای مشاهده نمونه کارهای دکتر مجید راستی ، Of nose surgery می توانید به صفحه اینستاگرام ایشان مراجعه کنید و در صورت داشتن سوال از طریق وب سایت یا صفحه ایسنتاگرام سوالات خود را بپرسید.

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