Suture repair after nose surgery

Suture repair after nose surgery

Repair of sutures after secondary rhinoplasty

Several factors such as skin type, the passage of time and the age of the patient, the immune system affect the healing of incisions after nose reconstructive surgery.. Note that smokers and people who regularly use alcoholic beverages . They will be more prone to remain incisions on the structure of the nose. Because the process of recovery and repair of damaged tissues is very slow and does not progress well.

در نتیجه با رعایت مراقبت های بعد از جراحی بینی که از جانب جراح بینی خوب دکتر راستی در اصفهان به شما توصیه می شود . As well as regular use of creams and ointments . You can also take an effective action in eliminating cuts and stitches.

Stay with us with interesting and readable content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery و فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان :

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | جراحی بینی مردان .

Who are suitable candidates for reconstructive nose surgery?

A person who is not satisfied with the results of his primary nose surgery and whose nose structure is strong enough to tolerate another surgery . And if he has general surgical conditions, he will be a good candidate for secondary nose surgery. Some people need 1 year and others 2 years to heal wounds caused by nose surgery. During this time, the swelling of the nose has completely subsided . And the final result is visible, so a person can make a better decision regarding whether or not to perform nose reconstruction surgery..

Study suggestion
Rhinoplasty is very severe

Is it easier to perform rhinoplasty on fleshy noses or bony noses?

Reconstructive surgery requires reopening the nose and removing other cartilages and bones . Also, the shape of the nose will change again . Meat noses with thick skin and weak bones and cartilage usually have a more difficult operation ahead . Because any further change requires thinning of the nose skin and if the doctor is not familiar with this process . After surgery, the nose may droop.

Bony noses are usually much better options for surgery and making changes because they have strong bones and the skin of the nose is very thin in these types of noses, they can usually undergo changes much more easily..

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Recovery after reconstructive nose surgery

As we said before, secondary rhinoplasty is a more challenging surgery . And after that there may be no chance of further reconstructive surgery for some other people . Therefore, the recovery period is considered a golden period for people . And they should be very sensitive about following the care tips and pay attention to the tips that the doctor recommends to them after the surgery.. Some points that are more important after reconstructive surgery . We offer you:

  1. Eat a very healthy diet and drink plenty of water.
  2. Do not smoke and if you are a smoker, quit as soon as possible.
  3. Avoid taking medicines like Advil, Aspirin two weeks before the surgery. Be sure to talk to your doctor about the supplements and vitamins you take before surgery and ask his opinion about taking them before and after surgery..
Study suggestion
Increasing Nose Surgery,fa

Keep in mind that the recovery period is very different for fleshy and bony noses, and fleshy noses require more care..

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty Isfahan | Successful nose surgery.

What is the use of reconstructive nose surgery?

as you know Choosing a good nose surgeon in Isfahan It is considered a very important point . و در این خصوص نباید به قیمت ها توجه نمایید زیرا یک جراح بینی بسیار خوب نسبت به تجارب و نتیجه بسیار خوبی که به شما ارائه می دهد . He gets paid from you . If you are only looking to compare prices and not the quality of work, it is possible . After your initial rhinoplasty, experience problems such as breathing problems or structural defects . and have to undergo reconstructive nose surgery. Because this surgery is capable of correcting breathing problems caused by primary nose surgery, symmetrical nostrils, placing a graft for the tip of the nose, and things like that..

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