Saddle nose and its treatment

Saddle nose and its treatment

Familiarity with saddle nose and how to correct it

A saddle-shaped nose is one of the problems that arise in the anatomy of the nose and causes the beauty of the face to disappear.. This complication can be corrected with rhinoplasty.

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Of nose surgery | Saddle nose and its treatment

What is a saddle nose?

A condition in which the distance between the tip and the ridge of the nose becomes indented is called a saddle nose.. This complication is one of the most common complications of a deformed nose that lowers a person's self-confidence to be present in society and affects a person's positive self-image..

By looking at the picture of this problem, you will realize that this problem destroys the natural and beautiful condition of the nose and the person who suffers from this problem has the right to be unhappy with his appearance..

This condition, which is also called boxer nose, occurs with the weakening or lack of cartilage in the structure of the nose and causes it to deform.. With the development of this complication, the question arises as to what is the cause of it and is there a way to control it.. It is better to know that the cause of boxer's stomachache is not a single case. Rather, a series of cases and causes cause changes in the shape of the nose. The following are the causes of saddle nose.

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Boxer nose due to surgery

One of the common reasons that cause a person's nose to become saddle-shaped is the surgeon's lack of skill for nose surgery. For rhinoplasty surgery, the surgeon must have an accurate estimate of the condition of the nose and be able to remove the cartilage or bone of the nose and make the nose smaller.. Because the slightest carelessness and negligence to remove the nasal arch causes the complication of a saddle-shaped nose..

With this account, the importance of choosing an experienced and skilled surgeon for nose surgery is clear, because if this choice is neglected, the patient will have to repeat the nose surgery to correct the condition of the nose.. Of course, sometimes the patient insists on creating a large arch on the nose, which may cause the nose to become saddle-shaped and disturb the normal anatomy of the nose..

Congenital boxer nose

Another cause of a saddle nose is a congenitally lower than normal cartilaginous or bony septum.. .Therefore, if we look at the person's face from the profile, we will realize that the nose is a boxer and needs to be repaired. Of course, congenital saddle-shaped nose is one of the rare complications, but it can be corrected with surgery.

The rhinoplasty doctor, while paying attention to the patient's expectations and demands for nose surgery, also considers the condition of the nose so that the person does not suffer from breathing problems after the surgery..

Syphilis and leprosy

Some diseases such as syphilis and leprosy target the nasal tissue and by attacking it, they cause the loss of cartilage or bone.. In this way, the nose takes the shape of a boxer's nose and needs to be repaired. The doctor of skin, hair and beauty makes every effort to solve the problems and defects of the face and beautify the face to increase the self-confidence of the patients..

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Bony septum

The bony septum is caused by a severe blow to the nose and changes the appearance of the nose. Of course, this complication can be repaired by correcting the large hole in the nasal septum. جراح بینی To operate the nose, he pays attention to the proportion of the size of the nose with other parts of the face.

Boxer nose due to cocaine use

Chronic or long-term use of cocaine causes the blood flow to the nasal septum to decrease and the nasal tissue to disappear or become necrotic.. This eventually leads to the shrinking of the nasal septum and its saddle shape.

Of nose surgery | Saddle nose and its treatment .

How to treat saddle nose?

Surgery can be used to repair a saddle-shaped nose. However, unlike cosmetic surgery that corrects the nasal shape by shaving the bone or cutting the extra ear, in this method, a new cartilage graft should be used to reconstruct and repair the saddle-shaped nose.. The preferred method for correcting the deformity of the nose is open rhinoplasty, which is usually performed due to a previous rhinoplasty or cytoplasty that was too invasive..

The cartilages of which part of the body are used to reconstruct the saddle-shaped nose?

Cartilages from the lower parts of the patient's body are used to repair the saddle-shaped nose.

  • Middle nasal blade
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In secondary surgery to correct a saddle-shaped nose, in some cases, the middle nasal septum or septum is used for repair. But in cases where these cartilages are removed in previous surgery, it is necessary to remove the cartilage from other parts of the body.

  • Cartilage of ear, ribs and pelvis

In boxer nose reconstructive surgery, ear cartilage, pelvis or ribs are also used to eliminate the saddle nose.. In this method, a small incision is made in the relevant part and the cartilage is removed. If this action is performed on the ear, no change will be made in the appearance of the ear.

How much does boxer nose treatment cost?

The cost of rhinoplasty surgery and correction of its condition is variable for any purpose. Because the shape of a person's nose and the amount of time that a doctor should spend to repair it are different for each person. As a rule, the longer the operation time and the more complicated the procedure, the higher the price of rhinoplasty. So, the cost of boxer nose surgery is not fixed and is influenced by various factors.

The expertise and experience of the doctor and the city and hospital where the operation is performed also affect the price of the operation. Doctors who have more skills and expertise will charge a higher price for saddle nose surgery. Also, in clinics and hospitals where better quality services are provided to patients or the duration of the patient's hospitalization is extended, the cost of the operation increases..

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