Treatment of bruises around the eyes after rhinoplasty

Treatment of bruises around the eyes after rhinoplasty

Some swelling and bruising after rhinoplasty nose depend on several factors, including whether the techniques being used, soft tissue, cartilage, see how touched, whether to bone breaking is needed and whether surgical techniques closed or open rhinoplasty nose is . اگرچه ممکن است یک سال طول بکشد که تورم بینی به‌طور کامل فروکش کند، اما مقدار زیادی از آن در طی چند هفته تا یک ماه، برطرف خواهد شد. طولانی‌ترین تورم اغلب مربوط به نوک بینی می‌باشد.

The cause bruising under the eyes after surgery, rhinoplasty
The cause bruising under the eyes after surgery, rhinoplasty

علت کبودی زیر چشم پس از جراحی پلاستیک بینی

در طی جراحی بینی شکستن استخوان بینی ممکن است مقداری کبودی در زیر چشم‌ها به‌جا بگذارد. بااین‌حال، در جراحی باز رینوپلاستی، بینی توسط جراح به‌طور کامل خشک می‌شود، بنابراین ایجاد کبودی امری غیرمعمول است، مگر اینکه شکستن استخوان بخشی از روند جراحی باشد.

Bruising after surgery, rhinoplasty surgical procedure used to depend. Did the surgeon perform an osteotomy or bone cut and break the nasal bones? Was the operation accompanied by cutting and cutting of soft tissue? If the answer to both of the above questions is yes, prepare yourself for swelling and bruising and possibly dark circles around the eyes during the recovery period..

Study suggestion
If you do not have these conditions, do not have rhinoplasty.

Bruises on his face and around the eyes, which often occurs after surgery of the nose, the result of out drops of blood from damaged blood vessels underneath the skin that leads to discoloration. The intensity of the bruising and discoloration to the type of action performed on the surgeon's skills and depends on the action. A skilled surgeon Rhinoplasty has always been the بیمارش to deal with the side effects and potential risks during the recovery after the surgery makes ready. The patient should be carefully applied and recommendations to close the surgeon orders to improve times spent more quickly and be the best possible outcome is achieved.

The fastest way to improve bruises

The quickest way to reduce bruising and speed healing, strictly comply with the program presented by surgeon. این برنامه همراه با درمان هومیوپاتی برای قبل و بعد از عمل می‌باشد.مراقبت پس از عمل برای بیماران در خانه این است که در ۲۴ -۴۸ ساعت اول، مقداری یخ خردشده را با یک دستکش در سراسر چشم و بینی خود هر ۲۰ دقیقه یک‌بار، Bgzarnd.bhtr is the patient during sleep and rest your head at a height slightly higher than the body needs, or put a pillow under your head, it can significantly reduce the swelling and bruising.

Study suggestion
Have we taken a corona before?

Recommendations to reduce bruising after nose surgery

۱ – Placing a cold compress or ice on the nose for 48 hours after the operation is one of the duties after nose surgery. The use of cold compresses swelling and bruises to minimize. Apply a cold compress or ice on the nose every 30 minutes for at least a few days after surgery.

۲ – Red wines because of the inclusion of the beromalin acts as a zdalthab, so drink it after Rhinoplasty is useful.

۳ – Aspirin, alcoholic beverages and herbal supplements are not allowed due to blood thinning and increased risk of bleeding after nose surgery.. The patient should be based on a general rule at least 7 days before and 7 days after the operation of the intake of these substances in order to avoid the risk of any problem at the time of the action and then recovered in time to reach the minimum.

Study suggestion
Frequently Asked Questions About Anesthesia In Rhinoplasty

۴ – In addition, the patient should refrain from using any product related to the recovery period of nose surgery, whose usefulness has not been proven.. Because the effect of this product is not clear, it may be useful or safe or more dire terms, they. Consult with your doctor before taking any new products is required.

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