Preoperative nose surgery,,fa,Nasal Practitioner in Isfahan,,fa,Best practice nose expert in Isfahan,,fa,March 12th,,fa,What are the dangers and complications of lipomatics?,,fa
- اولین اقدام قبل از عمل زیبایی بینی انتخاب بهترین جراح بینی است.
- After choosing your nose surgeon and the decision to perform a nasal surgery, go to the final counseling session,,fa,The nose surgeon prescribes the required tests and radiology photos and the person is obligated to do,,fa.
- جراح بینی آزمایشات مورد نیاز و عکس رادیولوژی را تجویز می نماید و فرد موظف است انجام دهد.
- Lose your nose for several weeks if you have a cold to heal.,fa.
- For two weeks before nasal surgery, you should avoid taking medications such as aspirin that interfere with blood coagulation.,,fa,Avoid using any kind of tobacco and alcohol for two weeks,,fa.
- به مدت دوهفته از مصرف هرگونه دخانیات و مشروبات الکلی پرهیز کنید.
- Bleed the nose before the nose before surgery, before nose surgery, men should be corrected, and women should be without makeup.,,fa,Dinner style and be at least 6 to 8 hours before your fasting,,fa.
- شام سبک میل کرده و حدود ۶ تا ۸ ساعت قبل از عمل بینی ناشتا باشید.
- Attend the day of your nose surgery with an hour before the appointment at the clinic,,fa,Who is it,,fa.