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We try our best to have the content to your question ( What is rhinoplasty? ) The scientific answer, short and give.
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What is rhinoplasty?
Restoration work is expected to rebuild and reform the practical problem that arose as a result of a previous nose surgery.
In some cases, the rhinosurgeon does not pay attention to the small details and causes small defects that make the patient not completely satisfied with his rhinoplasty..
For example, if the first nasal operation does not pay attention to the size of the nose turbines, the patient will see a specialist again for rhinoplasty and the first nasal surgery defects will be performed to correct the nasal congestion..
To repair the nose, the best rhinosurgeon pays attention to the position of the cartilage inside the nose as well as the defects caused in the operation of the first nose.. The position of the nose before the first rhinoplasty is also checked.
Suggested for you:
If you are like other friends who are looking for a good surgeon to do nose plastic surgery Their own confused and wandered off, and you do not know what to choose rhinoplasty and plastic, we suggest you think Mr. Doctor Majid Rasti ardakani Plastic Surgeon of the nose of a surgeon to perform cosmetic surgery your nose pick, without a doubt, the choice of the best choices you will be because the doctor Majid really good doctors, skilled, experienced that surgery nose with a lot of knowledge and experience in the field doing.