In fact, repair and repair of incisions in nasal surgery occurs when the body multiplies cells in the affected area.
Cartilaginous nose. Cartilaginous nose. But others need treatment to eliminate this complication. There are several conditions known as excess flesh in the nose, some of which are transient and go away over a short period of time, but others require treatment to eliminate the complication.:
But others need treatment to eliminate this complication. But others need treatment to eliminate this complication. But others need treatment to eliminate this complication. These can occur in the areas of the nose where the stitches are applied. These can occur in the areas of the nose where the stitches are applied.
These can occur in the areas of the nose where the stitches are applied. These can occur in the areas of the nose where the stitches are applied. After a short time, they disappear completely and do not require special treatment. After a short time, they disappear completely and do not require special treatment. They may notice excess meat in parts of their nose over time. They may notice excess meat in parts of their nose over time. which requires steps to repair and improve it.
Of nose surgery
This can also be due to insufficient experience of the physician in this field or the type of patient's nose that needs to be repaired and improved.
There are various factors that can cause it Add meat May be nasal after surgery or may even increase the likelihood of it occurring in people, which are as follows:
This can also be due to insufficient experience of the physician in this field or the type of patient's nose that needs to be repaired and improved.
This can also be due to insufficient experience of the physician in this field or the type of patient's nose that needs to be repaired and improved.. Such problems are more common in patients with more pigmented skin, such as Africans or Asians..
Such problems are more common in patients with more pigmented skin, such as Africans or Asians.
Such problems are more common in patients with more pigmented skin, such as Africans or Asians.. Such problems are more common in patients with more pigmented skin, such as Africans or Asians..
Such problems are more common in patients with more pigmented skin, such as Africans or Asians.
In the following, we have mentioned useful solutions to prevent the appearance of excess meat inside the nose after surgery. which can significantly reduce or even prevent the occurrence of this problem.
The effect of surgical procedure on keloid production
usually in A variety of methods for shrinking nostrils The possibility of excess flesh or keloid is very small, because no external incision is made on the nose during surgery.. Of course, you should know that if surgery is performed by a Good nasal surgeon The possibility of such complications after A variety of methods for shrinking nostrils It is also very rare.
Of course, you should know that in case of surgery by a good rhinosurgeon, the possibility of such complications after open rhinoplasty is very low and rare..
Prevention of excess flesh in the place of sutures after nose surgery
The extra flesh that is created in the incisions and its repair by stitches can depend on reasons such as the type of nose, skin color, and the experience and background of the surgeon in this field..
Also, full compliance with the tips and care after Nose surgery It can be one of the most important issues in preventing such complications. In fact, the wings or the edges of the nose, which are considered the most sensitive part Nose surgery are considered, they should be cut and stitched with high precision and skill.
The possibility of this complication in people who have fleshy noses are compared to people with Nasal bone Much more, because they have more fat and muscle tissue. People with fleshy noses are much more likely to have this complication than people with bony noses, because they also have more fat and muscle tissue..