Differences between bony and fleshy noses in surgery

Differences between bony and fleshy noses in surgery

Differences between bony and fleshy noses in surgery

Differences between bony and fleshy noses in surgery : In this article, explanations are provided regarding the difference between bony and fleshy nose surgery. The determining factor of fleshy and bony nose is the thickness of the skin. Bony noses have thin or medium skin and fleshy noses have thick skin. It should be said that naturally, the skin of the lower half of the nose, that is, the part that covers the cartilage, is thicker than the skin of the upper half of the nose, that is, the area that covers the bone..


In bony noses, due to the thinness of the skin, bony details can be seen from under the skin. That is, it is possible if the edges of the bone are broken. touch and see. Also, in the lower half, due to the thinness of the skin, most of the cartilages are strong and firm. And there is less drooping or wideness at the tip of the nose, while in fleshy noses due to the thickness of the skin, cartilage and bone details cannot be seen.. And due to the weight of the skin, the cartilages are often weak and thin. Therefore, in these types of noses, the tip of the nose is flat and wide.

Study suggestion
Postoperative care to strengthen the cartilage of the nose

The result of the operation of bony noses

The advantage of the thin skin of bony noses is this. that the artistic action on the hard tissue, i.e. bone and cartilage, is clearly visible, so if the changes are applied correctly and carefully, the result will be very impressive and significant.. In this way, if there is even the slightest defect. For example, if the edge of a bone is slightly sharp, it can easily be seen under the thin skin.

Of nose surgery | Differences between bony and fleshy noses in surgery

Differences between bony and fleshy noses in surgery :

Bony noses are usually a better case for rhinoplasty. But now, with the special techniques and maneuvers that exist, fleshy noses can be operated and a satisfactory and desirable result can be obtained from them.. Meat noses have a thick skin, that's why the operation of meat noses is more difficult. The results of surgery are very different among these noses. Based on this result, the shape of the patient's face undergoes significant changes .

Study suggestion
How much do we know about rhinoplasty?

The most important point in nose surgery is the mastery and skill of the surgeon. But it is an important criterion that is very effective in this beauty procedure. The thickness and quality of the meat is sick. As we have already mentioned, what is meant by fleshy nose is that this type of nose has thick skin, and in other words, its skin is oily.. This nose is because it has thick and fat skin. In the past years, surgeons believed that removing a lot of this bone and the cartilage in it would improve the appearance of the nose.. But today, nose surgeons, especially ear, nose and throat specialists, pay a lot of attention to strengthening the elements under the skin, such as bone cartilage.

In fleshy noses, if the underlying elements of the skin are removed too much, wounds will be created. which will lead to scarring and permanent indentation; In this case, the result will not be pleasant. Therefore, people think that the operation of fleshy noses will not have a favorable result. But if the tissue strengthening is considered and the surgery is performed with sufficient mastery and skill, it can have a pleasant result.

Study suggestion
As with any surgery, rhinoplasty may occur and cause concern for patients

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Of nose surgery

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